1~the new roommate

We all chorused an "amen" after my father who sat at the edge of the table

He is a big tall man and even while sitting he still towered over us

My mum, clasping her hand stood up and began dishing the food,humming softly .

I looked across the table over at my younger brother, Daniel
although I couldn't see his face since he had his eyes fixed on the table. I knew he was dozing off.

Looking down I picked at my nails, at the side of my thumb was a smudge of green paint,which I rubbed at repeatedly

"Elizabeth,have you sorted out your luggage"

While at it, my dads deep and loud voice startled me for a second, I blinked before quickly replying

"Yes sir"

"Hmm" returning back to reading the pamphlet in front of him, I was rather dismissed

ceramic plate made soft clanking sound

"here" my mum pushed a plate of food towards me and my brother

the smell of the perfume my father had gifted her last week on her birthday drifted to my nose,I almost choked

It smelt just as horrible as the first time she had worn it

My father had said a friend recommended it to him so he had decided to purchase it,my mother not wanting to hurt his feelings had worn it even though the smell wasn't too pleasant

"Thank you"

For a while only the sound of clanging cutleries could be heard ,my parent made small conversation about this and that

Chewing on my food I picked at strands of wool from my skirt when the screeching back of chair had me looking up

"I'm done"
pushing his plates away Daniel stood up to leave

"Sit back,young man" not once did my father look up from his meal, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin, his tone was rather calm

I made sure to glue my eyes to the food in front of me

"Your mother worked hard preparing the best dishes all day in the kitchen and you decided to leave it half eaten?or perhaps you've forgotten there are people out there searching through trashbin to find just a piece of bread ?young man sit down!"

even Without shouting, his voice is quite loud and intimidating.

My mum let out a heavy sigh, Daniel had already sat back on his chair

"Honey,please let him..he...you cant force him to eat when it's obvious hes lacking an appetite", she pacified picking up a glass of water

Father dropped his spoon "Is it every day he's losing appetite?look at him rarely having any peice of flesh on him, all bones!"

My mother pinched the bridge of her nose slightly irritated
I quickly stole a glance at daniel who was stabbing around at his meal his blond hair slightly messy at the temple

Since when we were kids my father would always get mad at us if we did not finish our food, reminding us always that him and his family had nothing to eat while growing up.

For a while It was silent again,except for faint noise of our neighbours dog barking

Beside me, mother broke the silence

"Honey,have you packed everything necessary? Sure you did not forget anything?"
My mother asked, the spot between her brows were still furrowed

I made sure to finish chewing my food before replying, unless I'll earn a glare from my dad

"Yes mum"

"And sarah? have you called her today?"

"Yes mum"

My dad pinched in "Sarah...shes such a respectful and God fearing child, totally obedient to her mother" he glanced at my brother while saying the last part

Sarah is the daughter of my mothers close friend in church,we had met three consecutive time and at first,  each of those meeting left  me as baffled as the other

when her mum had offered for me to come stay in her apartment that was closer to school my father had immediately agreed saying he had been worried about how my dorm roommates might be a bad influence since he had heard many stories of kids turning out wild when they got into college

So tomorrow my parents will be accompanying me to college or rather to sarah's apartment close to college

After dinner my mother and I had cleared the table and had done the dishes while my father lounged in the living room

Before going upstairs I saw the empty transparent box at the foot of the staircase beside the wall. It had new coloured papers in it. randomly i picked one before heading up to my room upstairs

My brother was about entering his room opposite mine

Pausing, he had asked "What did you pick"

Looking down at the paper in my hand, I unfolded it

"A verse about bad company" typical of father


"A verse about obedience"

He smiled wryly "hes so predictable isnt he? A verse about obedience?…"

I muffled my Giggles,the heavy footstep ascending the stairs had both of us hurriedly entering our rooms

After finishing my night duties I sat on my bed cross legged
in front of me,I had placed a bulletin and a pamphlet taking notes and jotting down verses from the paper I had picked.

whenever there are price of papers inside the box it mean my father wants us to read on water had been written on it

Halfway through, I dozed off

The next morning I had rushed down for morning prayers, going back up to take my shower while mum prepared breakfast downstairs.

when I came out of the shower I noticed my luggage wasn't in my room anymore I figured out my brother had probably carried them to the car while o was in the bathroom

Breakfast was light and quick,with a little conversation in between and advices from my mum and dad

it seems daniel was feeling better today because he finished his food

My dad looked satisfied

After breakfast we all hopped into the car with the exception of my brother who gave have me a tight hug in front of the car

"Have fun" he had whispered in my ear

"Hmn" I squeezed back smiling

My father had driven us out ,while my mum fiddled with the radio

The phone in my hand beeped,hoping it was from James I had taped on the screen

"Who is it" mothers sharp voice reached my ear

"Spam message"


From the car mirror I caught her eyes, blinking I looked down back at my phone

It really was a spam message

I really don't know when, but at a point i dozed off not knowing how long we've journeyed I was woken up by my mums gentle taping on my thighs

"Beth,wake up"

From the windscreen I could see Sarah was outside the car with my father. they seem to be in a rather hearty discussion where he laughed patting her shoulders

I alighted slightly stretching my stiff muscles

Sarah had on a blue skirt that wept past her knee and a long sleeved brown cardigan, her brown hair in a simple side parting

She shot a glance at me

...I looked away awkward