10~ Ambush

the days that followed next were sunny and splendid,I even had small skips in my steps every morning as i made my way downstairs

It's so unlike me, and the reason for this change was because of the absence of a certain someone

... well its been four days since Benjamin had stormed out and never returned back to the apartment

The dark ominous cloud that hung around the air seemed to have vanished

Yesterday Sarah divulged to me while we were having a very bad sandwich had she made that her brother had travelled to japan and won't be coming back for a week

Upon hearing such news,Suddenly It seems the sandwich tasted better

For a second I wondered why he went to japan but this thought only stayed in my mind for half a second before it flew off like hay in a desert

It wasn't my business

in actuality, I felt guilty because at a corner of my heart I wised he just didn't comeback here

'Beth you shouldn't have thoughts like this 'I mentally chide myself of course this is his apartment he can do what ever he wants

So today After I got off the phone with mother who was out of town for an event I sauntered lazily downstairs

The golden ray of bright sunlight flooding through the tall windows really did justice to the immaculately designed interior

it really is a beautiful apartment

I walked over admiring the paintings hung on the walls

I've never really had much time to marvel at all the paintings especially the best ones which I know are in the hallway to his room nor did I even dare go there for the fear that the the one who painted them might come yank them off the wall, then gouge out my eyes

So I wouldn't even dare venture through the hallways,that alley was off limits, Even though I was curious to see them

Since I know I can't see those,the one hung at the kitchen was the best so far.

my fingers trailed the coarse surface of the canvas

It was a simple painting of a woman seated in a green field, but it was quite detailed

The landscape, the horizon behind, the unique play with light and even the minute detail of the small tuff of grass on her hair ,His technique was worth praising

I've also always drawn since I was a young child and I'm in no way as good as him

how can he be so talented when he's an as-

"pretty isn't she? He painted that when he was was 14"

Sarah startled me

I had been so engrossed in my admiration that I didn't notice her walk into the kitchen.

My roommate had a half eaten apple gripped in her fist The sleeves of her oversized shirt had been rolled up ,her tattoos on full display

The thought of my parent seeing her in this state crossed my mind, I held back a soft laugh

dad would probably look constipated

"wow he's so talented" I complemented although it's was against my will but I won't deny that it's such a great thing to achieve at just fourteen years old

Sarah snorted

"Like I told you already this isn't his best work, his best works are over there" my gaze followed the direction of her hand that lead to the hallway across the kitchen

The hallway of death.


she smirked "wanna go check it out" her voice alluring

"no " before she was done speaking I shook my head

Sarah laughed making a whoo ghost sound

"I know you're dying to just get a glimpse your eyes keep wandering there" she scooted closer to me dropping an arm over my shoulder she said to me conspirating

"He's not gonna be at home for another week why not take the chance eh?"

I shook my head

Sarah continued "He won't know, how will he know when he's thousands of miles away" she winked at me

Like a robot I shook my head again to disagree

Sarah pinched my cheek


I haven't really felt the urge to paint ever since I moved here but perhaps because of the earlier conversations With Sarah this morning I was craving to feel the brush in my hand ,I would need to go buy some art supplies

It's currently 5pm I packed my hair in a loose ponytail which I know mother would disapprove of she always says it looked unkempt

Sighing i walked back to the mirror, I know my mother wasn't here to even scold me but I couldn't help letting down my hair and brushing it properly into neat curly waves

After sending a short text to Sarah who wasn't at home I left for the bus station

20 minutes later I had almost everything I needed in hand except a certain brand of acrylic which was way up the shelf

"Need any help" a hand reached over to help me grab the paint

"Oh, thanks- Markus?" I gasped surprised to see the familiar face

I was taken aback by the drastic change in his appearance

He didn't have his glasses on, and his hair was a little bit slicked back while some hung down his forehead

He looked more…I can't seem to find the right word

Taking the paint, I thanked him I'm still not totally used to speaking to him but Markus is a very nice person and makes people feel comfortable I guess That's why it's gets easy each day to talk to him, if it were any other person I would have stumbled over my words

"What are you doing here?" He asked quizzing as if the last place he's thought he'd ever see me was here

"I raised the items in my hand"

"You paint?" He looked even more surprised

"That's so cool" he further complemented

Flustered I quickly pointed at him "what about you ?

"Do I paint? He asked pointing at his chest

"No I mean what are you doing here" embarrassed at how I had phrased my previous question I scratched my ear

he point at his name tag which I had missed before

"I work here"

Against my pleases He took all the supplies from me as we walked to the checkout counter

At the counter a blond boy packed my things sending me a wink

Marcus threw him a strange look

After packing them he looked at me "So you're Beth right?" He abruptly asked

Surprised at how he knew mg name I glanced at Markus

"Damn it, Nathan!" Marcus cursed punching his coworkers skinny arm, the boy laughed as if he didn't feel a thing

As Marcus walked me out I asked

"How does he know my name? has Sarah been here?"

Marcus stared at me blankly, a look I couldn't understand on his face

was I wrong? I'm sure its Sarah that had been telling people about her new roommate even before i arrived

Marcus looked down the up,scratching the back of his neck he said

"You know Beth, at the basketball court I wanted to ask you Um, if you-"

"Marcus please come help me get something!!!" Nathan hollered

Marcus Closing his eyes rubbed between his furrowed brows he apologised

"Sorry, Um I'll see you in school get home safe"

I nodded watching him quickly return to his duty

What was it he wanted to say ?


By the time I got home it was getting dark and Sarah wasn't back so I didn't bother making diner I just ate the left over food I made earlier in the morning

while eating my eyes keep flickering over to that place

Right from the elevator a certain thought had started blooming in my mind and upon entering the big apartment, the quietness and emptiness convinced me further to do it

what's Sarah said flashed flashed across my mind

'How Will he know he's thousands of miles away from here,

Biting my lip I closed my eyes for a second to gather courage

I swallowed, making my way slowly to the hallway the light wasn't on so I was in darkness I searched blinding around the wall for the switch

'Beth what are you doing ' I asked myself

Recently I've found myself doing thing I wouldn't have ever dared to do

Maybe I should turn back

but I didn't, a decision which I would come to regret in the next second because goosebumps suddenly rose on my skin

it was like a fever dream,like your worst nightmare coming to life

"Looking for something?" The low yet cold voice reached my ears

I froze too shocked to move

A cold shiver ran down my spine on hearing that familiar sneer

H-how when did he-

From here on,Everything happened so fast

A shrill scream escaped my mouth as he suddenly lunged for me

In a second I was helplessly pinned against the wall with my hands clasped firmly in his hands up against the wall, The full length of his body pressed me into the wall as I helplessly struggled