"WHBHFBOVHFBW!" Ari flew back.
"Pfft," The boy laughed.
Ari forced himself to calm down. "Who are you?"
"Hm? Me?...mmmm...Call me Shurl!"
"Why are you here?"
"Well I heard about you, and then I saw you run here so I followed you!" Shurl replied.
"...Ok...but if you don't need anything else, then i'm going to leave...." Ari slowly backed away.
"Heh?! Why don't you talk to me more!" Shurl whined.
"..I have work. Goodbye." Ari ran away with all her strength. And when she ran with all her strength, it looked like a flash for a normal person. But for Shurl, it looked like speed walking.
"Interesting,interesting. No wonder why Lixian is interested in you..." Shurl smiled softly. "I wonder what's behind the mask?...."
Ari was running as fast as he can. His soft blond hair flew behind him.
"Oh my god oh my god!" Ari thought. "Does this world hate me or something?! There's a cute boy who looks like this body! Exactly my type! And if that wasn't enough, there was a hot guy on a horse!!! AAARGGGGGHHHHHH!"
Ari slowed down once he reached the camp, and started drinking some water.
"Yo Ari, where did you run off to?" Arask asked him.
"Nah, I think I just saw something."
"What was it?"
"Bro i'm just asking!"
"Po." Arask turned his head and continued setting up his tent.
Ari looked for his tent and spotted it on the wagon still. It was a orange tent that was big enough to hold 2 people. Though, no one else was sharing the tent with him. He unfolded it, and started setting it up.
After 30ish minutes, Ari finally finished. He whipped the light sweat on his forehead, and saw his blond hair.
"Hmm..I like blond hair and all, but it's like....to bright." Ari loved blond hair, but his hair would get dirty by the littlest things. It was a bit annoying having to wash your hair every time you do something dirty. Plus he couldn't just let his hair get dirty, it looked like a hobo that played around in the mountain type of look.
Ari found Arask in his tent reading.
"Is there anything that can dye my hair?"
"Huh? Why?"
"My hair gets dirty to easily."
"Hmm..ask one of the mages."
"Thanks," Ari walked off to where the mages where. Their tents were greenish and had a dark black on them. Kind of like camouflage.
"Hm? Do you need anything Ari?" Asked Livia, a guild mage.
"Do you have anything to dye my hair?"
"Uh yeah we do, but why?"
"Gets dirty easily," He pointed to a part of his hair where it had dirt in it.
"Ehh?? But blond hair looks super cute!"
"Well I just can't wash my hair every few hours."
"Ah, I see. Come follow me." Livia got up and motioned him to follow her. Ari found himself in Livia's tent, not too far away.
Livia picked up a pendant shaped object, Ari could faintly sense magic in it.
"I usually use this to dye my clothes, but I use it to dye my hair too." She pointed to the top of her head. He saw her brown hair fading into golden.
"Ohhh, I didn't know your hair was brown." Ari said.
"Yea, I just dye it whenever my hair grows. But anyways, what color do you want?"
"Hmm..maybe black?"
Livia put mana into the pendant and a black color came out. It then floated towards Ari and his light golden hair turned pitched black. Ari didn't like it a lot, compared to his golden hair.
"You can still switch the color you know?" Livia said, noticing his discomfort.
"Ah, sorry to trouble you but can we try brown?" Ari rubbed the back of his head.
"It's ok." Livia put mana in it again, and a brown substance came out. It floated, and turned Ari's hair brown.
Ari liked it more then his black hair, and it must have showed since Livia laughed a bit.
"What?" Ari asked.
"No, nothing." Livia giggled.
After a few more conversations, Ari walked out of the tent and went towards Arask's tent to surprise him.
"How you like my hair?" Ari stuck his head in.
"..." Arask looked wide eyed.
"Is it that horrible?"
"Ah, no it actually looks better." Arask answered.
"Yea, and do you want a hair tie?" Arask asked. Ari's hair seemed to have grown a bit when he dyed his hair, and now it was barely touching his shoulders.
"Sure." Ari took the black hair tie and just tied to back of his hair in a small back ponytail. His front hair hung down, and Ari looked more charming.
Ari thanked him for his help, and went back into his tent. He read some books, until it was time for dinner. There, the people who knew how to cook made simple soups and fried vegetables.
Ari was in the middle of eating, when she saw Lixian come over with Shurl.
"..." Ari just looked at them in a blank stare.
Lixian turned towards him, and widened his eyes a bit. Then he blinked and his eyes turned normal again. Shurl of the other hand, just bounced towards him.
"Wahhh Ari! Did you dye your hair?! I almost didn't recognize you if it wasn't for the mask!" Shurl smiled.
Xinxus and the others looked at him.
"You know his excellency, Shurlon?" Xinxus asked.