Ari was finishing up the last preparations, when a large horn sounded. Ari looked up and saw a hoard of blackish, squiggly things. There were also big dogs the size of a door frame.
Ari calmed himself and started giving people small supporting buffs he learned not too long ago from the mages. Shurlon was grinning, and Lixian sighed. Ari could tell Shurlon was probably gonna do a mass murder, so he avoided his direction.
"Charge!!!" Xinxus's voice rang out loud in the crowd. All the mages started casting, most of them were casting light magic but the ones who couldn't did water magic. A demon's main attributes are fire and dark, so either magic was fine.
Most of the fighters started forming a formation and ran ahead. Ari's job was to distribute things when the adventurer's ran out of items. It was still the start, so Ari's job wasn't ready yet.
Ari accidentally peeked over to Shurlon's side and immediately regretted it. Shurlon was laughing, covered in blood, and bodies of the demons were scattered all around him. Lixian was killing the demons skillfully and was circling around the mage tents.
Ari threw up a bit in his mouth. ..Why no censor?...Does it only work when I kill something?'s not it's not the same....right?
Ari gagged and threw up in a bush. He was trying to convince himself it was a monster..after all the demons had blue blood.... Shurlon saw Ari throwing up, and was a bit confused. Didn't he just chop off a man's leg? Why are disgusted by demon blood?
If Ari heard his thoughts, he would have screamed "It's because of you! You!! You're bathing in blood!!"
After Ari was done, he realized the fighters were beginning to run out of stamina. The mages noticed this and tried to help them, but the fighters were too many. Ari grabbed a bag full of healing potions, and started handing them out to the fighters.
The melee fighters were thankful, and the battle continued on. As Ari was going back for more potions, he felt someone grab his uniform collar. The grab forced Ari to gag as the collar hit his neck hard.
He looked up and saw a sword belonging to a skeleton hanging right above him. Ari swiftly drew his sword and slashed the skeleton's head off. The skeleton was still alive but it couldn't hurt anybody, so Ari looked to see who grabbed him.
There was a muscle man with black snake tattoos.
"H-Hey did you pull me?!" Asked Ari as he tried to avoid the skeletons.
"Yea, so what?" The man replied, while hacking off a demon hound's head. Ari almost vomited again, but he kept it in.
"Y-You should be more careful next time! I could have died!" Ari pushed back some globs of dark matter.
"I don't care, now scram!" The muscle man pushed back Ari. Ari was about to retort, but he kept it in and continued his job.
On his way back, Ari was grumbling to himself. "These selfish.." Ari had a sour expression on. When Ari got back, he continued doing his job.
Ari was resting against a tree. The hoard was over and out of the 5,000 people participating, only about 200 died or were wounded. After they were done paying their respects to the deceased, everyone was focused on the wounded.
Ari saw Shurlon sauntering over, and Ari immediately went somewhere else. As Ari was walking along, he found some rabbits so he yeeted them.
"You have leveled up."
Species: Phas
Level: 10
Str: 17
Int: 22
Def: 15
Skills: Phase,Dash, low level healing, low level buffs
Stat points left: 2
"Hmm put one and stamina." Ari said. He saw how he desperately needed stamina when he was helping out, so it was a must have. Intelligence because he needed more time to use his ability phase and to use magic more.
Ari decided to find more beasts.
He was walking around and saw a spiky animal, he tried to sneak up on it but it turned around and shot spikes at him. He managed to dodge last minute,(which was pretty incredible, since he was literally right infront of the animal.) but one spike hit his hand.
"Ow...s*** that hurts like hell!" Ari tried to ease the pain. "What beast is this?! A porcupine?! But why is a porcupine here?!" he thought. He grew angry and so he didn't run away.
He healed his hand, and it eased up the pain a little bit. Ari then grabbed a large bark from a tree, to use as a shield. When he got close, the porcupine like beast shot spikes at him again.
But this time, he was ready. He held up the bark and the spikes penetrated the shield, but it didn't go through. Ari looked at the bark and gulped.
"...That was pretty close my dude! If the bark wasn't a bit more thick, then he would have had a chestful of spikes!" He shivered. He got ready for another round.