First, let's quickly imagine certain scenarios:


1. What if you found out after many years past that your entire life was a lie and there was more to what you were told by the ones whom you love the most—family? #half-truth.

2. What if you ended up having an encounter with your doppelgänger and the baton of saving another man's life rested on your shoulders from then on, what would you do?

3. What if you realized that the battle before you wasn't as easy to conquer as you thought it would, and in the process of doing the saving you indirectly put your own life on the line, what then?


4. What if you realized that the one you thought you loved, was no longer the one who held the key to your precious heart, but instead, you'd fallen head over heels in love with a woman with a Neptune dark past who happens to be the daughter of the one-time notorious Nosa Castro clan leader of the Italian mafia, and who had headed the Mafia community for a period of years after her dad had fallen by the gun? Would you push through with your emotions or subtly relent?

5. What if this villainess you've come to love is one whom you are withholding a dark secret from, and whose greatest law holds that In her kingdom, forgiveness was a SIN? How do you break it to her that you're not who she thought you were the entire time?

6. What if because of you, she's vowed to take vengeance on the woman you once loved and a one-time fling you had when you were drunk and vulnerable, and this villainess pushes through with her threats, would you love her still after she's placated herself of her fury for feeling betrayed? Or would you crush such deep-rooted emotions of love?


The book "LOVE AND DECEIT" is a book that depicts an Italian mafia-themed deceitful romance saga.

Remember lovelies that this book is tagged accordingly and is rated 18. So, when you come across scenes that are action-packed and gory, or highly sexual explicit scenes, or use of bad language occasionally, please remember that it is strictly R18, and I have that much freedom to express the scenes however it becomes relatable to you, my readers and me as well.

Also, even though the book is centred in Italy, with splashes of other countries mentioned here and there, it is purely a work of fiction. As such, some ideas may not correlate with the environmental setting(although so far I've been doing a lot of research to broaden my scope of experience), also you'd notice a little Italian(with English translations of course, for clarity).

Names and likeness to any character in this book are clearly fictional and unintended if it coincidentally relates to anyone living or dead.

Also, some chapters may be slower than some, but I feel it just about works for this book if it's written that way. I'd do my best to re-edit so if peradventure you read along and notice some grammar errors, please kindly point it out, and I will work to rectify it as soon as I can.

Lastly, for now, this book is published:

@Two chapters a day(2 chps/24hours)

@6:00 am / GMT+ 8

The number of chapters published per day will increase with reader interest.

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I love you.😘😘