Chapter 33

•Day Thirty-seventh (37) of Impersonating Gustavo Rodríguez•

Days kept succeeding each other, and two more days would make it two weeks passed after my experience at the fourteenth floor of the hotel Magnífico. To feed my curiosity, I have sneaked up there for the umpteenth time, to be sure the 'suite in question', stayed uninhabited.

Foolish move? No, don't fret readers, because I never went there alone. I always went with a couple of staff, actually cleaning staff, in the guise of putting the suites on the floor in shape, including 'that one'. But, everything stayed the same with no worries, so I relented, eventually.

This afternoon, my troubles were different. Days were slowly creeping into months, and in a couple of weeks, it would be two months since I saw my Pa and aunt. And, Concetta of course. Also, I see less and less of Antonio by the day.