"Yes, I am just worried for her sake. Because, when Santo lets her go, she would feel hurt. I don't think she can recover from it when it does happen." Felicia seemed certain of her assumptions. For a while, she had been harbouring a hunch that Santo may have been held back also because of woman drama. 'I can't tell my brother about my hunch. It should remain just a hunch for now,' she thought.
"You seem so sure. What makes you so sure that Santo would let her go? He would be a fool to let her go. She is a treasure among most, the brightest of pearls. She loved him even when he had little money."
"Don't get me wrong brother," Felicia interjected, "I am not saying Santo doesn't appreciate her for being supportive. But you know how these things work, you are a man yourself. You have been in his shoes, and you didn't get married to the one who stood by you the most."
At Felicia's comment, Pa Martini's thoughts swayed to his youthful days. As he remembered his first love, Sarah.