"You don't get my deductions yet. Do you?" I enquired of Gusty G, "I put it to you that Dora has not been by the Art Café before that day. Or even if she has, not dressed in that manner. Also, it was too easy for her to give in to my demands for sex."
"Yeah. Well, it was too easy for you to demand sex straight away, Santo. So, you both lacked morals. Don't shift the blames to her alone." His tone sounded more like a reprimand, at least that was the subtle vibe I got from his utterances.
"I am not apportioning blames to anyone, Gus. Besides, you are a ghost. You should be all saintly, and not judge me for my sexual excesses." I snarled at him after speaking.
"Hahaha, don't be too serious, Santo."
"But you are the one sounding all judgmental, right now. Not me!" I said in my defence.
"Alright, alright. Just get on with what you were saying, Santo."