A few hours later...
"Hey! Check him out! Is he still breathing?"
"What do you mean? He's probably just sleeping."
"I don't know you two, but seems to me like he's passed out-"
"Quit whining, and let me see for myself."
The last guy to speak had a hawkish build, and all three of them had come by the containment to check on their hostage.
Leaning over by Pero's side, the militant guy poked out his fingers and positioned them under Pero's nostrils to ascertain if he could feel a sensation of warmth from Pero's breathing.
"And? Is he still breathing?" The one guy galled the hawkish guy causing him to feel irritated.
He grunted.
"So?" The other guy asked this time.
"Will you both keep shut? Surely he's not a chicken to just die so cowardly-"