By this time, he had his eyebrows arched at me but said nothing in a hurry.
After an understandable time frame had drifted by, he got ready for me.
"Santo, it's true that I don't trust the Polizia. It's very correct indeed. However, us getting an investigator involved, doesn't mean he's to be trusted a hundred percent either."
"Then why get one involved?"
Okay, I think my question was a dumbass one.
Common sense, Santo!
"Those people are skilled to do underground digging up of facts and stuff as well as knowing how to keep their mouth shut."
"What I'm saying here is we don't need to tell him the actual truth that I am dead, and you are playing me."
"Ooh! That's a smart one then. So we'd just need to tell him that my life--actually your life feels threatened. Is that it?"
"Well, something along those lines should just about cut it."