Immediately the call dropped on account of Belinda, he decided to get his phone back in his trouser pockets, but then he felt a buzz on his mobile and squinted to see who it was, amidst the brightness of the morning glow.
Quickly, after realizing who it was, he got set to receive the call.
"Honey, how are you doing?" he asked the one at the other end of the call, seemingly his spouse.
"I am fine, honey. What about you? Are you feeding well? You know we miss you...we both miss you..." her beautiful voice trailed off.
Rico felt guilty as her words echoed through to him. He beat himself up in his mind for having neglected his family all the while he had been at Saraceno sourcing for information pertaining to his work assignment.
"I know you both do, honey and I assure you that I think about you and Jean Carlos every day. It's just work-"