The Youngling!

Far off in the Universe, or in this case, around the center of it was a planet called Coruscant. This was the place and base of Operation for the Jedi. An uncountable amount of ships could be seen flying in an organized route within the sky.

Within the Temple were also many Jedi, there were also younglings. This brings us to our main focus, our Main Character. Xytan was currently training with other younglings since he was a youngling himself.

He wore standard brown Robes like the rest of the children, he had a helmet over his head to focus and block attacks with his training lightsaber. These lightsabers or practice Sabers and had a blade containment field.

They were lightsabers that were not only set to a lower power, but the containment field made it considerably harder to inflict damage as the energy was far more contained. This prevented the weapons from severing limbs or causing death. The most it could do was minor bruises and cause minor burns.

The person in charge of the younglings was currently Shaak Ti. The Year was 20 BBY, so Xytan knew what was to come. He couldn't remember his parents from his previous Dimension, but he remembered the ones he was birthed by.

Due to his High Force Sensitivity, he was picked up by a Jedi. Xytan didn't know the Jedi's name, but he knew that the Jedi was a Temple Guardian who sported a Gold and White Mask over his face at all times.

"That's enough, you guys did well. It's lunchtime, go over to the lunchroom and fill up to gather your stamina back." Shaak Ti nodded with a smile before speaking to everyone.

"Yeah, I'm starving, let's eat!" One of the younglings that appeared to also be a Togruta called out in excitement before everyone else did the same. Everyone sat down their equipment before going off towards the Lunchroom.

Xytan also sat his equipment down. Xytan was a Brown-skinned kid, he was technically a black kid from his past world's standards. His eyes were strangely Purple, he had sharp eyebrows with a low taper hair cut.

"Hey, Xytan, let's go get lunch together!" Right as he took his helmet off, he was approached by 2 individuals.

One of the kids was Human, while the other was a Twi'lek. The Human had the appearance of an Asian kid, no, he was Asian. It was no telling what group he belongs to, but in the Star Wars universe; a Human was just a Human.

Next to him was the Twi'lek, it was a female, her coloration was different from the standard Twi'lek. Her skin was Light Lavender Purple all over until they reached the tip of her Lekku's, which were Violet at the end.

"Yeah, sure, lead the way." Xytan simply nodded, he was also hungry.

However, every time he imagined himself getting slaughtered as a youngling, he nearly couldn't help but lose his appetite. He had told Shaak Ti and other Jedi about the future of the Republic, but he was merely a youngling; they didn't believe him.

Though, they did acknowledge his potential in the force; a youngling was still a youngling. Constantly thinking this had spawned some fear in Xytan, he didn't want to die just like that. So, he bothered Shaak Ti about it often; this particular time, she quickly exited the room to avoid him.

Xytan's mouth twitched, he'd find the time to bother her again later.

"Okay, let's go!" The Twi'lek girl grabbed his hand and the 3 of them ran off to the Mess Hall. The Mess Hall's floors were white with many tables station all around the place. Many of the younglings lined up to get their food in a single file line.

The 3 stepped in line and waited.

"I can't wait to become a Jedi Knight! I'll help fight in the wars to beat the enemies of the Republic." The youngling boy that came with Xytan said excitedly.

"Ahm, Jin is right, we'll all work together to be strong and fight for w-what's right." The Twi'lek girl stubbled a bit on her words, but got them out.

"Yeah, sure. Viola, we'll just have to train more to reach that level of strength." Xytan only nodded. He didn't choose to be a Jedi, but he wasn't against it either.

"Yeah, we should train more and we should end up on the same battlefield to watch each other's backs." Xytan was surprised to hear her talk about participating in the war so excitedly, she didn't understand what war was all about; the losses people sustained in them were harsh.

Xytan began to explain that war wasn't such an exciting thing and that many will die from it. Jin, himself, and her could very well die in the war. The once excited expression she had quickly faded when he said this, she looked down; apparently in deep thought.

Before she could say anything, they were being served their food before going over to a seating area to eat.

"Y-you won't die, right Xytan? I don't want you to die." Viola finally spoke once they sat down to eat.

"No...I hope." He wasn't worried about the clone wars because he'd never see it. Xytan was worried about being slaughtered or shot to death more than anything else. And if he did escape safely, where would he go, he was merely 5 years old.

"No, you can't die!" Viola grabbed Xytan and hug him tightly.

"I won't die, I won't, now let me eat!" Xytan hurriedly and said.

"Okay." Viola nodded with googly eyes before she started eating.

He was born with an amazing Innate ability, which was Shatterpoint, however, none of the Jedi knew about this ability of his. Xytan had also acquired something amazing when he came to this world, and that was a System.

The System sold things related to Starwars, Halo, and lastly, weapons dealing with the Predator! This system had another unique feature, he could literally purchase living things off of it.

For instance, he could purchase Clones that would be absolutely loyal to him no matter what. He could also summon Droids that the separatist used in the current war. Xytan had thought of Buying some of these Clones and Droids to allow him a clean escape when the time came.

He had been given a Starter Box he had yet to open, but he didn't think it was the best time for that. There were also weapons and machinery he could buy, like the legendary AT-AT. He could also buy Covenant ships from Halo, including the Halo Sword. Of course, he had no use for the Halo sword since a Lightsaber was better in his book.

Each regular Clone Trooper didn't cost much, only costing Xytan 10 System Points each. This was for the Phase 1 Troopers, as the Phase 2 Troopers cost an extra 5 System Points.

What was even more amazing was, he could buy Jedi from the system! They wouldn't be from the canon show or anything, but he could edit their looks and so forth. However, Jedi cost way more than a mere Clone Trooper.

As of now, he had 0 System Points, so he couldn't buy a thing for himself. This had aroused many thoughts for his future, he could essentially create his own force! Xytan was unaware of what reality he was in, it was either the Movie Multiverse or the Legends.

"As long as I can live, I will surely impact the Starwars Universe!" Xytan knew that when Order 66 was in effect, Shaak Ti would be in the Temple at that time. He would have to be really adamant in warning her before the Temple was sacked. After all, she would meet her demise at the hands of Anakin while she was meditating.

When he was taken away from his home after being birthed in the world for 2 weeks, his Midichlorian count was checked. The man used some tool to check Xytan's count and deemed him very much worthy to become a Jedi.

Xytan had a Midichlorian count of 16,000!

Xytan checked his status soon after before he started eating again.


|Name: Xytan'Jar Wattinree (Human)

|Age: 5

|Attributes: Strength: 6.1 |Agility: 9.2 |Speed: 8.1 |Constitution: 2.1 |Wisdom: 9|

|Combat Techniques| Piloting-Lv: 2 (Advanced)| Telekinesis-Lv: 7 (Beginner)| Shii-Cho-Lv: 5 (Beginner)|

|Force Skills: Force Push,

|Passive/Activation Skills: Force Foresight, ShatterPoint, Force Focus,

|Midichlorian Count: 16,000


The average Clone Trooper had a stat-level in each stat around 15 to 17 with higher ranking Clones being higher to some degree. This was only so with Strength, Agility, Speed, and sometimes Constitution, but this wasn't so with Wisdom.

Xytan knew that in the future the Clone Troopers would be dropped and replaced with Storm Troopers. This would be the best time to bring forth his Clone army, but he needed a good place to hide from the Empire. There were just too many things he had to do, it was nauseating just thinking about it.

He would eat, then go back to train and plan; he also had to bother Shaak Ti later.