Three Scenarios!

Xytan contiuned downloading archives, but he soon cursed in his thoughts. He should have brought A-1 with him to help with this. These were archives, but he still called them books because it was a library. They had to be pulled out and opened to get their hands on the information, these were data chips.

"Viola, can you head back to my room and bring A-1 to me?" This Droid would help him a lot. After all, it was linked to the system and could do laborious tasks for him.

AN: A-1 is its new nickname now instead of AS-11.

"Yeah, sure." Viola looked around before nodding.

"Be sneaky with it so you don't get caught and possibly told to stay in your room." Xytan had already finished two shelves by this point.

"Of course, you can rely on me." Viola patted her chest with confidence before running off.

"No running in the Library." Jocasta swiftly turned her head and squinted at the Youngling.

"S-sorry!" Viola stopped and bowed before turning to speed walk away. Xytan snickered quietly seeing her strange walking motion.

Viola had been bugging him about the reward he promised her, but he told her to wait, for now. Xytan hummed to himself as he touched every archived file while passing through the isle.

Jocasta would often look in his direction to see what he was up to, but he wasn't doing anything worth mentioning. Though, she wondered why this kid was touching every archive. Did he like how the files felt or something?

"Be careful. Don't press on them, you may cause the shelves to tilt and fall." Jocasta could be seen dusting the shelves herself. However, there was no dust, this place was completely squeaky clean. She must keep the place up by doing this every other day or weekly.

"Yes, I won't." Xytan gave a quick reply and continued with what he was doing.

Jocasta never left the library, even when the disturbance outside would have incited many Jedi to check it out. Xytan backtracked this time, he grabbed a ladder in order to touch the files on the top shelves.

This was why he needed A-1, he also needed it if he wasn't allowed on the top floor. After thinking about it, Jocasta might kick him out of the library if she saw him using the ladder.

"Ugh, I'll just wait until Viola gets back. Until then, I'll just touch the ones I can reach." Xytan continued to work on one side of the library. He only needed to touch a file for a second before the downloading process started.

Soon, he was done on one side so he waited for Viola to appear. He had been doing this for 40 minutes, so he sat down to relax a bit. Right as he just sat down, Viola appeared with A-1 standing on her shoulder.

'Damn, you would appear now.' Xytan stretched and stood up, it was around lunchtime.

"I got him. At first, he was reluctant to come until I threatened that you would deactivate him." Viola grinned smugly as she turned her head towards the droid, who, in return avoided her gaze.

"Very nice! That's the best way to get things done in some cases. Get over here A-1, you have a job to do for me." Xytan gestured his hand for A-1 to follow him. Making a robotic sound, it jumped off Viola's shoulder with force, albeit, on purpose.

"Ouch! You!" Viola pushed her hand forward and used the force, causing A-1 to crash into the ground. A-1 stood up and looked back at Viola, it seemed to be glaring at her but she glared right back at it.

"Hurry up A-1!" Xytan was already in the aisle. Turning away to ignore Viola, A-1 flew over to Xytan.

Once they were there, it got down to business soon after. Xytan made sure to instruct A-1 on what to do precisely. What row of files it needed to touch and how long it needed to touch them.

Xytan was going to keep this information to himself and give them to Luke Skywalker later. Of course, he would have his own copy, but stuff like this needed to be reserved. Xytan would do the same for Sith archives if he had any in front of him, it was all the same for him.

Xytan decided to take a break, so he went to talk to Jocasta Nu.

"Young fella, what are you doing now? Are you done with what you were doing?" Jocasta got down from the ladder.

"Kinda, sorta. I just wanted to talk with you, miss Nu." Xytan said with a smile, he truly looked like an innocent 5-year-old.

"Oh, I heard you sought some knowledge, what can I help you with little guy?" Jocasta couldn't help herself when she saw him like this.

"Miss Nu, do you believe in the visions?" Xytan asked curiously.

"Visions? Hmm, the council tells us not to believe in such things, so we shouldn't take them seriously. As for you, little fella, you shouldn't believe in them either." Jocasta knitted her eyebrows.

"So I've been told." Xytan squinted his eyes and stared her right in the face.

"Why do you ask this, have you been seeing things?" Jocasta widened her eyes a bit.

"Yes, I've seen a few things. I know about that Lightsaber Rifle you have in here. I also know about that secret underground passage." Xytan stated a few things.

"You know a lot for your age, but that wouldn't explain what you've seen." Jocasta was secretly stunned, who told him about these things?

"Miss Nu, I don't wanna sound mean when I say this but I saw you. However, it's best you know what lies ahead. After all, this precious information within the library will be destroyed when that time comes."

"The temple will be sacked one day and the Jedi destroyed. So, I wanted to just warn you to have everything ready to flee on that day." Xytan said with a smile.

"Xytan, was it? You said the Temple will be sacked in the future? Is this your vision? Child, you shouldn't take those types of things seriously. You may need to talk to a Master about this, you have so much faith in such things."

They were told not to believe in such things, so she was finding this hard to believe. Xytan just looked her in the eyes for a while, saying nothing.

"Dooku, right? You seemed to have faith in him returning to the Jedi Order one day. You also seemed to like him in 'that way' very much, right?" Xytan started to pry a bit.

"Child, my relationship with him is that of old comrades and nothing more." Jocasta's eyes widened for a second before regaining her neutral expression. However, she was wondering how this kid knew so much, what if he was right about the Temple?

So many thoughts were racing through her mind, but he never clarified who these invaders were.

"So you say, I guess it's me just overthinking things." Since she wouldn't listen, then it is what it was.

"Wait...tell me what else you think you say, like this enemy." Just as he was about to continued scanning the Archives, Jocasta spoke out.

"But they're just vision, you shouldn't take them to heart, right?" Xytan turned around and stared at her strangely.

"Child, don't be smart. Just tell me what you saw, so I can judge it." Xytan looked at her closely, these were clearly excuses. Was she believing in what he was saying? He smiled in his heart at the very thought.

"Well, I won't say much." Xytan continued, "I saw you there, but at the same time, you weren't there. I found that whether you were there or not, or if you were supposed to be or not depended on your actions." Xytan frowned coldly and said seriously.


"I saw Three Scenarios, but you didn't appear in 2 out of the 3. This indicates that you died in those 2 scenarios, while in the last one, you survived." There were 2 ways this Jedi died in the Star Wars series, she was either killed by Anakin or later by Vader. In Canon, she was killed by Anakin within the temple, while in Legends she was killed by Vader when she tried to recover a memory crystal.

For this third, if she listened, there was a chance she could see the next generation of Jedi. This meant she would even have a chance to meet Luke as Yoda did before dying.

Xytan could hear her breath speeding up slightly, this allowed him to sense her emotions. There was a bit of fear and wariness, but this was only for a moment.

Jocasta got ahold of her emotions quickly, she wasn't afraid of death. She was afraid of the eradication of all this precious Jedi History. Jocasta treasured these things, even more so than her own life.

Even if Jocasta failed, Xytan would have all of this data to give to future generations. Jocasta touched her chin in a thoughtful manner before telling Xytan she had to think about this. She took a seat near a computer and slowly closed her eyes.

Was she meditating? Xytan wanted to tell her more, but he didn't think that was a good idea. He walked over to where Viola was, she was watching A-1 at work.

"Xytan, this is boring." Viola's eyes brightened soon after, "Can you give me a hint on what the reward is?" Viola asked with hope.

"Nope. It's a secret." Xytan smiled teasingly.

"Awe, you're teasing me on purpose., making it all mysterious like." Viola's expression fell, but he knew she wouldn't give up on asking him for some type of hint.

Xytan planned to give her a good Lightsaber Crystal. Not a Kyber Crystal, something better. He also wanted to get something like that for himself.

Within 2 hours, the whole bottom area of the Library was completely downloaded. Xytan and Viola were so hungry that they felt like they were going to vomit, so they wrapped it up for today. They both left the library and walked back down the hall and went downstairs, yes, the Library was upstairs.

Currently, the Jedi Temple was under fire trying to find the culprit linked to the bombing of the hangar. Too many people died in that explosion, with them being Jedi, Engineers, Pilots, and so forth.

Once he and Viola arrived at the lunchroom, he saw many Padawans—with not a single (Super)Younglings around. Padawans were still considered Younglings, just older than the ones Xytan categorized as.

"Hey, did you hear what happened at the Hanger?" Some Youngling boy could be heard gossiping.

"Yeah, this was definitely the work of some traitor or even the separatist trying to deal a direct blow to us."

Many Younglings(Padawan) didn't even pay Xytan and Viola any attention, they just gossiped and gossiped. Most of them were sitting down by this point, so the gossip was raging hard.

"Hey, hey, you Youngling stop speaking about that. This is a serious matter that needs the utmost attention, it isn't something you can poke at as fun." A strict Jedi Knight frowned as he gazed over the many Younglings gossiping happily—which was the whole lunchroom!

They stopped talking about it but this obviously wouldn't work since he couldn't hear them all of the time. Xytan and Viola got their lunch, they asked for extra since they hadn't eaten for a while. The lunch serving droid noticed that these were (Super)Younglings, who should have eaten already.

However, they had their lunch card to prove that they hadn't been served when it was run through the swiper. The two took a seat and began to feast, they were given extra food and some juice.

"Huh? You little baby are trying to eat with the big kids, huh?" The Padawan across from them laughed when he saw that their little figures were barely able to climb into their seats. It just looked so comedic that he had to say something.

"What? What are these infants doing here with us?" Some female Padawan smiled as she saw the two.

"We missed our lunchtime, so we came to eat now," Viola said seriously.

"Oh, look at you, you're so cute! Look at her complexion! I have a friend that's a Twi'lek, but her skin is Blue. That color is common among them, but your complexion is so beautiful and rare."

A Human Female Padawan's eyes lit up when her gazed landed on Viola. This Padawan felt like going over and hugging Viola, she was just too cute from her perspective.

"C-cute?" Viola seemed confused. No one had ever called her something like cute, not even Xytan.

Xytan felt like calling her something like cute was inappropriate, and he would probably opt to say things like that when they were teenagers. Xytan didn't let them hamper his appetite, so he kept eating.

Xytan softly pressed his elbow into her side, indicated her to finish eating.