The following day, Xytan got up and out of bed to do his standard morning routine. With him not needing to go to class and all, he stayed in his room.
Ever since the announcement yesterday and the Two weeks that had passed before; he had received some minor updates from his people.
Xytan gained some points because of them, but not many. His points would grow in larger margins if he was with them on their missions.
Xytan also got an update from the system, stating that if he helped them with their first bounty; he would unlock a bounty system.
There were a set of steps that Xytan wanted to follow that would lead up to his strong army. The main thing he needed to buy was leader-type creations that could train others.
Xytan wanted to get personnel first to help him gain many system points. His biggest objective was to buy his own planet, so he could really summon an army. However, planets were around 250,000 to 300,000 system points.
Starships were even costly than a planet, being in most cases—in the millions! After all, ships were the real power of an army. Hince, the name Halo, being named after the strongest weapon in the series—the Halo Ring. The same was for Star Wars, with the battles being across the stars, which meant space, and space meant starships.
Xytan knew how to hide himself in the force, just like Grogu. This was why Grogu would never be discovered. Xytan wasn't sure of the whole story, but the little guy managed to survived after so many years.
Xytan had thought about when he first had enough to get a planet. How he would rush to the unknown region, but that would be equivalent to seeking death. Xytan would need to send an exploration team of droids to check it out.
For now, he would need to settle for the wild space. The territory near Ryloth, the homeworld to the Twi'lek species. Unfortunately, he was at the bottom and had some ways to go before all of this.
Also, he received news from his Mandalorians and Jedi buddy that they had managed to buy a good amount of Kyber Crystals. They couldn't find fully built lightsabers, but Kyber Crystals didn't seem all that hard to get.
They managed to buy around 25, so their next objective was to head towards the Corellian system.
"May as well practice with the Muntuur Stones. I'm so close to leveling my Telekinesis up to Intermediate Level one." Xytan wanted to break this barrier as soon as possible.
Xytan could already lift 500 Pounds, which was enough to throw and push a Wampa away. He didn't have the super heavy Muntuur Stones that weighed 1 to 2 tons.
"Alright, I'll start with these two." Xytan honed in on two stones weighing 300 pounds each.
"Damn! I have to hold them up for a bit!" Xytan lifted them both, but he quickly broke out into a sweat. He sat crossed-legged on the floor, his eyes wide as both his arms were stretched outward toward the stones.
His hands were shaking slightly, but he kept his focus and control up. Xytan held them in place for 5 minutes before slowly placing them down.
"Phew!" Xytan began panting heavily, as he laid on the floor in a star-like position. This wasn't enough to help him break through to the intermediate rank of Telekinesis.
"I'll have to try some other time, I know I'm close—I know it." Xytan laughed and sat up full of enthusiasm.
"Oh, boy, so much to do, so much to learn. So many adventures around the galaxy that need to be fulfilled."
Xytan stood up and walked over to his backroom before turning to look in the mirror. He looked closely at his facial features and himself as a whole.
"Purple eye pupils? I wonder if this is even possible for a human?" Normally, no, but in star wars, it was possible. This was especially so for humans that had kids with different alien species, he was just a rare case.
"It's a bit strange, but I think I should start working out and getting a little ripped." Looking at himself in the mirror, he came to this conclusion.
"I'll live for a long time, as long as I'm not killed. This is according to the system, there's a long road ahead of me." The system wrote that Xytan's life span would be 200 years before he would pass away.
He wondered if there was anything that could allow him to live forever, but there wasn't. Xytan had to know what would happen after he died, what then?
The system wrote that there had to be some form of balance, at least in some way. He was a Nexus individual who could grow fast, along with his system that could do many things.
The system wrote that he would become one with the force for ten years, before getting to chose where to transmigrate next. He could choose to stay in star wars by simply being born in a different timeline, but this life might be enough star wars for him.
Xytan wiped his sweaty body with a towel before doing a few push-ups and sit-ups.
"Oh, I can already feel the burn!" Xytan wiped himself again with a towel. That's when he heard a knock at the door.
"Just a second." Xytan quickly finished wiping himself down before throwing on another set of robes.
"Yo, are you ready to head towards the obstacle course area to give it a shot?" This was the first thing Xytan said when he opened the door.
"For sure, let's go together. Me and Jin are ready to go and clear the course. Everyone else went there after class, so we came to pick you up first." Viola and Jin were at the door, they came straight here after class.
Xytan stepped out and shut the door behind him.
"Jin, if you could choose a lightsaber color, what would it be?" Xytan asked curiously.
"Hmm, what color would I choose? I would probably choose blue or Indigo blue. Blue represents a true Jedi Knight, something I want to be." Jin imagined himself holding his lightsaber and defeating his enemies, as a smile slowly crept its way across his face.
'Seems a little basic.' Xytan thought.
Most lightsaber attributes were the same, with them having the standard plasma blade. But there were some crystals that could prevent people from falling the Darkside, with other variants having different confounding abilities.
"Not bad." Xytan smiled and answered with interest.
"What about you, Viola, what would your color be?" As they were walking, he asked her.
"My color...hmm." Viola tapped her chin with her index finger as she gazed upward. Xytan and Jin just looked at her and waited for her answer, but she never did.
"I don't know actually, it's whatever I get I think." Viola hadn't thought that far ahead, so she couldn't come up with an answer.
"What? You don't know what color you want? Are you always off in Lala land or something, this is one of the most important things in being a Jedi!" Jin found it unbelievable, what kid in their class didn't know what they wanted their lightsaber color to be?
"Jin, don't be mean! I just have to think about it more, hmph!" Viola scoffed.
"What is there to think about?" Jin mumbled underneath his breath.
Viola's senses had grown acute, so she could easily hear Jin's words.
"Okay, guys, let's just continue to the obstacle course room." Just when Viola wanted to make a reply to Jin, she was interrupted by Xytan, who only smiled at the two.
Jin and Viola looked at each other, but Jin quickly turned away, while Viola rolled her eyes. Xytan almost couldn't hold in his laughter seeing these two.
Once they were there, they got in line behind the other kids. There were more Jedi Knights around this time, for some unknown reason.
Many students went up under the watchful gazes of the Jedi Knights and the few Masters. It was as you would expect, the failure rate was off the charts. No one could make it to the top, but Xytan had done many simulations in his mind in preparation for this day.
Then it was Xytan's turn, this immediately caught the interest of Ageless and Sha Koon. Just for this, Xytan had meditated while in line. This caused the other Younglings to snicker behind him, saying that what he was doing was pointless.
With eyes filled with determination, he made a run for it. With a great leap, he made it crossed his first obstacle. Next, he jumped on the wall and started running on its surface. This stunned quite a few people because he hadn't stopped to take a breather of any sort.
Xytan was speed running through it.
The next part was the part he had always failed on often, but he was brewing with confidence this time around. Xytan ran across the long wall before jumping to the place he had always slipped at.
"There it is." Ageless and Sha were expecting Xytan to fall, but not this time. Xytan's steps gave off a small white pulse as he stepped over the slippery area before he successfully started running over the wall's surface.
"What?" Ageless was shocked. All the while, Sha Koon watched silently. However, the Younglings couldn't believe their eyes, this was especially so for Ven.
'How can this be possible?' Ven was confident in his ability and he had always been ahead of his peers. But this Xytan kept stepping over and passing him with every move he made.
"Haha, that's my friend! I know him!" Viola looked around and started to gloating.
No one said anything until Xytan landed on the next platform. He didn't stand on the platform long and jumped up to balance himself on the longboard. Xytan dodged the propellers that all came at him with each one he passed.
However, that's when that oppressive wind crushed over his way.
Xytan didn't try to fight through it, instead, he used the force to the fullest in order to block the dreadful wind. This wind was far too harsh, there was no way any of these Younglings could triumph over it!
Xytan now knew that this was impossible for any of these Younglings to get through this obstacle course.
Sha Koon was now shocked. The only other Youngling that could pass this course as a beginner was Anakin from back then.
Xytan sucked in a mouth full of cold air before looking down from the platform. He put his hand above his eyes, as if he was trying to see into the distance.
He was grinning all the while.
Xytan sat on the high platform and watched the event unfold below. With each Youngling that tried, a failure also followed. Viola and Jin failed, with Viola making it the furthest—even advancing further than Ven.
"I'm ready to get down now, so I'll jump." Xytan jumped off and was caught by Sha Koon, who slowly helped him down.
Xytan wanted to mention that it was an impossible task to complete this obstacle course. These Younglings would fail every time, but maybe he was being too overconfident. He thought. So, he didn't mention it to any of the masters, he might come off as being full of himself.
"Uh, nice, you did well." Ageless patted Xytan on the back.
"Thanks, I didn't want to slip again. After all, I failed so many times. I'll be leaving now, I might come by some other day to give it a try again." Xytan bowed slightly before dismissing himself.
"Wait, Xytan, are you leaving already?" Viola ran over and asked.
"Of course, I've already completed the course. I'll tell you about everything later, so you can keep trying." Xytan only wanted to beat this course and nothing more, he wasn't planning on coming back anymore. He only had a month left, so all of his time would be on preparing for that day.
"Alright. I'll keep trying, but after I fail a number of times, I'll come to visit you." Viola smiled and turned to get back in line.
"Oh, what's this? Are you little people bonding?" Ageless grinned as he rubbed his bare chin.
"Yes, she's my friend. Is that a bad thing?" Xytan knitted his eyes in confusion,
"Of course not, this is a really good thing. It's just the last guy who cleared this course as a Youngling didn't have any fr... Ahem, nothing, I got ahead of myself." Ageless waved his hand, dropping the subject cold.
Xytan didn't know what he was talking about and turned to leave. Sha Koon's gaze landed on Xytan's back, she could only sigh.
Xytan arrived back in his room. He had grown up here, but that would all end in a month. Life-threatening situations would be upon after these days.
Xytan meditated alone.
Time passed and the days seemed to go by faster than usual for Xytan. And before Xytan knew it, Three weeks had gone by!