Years Gone By!

AN: There will be no dialogue for this chapter.

-Year 1

In the passing first year, the Spartans and Mandalorians managed to take down several criminals. Some of these people weren't criminals and were targets for assassination. A few targets were people some big shots found displeasing to them.

They were starting to rack up a large number of credits from their hundred percent success rate. They were also starting to get noticed because of this, thus, they were given bigger and better jobs—with some being private bounties.

Some were even paying with Beskar bars, which was quite pleasing to the Mandalorians. Xytan had already given them the Beskar bars he had received as a reward back then. He would only order them around when he was alone with them.

The Jedi Masters asked him if being rescued by Mandalorians was apart of his prediction. Xytan told them it was, and that the man in Gray(Sai'Zel) was someone he had met when he went out with Shaak Ti back then. Shaak Ti knew this since he had told her this back when they were in the temple after Sha Koon discovered the Kyber crystal around his neck.

Of course, Shaak TI questioned why Sai'Zel had given him the Kyber crystal before his training was complete. Sai'Zel simply said that Xytan was special and strong in the force.

At some point, Sai'Zel displayed his use of Force Lightning nonchalantly. This caused some friction between him and the Jedi Masters. They knew he was a Gray Jedi and that these Jedi believed in balance.

However, they didn't want him bringing over any of the Younglings to his ways and teachings. Sai"Zel only laughed, he was set to work on another hidden base off-planet anyway.

Sai'Zel told the Jedi that there would be more Gray Jedi in the future who would come to visit. So trying to keep them away from Gray Jedi would be impossible. He specifically stated that this Mandalorian Clan and the Spartans were affiliated with the hidden Gray Jedi Order.

This caused many of them to wonder and frown.

Shaak Ti wondered why Xytan's room was away from everyone else's. Xytan only told her that he nicely asked Sai'Zel for a room far away from everyone else to concentrate more. Shaak Ti and the Masters even surmised that Xytan may have told Sai'Zel of his vision back then—and that Sai'Zel reacted accordingly by saving them.

Shaak Ti knew that this Sai'Zel guy had favorable feelings towards Xytan. She told Xytan to stay away from Sai'Zel, stated that he was a Gray Jedi and that he practiced Sith Arts as well. Xytan nodded but sighed in his heart, it was already too late for all of that.

Shaak Ti would have to tolerate it anyway, and so would the other Masters. They would soon be met with other Gray Jedi. And according to Sai'Zel, they were to be stationed here in the future.

This encouraged the Jedi to try and contact the Green Jedi Order, but they were busy with their own problems. The Gray Jedi weren't the Jedi's enemies by any means, they were just worried about having their Younglings and Padawans swayed by their teachings.

Meanwhile, the Empire was mass recruiting soldiers. Clone troopers were being turned into Purge troopers and incorporated into other special operative groups.

Classes had started and the training and teaching of the Masters were in session. Of course, Xytan, Jin, and Viola were doing their own little training. Something the Masters obviously caught wind of within a month.

They didn't see this training as bad, they even wanted the other Younglings and Padawans to join. The Purge troopers and the few Mandalorians, who were stationed at the base didn't care for it.


The Empire feared Mon Cala because it had a massive ship-building enterprise, along with a large mercantile fleet. So they wanted to assert their dominance over the planet. But the Mon Calamari has been resisting any Imperial influence over their planet.

So, the Empire launched a false attack against one of their own diplomates, which they subsequently blame on the Mon Calamari. This would give them all the reason to invade the planet and cease it for themselves.

Darth Vader and his Inquisitors led the battle of Mon Cala, but the Mon Calamari were prepared for this. Unfortunately, they would ultimately be defeated and forced to give up the surface of the planet while they fled deep into their oceans—where their seafloor cities were located.

Vader decided to orbitally bombard the planet, and with no way to stop this bombardment—they ended up surrendering to the Empire.

The planet was immediately occupied afterward.

At that time, Admiral Raddus launched his ships from the depth of the oceans to flee the planet. Admiral Raddus would later serve as the backbone for the Rebel Alliance, someone who would later appear in Rogue One. He would play a crucial role in receiving the Deathstar plans later on.

-Year 2

In the passing second year, the Empire was still mass recruiting. In the recent Year that had passed, the twins that Xytan had given assignments to were working hard. However, they couldn't find anyone interested in the information.

They had to be very careful who they talked to, so they were extremely cautious and waiting for an opportunity. Renda and Ren wore dark robes and mask to conceal their appearance, always. They were being financially supported by the Spartans and Mandalorians.

Ren and Renda had contacted Xytan Via Holocommucation, which he answered through A-1. Xytan stated that there would be an uprising soon, and he just told them to secretly build their networking for now.

Xytan told Renda to sell the Information, while Ren went to join the Empire.

Currently, Mon Mothma was with the Empire, she hadn't seen the flaws of their ways yet. Eventually, she will and would try to reform the Empire, but she would fail after seeing that there was no hope for change.

The Empire continued to make enemies by taking over many planets and post around the galaxy. Different rebel groups began to rise all at once from this. They weren't together and operated independently, this would go on for a while before Mon Mothma would unite them later down the line

She would nearly be assassinated if not for Ezra and his team saving her at that time. However, these events were far from now and Xytan was focused on other things.

The Mandalorians and Spartans were bringing in many System points and Credits for him, while he trained. He met them privately and told them to buy ships and droids.

Droids were free labor, they didn't need food or water to sustain themselves. They worked without question and Xytan planned to add all of them under the system rule. The cost of a droid was nearly dirt cheap and everyone hated droids to the core at this point.

-Year 3

In the passing third year, the Rebel attack became more vicious and daring. Bombing several Imperial supply bases and finding ways to annoy or hamper the Empire's production. These people would end up getting caught and executed.

Jedi had started making an appearance to actively join a few of these rebel groups. Things were changing and the Inquisitors had to make their move. In the years prior, many Jedi were searching for other surviving Jedi so they didn't get involved right away.

Palpatine was growing warier by the weeks knowing that more Jedi had survived than intended. He had a hand in the Jedi's fall by using his power to actually block them from having force visions.

Palpatine had no clue that an anomaly had been born to warn them of such things. Now, he had to worry about the Jedi, and the civil war at hand. Raddus had gotten in touch with a good number of Jedi and they joined his cause.

This increased the workload of the Imperial Moffs, Darth Vader, and his Inquisitors. They were indeed occupied with—and focused on what Xytan wanted. Xytan wasn't exactly the most tactical guy around, but he could understand this much.

The Empire was still trying to spread their hands over the Outer Rim, but they were met with resistance. Mass recruitment and quick training sessions were becoming an enforced and common thing in the Empire.

Ren fit right in, but he had to go learn at the Imperial Academy first. Xytan strongly believed he would be noticed for his talent.

Xytan had gathered a hefty amount of the system points, so he went outside into the fog. He waited until the Mandalorians and Spartans returned. Xytan told them what he wanted to do, so he told them to let him know when they were back.

Once they were back, he went and summoned 2 Gray Jedi Master-level characters. Sai'Zel had already left long ago, he was stationed at another base by this point. That base was under construction by many droids who had become a part of Xytan's system.

The first was a guy from Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu's race. The system decided to call his race the Yodarians, though, their race was never confirmed by name—it went with this by default. Instead of green or white, he had dark blue skin.

He looked young and stood straight up. This entity had two lightsabers with one attached to both sides of his waist. His arms were wrapped behind his back in a professional manner as he stood there. His robes were Gray just as Sai'Zel's were when he was around. His eyes were dark blue and he had a head full of black hair. The Yin Yang symbol was present on his robes, which signified his faction.

Xytan was excited when he summoned this fella for the first time. He decided to name this guy Yuda, which the entity accepted right away. He wasn't as strong as Yoda, but he could train to reach that level of strength in time.

The next person he summoned was someone of the Miraluka race. Xytan had been going over many ideas for appearance these days. Even if he had to take some from other shows or games he had seen and played from his original multiverse.

Xytan decided to make this guy bald, he looked just like Lee Sin from League of Legends. To be exact, God Fist Lee Sin style—he was a copy and paste, really. To Xytan, he was the most amazing creation he had by far in terms of looks and strength.

He used a double-bladed Yellow Lightsaber and was heavily trained in Tera Kasi and several other combat styles. The guy was bare-chested but he had Yin Yang tattoo on his arm instead of his clothes.

Xytan didn't change his name and called him Lee Sin from now on.

Xytan explained everything to them before heading back inside with them. He feigned ignorance and said he went outside and saw them coming out of ships with them. The Jedi looked at the two Gray Jedi, it seemed that these were the people to be stationed here.

They quickly struck a conversation with each other. The Mandalorians and Spartans started adding credits to the vault. Droids also accompanied them, which Xytan touch for a bit to add to the system.

This required him to put his hand on them for 2 seconds, but the droid would have to comply. They, of course, did so he was able to gain more droids who began to work on the base ASAP.

-Year 4

The Spartans and Mandalorians had bought several training battle droids for the Younglings and Padawans. Petro talked to Xytan often, he would try and show off a few of his moves to him. Xytan would watch with interest, as to not show any disrespect.

Sha Koon knew Electric Judgement, but she didn't teach it to anyone. She was a bit unsure about the skill, so she never mentioned it. Xytan knew she had learned the skill from her uncle, he couldn't understand what she was so unsure about.

She learned it but didn't want to teach it to others?

Xytan battled some training droids with a practice saber. No one had created their lightsabers yet despite most of them being 10 years old now. Xytan was now 10 years old and he grew tired of being in this base for so long.

Lee Sin and Yuda were by no means cheap, they cost a lot to be created. However, he had accumulated a good amount of points—over the years.

Xytan practiced his force lightning and trained his lightsaber skills often. His stats had climbed to new heights over the years, as he never slacked. Viola, Jin, Ven, and several Padawans and Younglings had also grown over the years.

He bought some techniques from the system as well, with one being Force Stasis. Xytan figured he could save points and learn Electric Judgement from Lee Sin since he knew the Technique. Xytan paid for him to have this skill, why waste more points when he could learn it from his creation?

He practiced this power as much as he could once he learned it. Shaak Ti and the Jedi didn't like seeing Xytan and the Younglings hanging around any of these Gray Jedi. They were now being monitored closely, so Xytan couldn't say anything more to them.

However, Xytan had already learned Electric Judgment from Lee. He practiced it religiously like all of his techniques. Xytan's Electric Judgement lightning was surprisingly White, he wasn't sure what that meant, but he trained it nonetheless.

Overall, everyone's strength had improved greatly.

"I think it's time to make our own lightsabers." Xytan decided to run this by the Jedi Masters. He also had plans to leave the base to bounty hunt with his Spartans and Mandalorians—if possible.