
-The Deathstar

Inside a secluded room, there was a throne that seated a man garmented in a dark robe. His face looked to have suffered from severe degradation as if he had aged a thousand years. Despite these sickly features, his eyes were filled with the fires of life and vigor.

This man could be no one else but Sidious, the Dark Lord himself!

"Vader, my apprentice, you've run into trouble recently. It would seem you took on a task that you couldn't complete and was spared out of pity." Sidious' fiery orange eyes landed on Vader, as if he could see right through him.

"I-I had underestimated his power, I'll be sure to kill him next time, Master." Vader kneeled and spoke with his head pointed downward.

"Your failure is a serious blow to us, you failed to kill a threat to our cause—a Jedi Master. Plo Koon defeated you and got away, he even spared you out of pity and the fact that you were unarmed!"

Sidious didn't appear to be angry, but Vader could easily detect his Master's rage at the moment. He knew that targets like the Jedi Council members were the top priorities that needed to be dealt with quickly. They were a threat to him, they could teach other generations and rally other Jedi out of hiding to join them against his Empire.

"I understand Master, I will hunt the other Jedi to redeem this fail-" Vader couldn't finish when he was interrupted.

"No, you will focus on the rebellion for now. I will allow the Inquisitors to do the Jedi Hunting for the time. I'm beginning to wonder about your...qualifications, Vader."

"I understand, Master." Vader wanted to refute because he wanted to hunt Jedi. He hated Jedi to the core, and he blamed them for the way he was.

"Now, go, my apprentice." Sidious grinned and dismissed Vader. This was a light punishment, but he knew that Vader was aware that he might end up being replaced if he continued to fail.

No known apprentice had appeared from what Vader could see, but Sidious himself was secretly training up a little girl as an assassin.

AN: A certain redhead, you guys should know who that is. 'wink wink'

"Yes, Master." Vader stood up and turned to leave the room.

Once Vader had left the chamber of the throne room, Sidious frowned.

"Everything had gone as I had foreseen, but it appeared that I missed something. Could it be that I had made... a mistake?" Palpatine had not foreseen Anakin becoming the way he was. He was supposed to become the most powerful being ever.

Palpatine had his worries, he couldn't shake the feeling that a great war that threatened his Empire was on the horizon.

Was this, Fear? But how could he be so worried, surely, the Deathstar was the ultimate weapon that could put anyone in check.

However, something had happened, something that was totally unexpected.

Palpatine had remembered hearing a voice echoing through the force, but this was only sometime after he initiated Order 66. Many Jedi had died, but a great number of them had also survived. The ones he wanted most dead had actually lived, something he didn't foresee.

"Could it be that someone was obstructing my sight to see what was to come?" Palpatine trembled slightly in rage. He remembered hearing that voice, it wasn't clear, but it was full of warning and urgency. It was vague, but Palpatine was only able to make the words 'clones' and 'danger'.

"That would be impossible, the warning came late, so most of the Jedi would have been wiped out by then." Palpatine relaxed a bit, but he still couldn't shake the feeling.

He only wanted to continue his training at the once upon time, Jedi temple. Under the temple was an altar he was studying in hopes of gaining ultimate power; something he believed would grant him immortality.

"I've already ordered a crackdown on the rebels and the reminisce of the Jedi order. They can only deny the inevitable for so long, it's pointless in the end." Palpatine decided to drop his worries, for now, the image of the Jedi had been ruined by this point. They had little to no allies and would be ratted out if they used any of their abilities.

They were currently the public enemy, what could they do?

Palpatine laid back in his seat as a sinister grin slowly crept across his face.


-Unknown Regions

Xytan could be seen meditating in a room alone. The time was drawing close—when the planet would finally be cleansed of its hazardous environment.

Everything was normal and quiet on the ship, there weren't any problems detected in the space around them either.

[Ding! Earth Prime has been fully cleansed of its Hazardous issue, you can now view Earth Prime's environment at will!]

Xytan's eyes shot open before he cracked a silly smile. Xytan closed his eyes again and the image of the whole planet's surface came into his view.

The planet was no longer scorched and glasses due to the cleansing. Instead, there were grassy plains and tall fields of grass almost everywhere. There were some places where he saw that it was snowing, he could see and hear everything on the planet—nothing could escape his sight!

"Hahaha, so this is one of the perks to owning a planet? Nothing escapes my eye, you wanna hide here? I think not!" Xytan also discovered that he could influence the weather on his planets. This made him feel like some sort of weather god!

"I can do this with all the planets I purchase, so the spend was well worth it. It's time to change the terrains around the planet, of course, it needs to be more tropical here." Xytan stroked his chin with smiled before he got to work.

[Ding! Once you've changed this environment into a Tropical Biome, it can never be changed! Do you wish to proceed?] y/n

Xytan simply confirmed every notification that came up that asked this question. If anyone was on this planet at the moment, they would be shocked to see the environment visibly being changed.

It was like Xytan was in creative mode!

Great valleys were formed and crystal clear lakes and waterfalls had also come into being within some lushes green healthy forest. Bushes started to quickly produce and grow grapes, oranges, strawberries, cherries, and many more things around the world.

Beautiful snowfall appeared and came down in the cold artic of the world. Xytan even added a desert to this world.

Once he was confirmed to be done, the system spoke to him again.

[Ding! Detect no living beings on this world, would you like a list of animals, beasts, and creatures to add?] y/n

Of course, Xytan clicked yes. Afterward, a whole list of star wars and animals from his world appeared.

⋆Worldly Life⋆

-Dairy Cow| 1 Sp-

-Chicken| 1 Sp-

-Pig| 1 Sp-

-Wampa| 2,000 Sp-

-K'lor'slug| 10 Sp

-Pantran White Fang| 500 Sp

-IceTromper| 400 Sp

-TaunTaun| 450 Sp

-Rancor| 5,000 Sp

-Varactyl| 1,500 Sp



The list went on and on with many different entities appear of the star wars and recent galaxy.

"My gosh, it's the Varactyl, I love this beast!" Xytan's eyes brightened when he saw this beast, it was one of his favorites. There were even variants of each of these beasts if he double-clicked the entity's name. A sub-list bar would drop down with many different variants of the entities, like a Forest Wampa instead of a typical Artic Wampa.

The Planet was first filled with the bacteria it needed before he bought a crate that contained many different species of fish. He didn't add any type of predator-type animal for now, he wanted these fish to repopulate for a bit.

Xytan would also have to summon honey bees since they were good pollinators. He exited the room right after and headed towards the front.

The redheaded Mandalorian female was actually applying nail polish to her fingernails while in the piloting seat.

"Oh...!" She hurriedly and stopped what she was doing when she saw Xytan, and stood up.

"Young boss, what can I do for you?" She coughed slightly with her hand over her mouth and asked.

"The planet can now support living beings, we can now settle on the planet and start building there." Xytan smiled and scratched his temple.

"Wasn't this place an unsupportive planet?" She was stunned before she turned around to take a seat. Afterward, she proceeded to scan the planet. And sure enough, the scans had picked up that the planet was perfect for supporting life.

"Impossible!" She couldn't believe what she was seeing, how was this possible? This planet wasn't a place anyone could survive on just 3 days ago!

"Alert all ships that we're clear for entering the atmosphere and landing. They all know what we came here for, so let's make it happen." Xytan sat in the passenger seat next to her.

"Ah, right!" She came out of her stupor and broadcasted the message to all of the following ships.

"The planet is now able to support life, prepare to enter the atmosphere and land. I repeat... the planet can now support life, prepare for landing!" Of course, many of them were stunned, the planet was uninhabitable not too long ago, how could it suddenly become a place for life?

They checked the scanners and they couldn't believe what they were seeing, they couldn't make head or tails about it.

Nevertheless, they all prepared to land on the planet. They were given specific coordinates on where to start their construction project.

In no time, all of the following ships landed except the Quasi-Super Carrier.

"So this is our new home from now on?" Es'cade looked around and exclaimed with a bit of awe.

"It looks really good, but it's also really quiet. Not a bird to be heard, all we can hear is the wind breezing." The Mandalorian Leader found that to be a little strange, were there any birds here?

"There will be birds and other animals in time, let's just bring down the droids and have them start building." Xytan naturally understood how weird that was, so he assured them.

"Alright, I'll have them get right to it." Mando nodded and said.

An hour passed and the droid army was finally on the planet, ready to work. There were a lot more load-lifting droids this time around. There were so many droids, he could see from the system that there were a total of 1,500 of them.

Xytan didn't want to rely on the system to make a city unless he had to. However, he would rely on it to make a sewer system. Things got a little complicated when it came to things like that.

Xytan would sleep on the ship for now. At first, he was thinking of buying a house for himself but he could get one after the city was made. This area was specifically made to be a flatland just for this construction project.

The droids began to unload all types of brick, cement, and metal supplies for construction.

"Now then, let's summon some farmers and other useful economically important entities." Xytan also needed to summon some forklifts, backhoes, excavators, and more.

"I'll need to also summon some soldiers, so they can train while everything is going on." Xytan sighed, there was so much that needed to be done, but who said it would be easy?