Night Hunting

It was night when Arthur was done roaming and asking around the village. He was hungry when he arrived at his lodging. A little girl welcomed him and he smiled at her making the girl happier. "Big bro, you arrived at the right time, my mom was done with dinner. Let's eat!" she pulled the hand of Arthur pulling him inside going to the dining table.

The table was ready and there is also an extra person on the table. The man saw Arthur and welcomed him to sit with him "Hello there young man, so you are the one who rented the other room. By the way I'am Emelda's husband, Ferdie. I was on duty every morning so you don't get to see me here. Seeing that you are young and also an adventurer, it seems like that you are new to the Hall and going to your first mission. I suggest that if you attack them at night be careful with the crops. Other new adventurers didn't take note about the crops and ended up having deductions from the Hall"

"Thank you for the advice, I will be careful about it when I attack them" Arthur was grateful about the advice because he never thought about the area he will fight, only the kills he needed to do.

The dinner was delicious and nutritious, so Arthur was happy about the food so he thank the family honestly. He checked the time and it was 9 pm on the planet, 3 hours before 12 am where the Rats will start to move and attack the crops. Arthur was already done with his preparations, he only needed to be in his best condition before the fight. While waiting for the time, he thought about the Flying Baboon he saw with the picture Peter sent to him. "I need to reach Tier 3 immediately before I attack that Baboon, I hope there will be no other witnesses before I did." It was his most important mission of going in this forest, so he will not let anything to hinder his plans.


Above a tall tree, there was a young man with two blades sheathed on both of his waist looking down at the vast field of crops while facing a forest in front of him. The young man was Arthur as he watches over the the forest waiting for the Rats to appear because it was already 12 am and the villagers were already asleep. His breathing was normal without any sign of nervousness, it seems like he was accustomed to fighting with monsters.

He kept waiting until he heard something moving just outside the forest, so he adjusted his eyes and saw that there was a 2 feet tall and 3 feet long rat smelling the ground and looking around if there are any people. Its eyes where crimson while its fur was red orange, it has sharp claws and long two front teeth about 4 inches long.

Arthur, despite seeing the rat didn't attack yet because he knew from what the villagers told him that these rats do not attack individually but in groups. The first rat was only their scout surveying the surroundings. After the rat surveyed the area, it then went back to the forest as if he decided to abandon its mission.

There was a whole 30 minutes of silence when Arthur heard a group of small feet walking, it was so quiet that if you are not a warrior it will be impossible for you to hear it. Arthur was surprised of what he saw because it was not a group of 10 rats but a pack of rats with 50 rats. The surprise was just last a moment as he saw that there are also warriors around hiding like him and waiting for their opportunity.

"There are approximately 12 warriors around me which means that we can kill at most 4 to 5 Rats each. This number is not enough for me to pass the mission in three days. I first need to choose a place to hunt." Arthur look at the Rats and observe where he can hunt rats with great number without anyone taking it from him.

At one corner to his right there was a water irrigation which was located at the end of the farmland. He observe that this place was a nice place to trap the rats from going somewhere and keeping them beside the water irrigation. He looked at the rats near the water irrigation and saw that he can trap 8-9 rats in it as long as they are 1 foot away from the crops. So he planned his next course of action.

It was 5 minutes later that his eyes became sharp and his aura was becoming sharp and intense.

"It was time!" He bended his knees then kicked the ground with so much force giving him the right momentum to increase his speed towards the group of rats. "Light Shield!" he shouted to his mind as he used his skill Light Shield, he used the light shield not to protect him but to use it to bash forward the rats making them fly near the water irrigation.

There were booming of sounds as the shield collided with the rats.

boom boom boom...boom

9 rats were hit by the bash as they squick in pain and irritation. They didn't even know what hit them so they only stood up to proceed to where would they go. They are disappointed that they cannot release they anger to the one who hit them.