Head priestess Anna Croft

However, along the way, as Zack leapt from rooftop to rooftop in mid-air, his movements were completely halted in place. He not only was stuck, but it was also incredibly hard for him to even breath.

Moving his eyes around, he soon noticed that a golden light was covering him from head to toe. A figure soon emerged into the sky in front of him, and the two vanished, forming streaks of golden light where they passed like shooting stars.

"What do you want with my church now Zack?"

"Ah! Head Priestess!"

Zack immediately bowed with his head on the ground as soon as he could move.

"The deal I made to you was that you build your city in peace, and let me live my life in peace. Why are you coming over in such a rush like a little thief?"

"N- NO! I wasn't meaning to do that!"

"Sigh. It's about the food Daron made right?"

"Right!" Zack nodded like a little child being lectured by his parents, with an innocent expression on his face as he sat on the ground with his hands on his knees and dirt still no his face from bowing to the head priestess.

"Tch. I knew this would happen."

"But its fine. Not now, but you can come to take him is a few years. Once he reaches 10 at the very least. He is too young now anyways. For now, just support that little business of his from the shadows. Don't send anyone over to deliberately buy everything of his. Let the people of the city realise his food first."

"Yes, Head Priestess."

"Also, I think he wanted to become a knight. I'm actually not sure what he wants to become, but based on the training he has been doing since birth, he at least wants to become stronger. When he turns 10, if he is still in this city by then, take him in as a knight in training."

"Of course, Head Priestess."

"Ah, now that I remembered, you had a child the same age as him, right?"

"Yes, Head Priestess. Her name is Zoey."

"Hmm, they might get along. Alright then. You can start bringing him to the castle when he turns 6."

"Yes, Head Priestess."

"Now that I have done so much interference, might as well do some more. Also, you know the other 4 kids I have under the Lord's protection?"

"Yes, Head Priestess."

"Help them out in the shadows as well when they actually decided to do something. And most of all, take care of the church and Joanne. She gets really flustered at times."

"Yes, Head Priestess. Wait, what are you planning on doing?" Zack regained himself from his repetitive state as asked.


Without another word, the head priestess disappeared from view, leaving a shocked Zack in the middle of the mountains outside the city.

'2 more years' he thought to himself after a while of utter and completely shock.

On that very day, Joanne entered the head priestess' room after finding a letter in her room telling her to meet the head priestess in her room.

However, upon entering, she saw no one. Instead, a single envelope lay on the table, sealed with wax, and the seal of a certain deer. This was the symbol of the church used only by certain high-ranking officials of the church across the continent. Furthermore, there were 7 stars above the deer's antlers, which signified the rank of the one writing the letter.

Carefully inserting her own divine energy, or as Daron would call it, [Holy Light Element] into the seal, it fell of the envelope as though it was never there in the first place.


Dear Joanne Maximus,

I, Anna Croft, hope this letter finds you in good health.

If you have this letter in your hand, that means that I have left this city for some reason, of my own volition. Please do not search for me. If I am alive after I finish my task, I will return.

I am but an old lady anyways who has lived too long for her own good.

Instead of worrying about me, I hope you carry forward my will, and take care of yourself and the kids if you can. Although it has not been long since I have met them, I sill wish for you to protect them, at least until they can fend for themselves.

I'll be waiting for you in hell,

Anna Croft


Nothing was there after the incredibly well-written letter, just half a page of blank paper. However, water soon splashed onto this empty part of the letter, as Joanne crashed onto the ground, kneeling with her head down, and trembling hands.

As time passed, she remained in that position, completely motionless expect for the occasional tears falling onto the paper, whose bottom half had now become completely soaked, and the water was travelling upwards towards the writing.

Realising this, Joanne quickly placed her right hand on the paper and spoke some words so fast that no one would be able to understand her, before a soft golden light emitted from her hand and wrapped around the paper, drying it instantly, and bringing it back to its previous state.

She then put the letter back into the envelope and put back the wax seal on it using some more of her divine energy.

Lastly, she completely sealed the room from all directions, the windows, the cupboards, and finally the door. As she was closing and locking the door, Joanne mumbled,

"This room shall not be opened until you return, or till the day I meet you in hell."

With those last words, the head priestess' room was sealed forever.