6 years

Time flew by, and it was just a few more days until Daron turned 6.

He had already accomplished his goal of earning money. Since the city was rather small, he could not rip off the people who wished to eat his food over the other food that was so bad that Daron would almost puke while eating them.

The logic behind this was that instead of ripping off everyone in the city once, he would rather take away a very small portion of their daily income from their jobs, continuously, each day, every day.

He therefore saved up on money and rented out a small storefront near the edges between the outer and inner city.

Then, he set-up two different menus, and split the shop in two in the ratio of 2:1, with the smaller area being for those from the inner city, consisting of rich merchants and others form high-society.

The larger part was reserved for those from the outer city with smaller budgets. For this part of the restaurant, he kept only 2 items, spaghetti and omelette, one which he served for breakfast and the other for lunch, at 5 copper and 16 copper respectively.

The price had increase by 1 copper for the spaghetti since he needed the extra money to pay for rent and damages to things within the restaurant. The cost for the omelette was only 4 copper, which is why he was selling it at 5, to make the most profit possible le while taking away the least from the pockets of his customers.

This way, they would be able to afford coming here every day to eat his food. He had also put in the option of adding meatballs into the spaghetti for an extra 6 copper, which cost him around 5 copper to add into the dish.

Due to the incredible taste and superb pricing, the restaurant was always busy from when it opened early in the mornings at 5 am, and closed late in the afternoon at around 4. This was a simple solution to the problem of drunkards, and the such, as well as preventing Joanne, the kids and the two other employees he had hired after thorough interviews, from working full-time jobs and tiring themselves out.

For the menu for those from the inner city, he had produced multiple items for which he was naturally charging absorbent prices. Even the plain spaghetti, which he had named 'String bread' was being sold for 30 copper there. If people did not wish to spend so much, they could always go to where those from the inner city were seated and eat there.

However, Daron was playing at the superiority and ego of the rich, who had too much money and did not know where to spend it. He simply produced a channel for them to spend it.

He created many things like pizza which he named 'Flat bread', and cheese balls which were fried, a process that did not exist in this city, and names it 'Milk explosions'. Naturally, if the cost to make something was only 10, he would sell it anywhere between 30 and 50, thereby creating a large amount of income from a small number of rich people, while also creating an even larger amount of income in small amounts from an incredibly large number of poor people who did not mind spending a little of their income to eat good food every other day.

Now, he had enough money to buy a small 1-bedroom house in the inner city, or a whole mansion in the outer city. The other 4 kids also had gained quite a bit of money; however, they would always simply squander it off somewhere for snacks and the sort.

Naturally, Mako seemed like the only one thinking about something other than snacks, and he would go and deposit everything into the 'Union Bank', which was a bank that supposedly had branches all over the continent, and were almost equally as frightening as the church, which also existed all across the continent.

Naturally, Daron also had created his account with the bank and put half of his collected wealth into that.

He had also created an incognito account with the bank. Such accounts did not require identification cards to open, but required a key, a password, a passcode, and an item of the owners choosing.

Daron placed the other half of his collected money, creating two bank accounts of 20,000 copper, or 200 silver each, with a total of 40,000 copper in total personal savings, excluding the money he reinvested into the company every day.

Each day, the restaurant would gain around 1000 copper from the outer city section, and around 500 from the inner-city section of the restaurant, which he had aptly named 'Blaze: Food 1'.

He had named it with the thought that maybe in the future he might want to make more restaurants, calling them Blaze: Food 2, etc. Furthermore, if he wished to expand and diversify into other fields, he could just rename it 'Blaze: Clothes 1' or something, making Blaze the central identity.

His reason for 'Blaze'? It sounded cool.

However, he knew, that travellers would bring news of his food creations to the outside world and others, just like that Jacob a few years ago, would definitely try and copy his dishes. Thankfully, he had a secret up his sleeve, and that was that all the spices were managed by him.

For many of his dishes, he not only used salt, but also some other herbal ingredients to boost the taste. Furthermore, the recipe itself was only known by Joanne, himself, and the children, who never quite understood the whole of it.

Even after continuous screening of the two employees, he did not trust them enough to give them the recipe, so he put them in charge of delivering the food. For some reason, Joanne was adamant on cooking all by herself, and somehow, she was always fast enough to keep up with demand.

This meant that even if others, be it within the city or outside it got to know the ingredients he used, they would need to go through long periods of trial and errors to perfect the recipe, just like the people did back on Earth.

This was a really long and expensive process that few would do, especially for the food from a new business called 'Blaze: Food 1', in a remote town like Bard City.

Therefore, he had time. It was like an unofficial patent, that would take years for the competition to overcome and begin production. Till then, he could simply expand into their territory and gain the customer base.

However, before that, he needed to become stronger.

And he was waiting for himself to turn 6 and ask the lord of the city to teach him.