Winning and Losing

The move Daron had just pulled had stunned most of the crowd, and even some of the contestants who were currently in a battle.

'What nonsense is that?' was the thought going through everyone's minds. Even Zack was included in this.

However, after seeing the smile that Daron had on his face, Zack immediately understood. It was the face when someone just tested out something new and it turned out to work perfectly. He too had had that face while battling people, even in some life and death situations where his mind had come up with some random move which he decided to try as a last ditch effort, and it worked.

Now, the intervals between battles were getting shorter, and the same people were having to battle every few minutes.

Daron's turn came up once again.

This time, his face was back to the depressed face he had when he had come over here the first time.

His opponent slowly approached him and went for his feet since he was just standing there without holding any stance.

However, Daron simply jumped into the air, complete dodging the enemy at the last moment, and kicking his butt on the way down, pushing the fellow off the edge just like that.

Soon, the finals were around the corner, and the two bright red suns was nearing the edge of the horizon.

Daron's opponent was a rather well-built kid, whose stats astoundingly were incredibly high!


Name: Unknown

Age: 7

Vitality: 8

Strength: 8

Stamina: 5

Agility: 3

Sense: 4

Toughness: 7


Daron was truly stunned. He did not expect to find someone with higher stats than himself. However, that was only momentary. That was because this fellow was a 'strength' type build, while his was more balanced. Which meant that although the opponent's Vitality and overall tackiness was higher than his own, his speed and stamina were incredibly low.

Although Daron could get a sure shot victory in a prolonged battle, he did not wasn't to waste so much time.

HE prepared himself, taking in a deep breath before tensing up his muscles on his entire body to increase his blood flow. Somehow, such things that he never learned about were somehow extracted from his memories by Sirious, and since it truly did work, he decided to learn it.

With his entire body in peak condition, the round began and he simply waited for the enemy to move.

As soon as he saw the legs of the enemy make a slight movement, he also began to move in the exact same direction. The two rushed towards each other with measured steps. Just a single step away from him, the enemy kid pulled back his right hand and swung it towards Daron.

Naturally, Daron had already started moving when he saw the man pulling back his hand, and ducked, just barely avoiding the attack as he rolled onto the ground and slid past, through the enemies legs.

While still on the ground, he put all his strength into his legs, and after pushing himself into the air using his hands, he kicked the enemy's left knee from the back, causing the knee to dislocate.

Without any further talks, the enemy collapsed and began screaming in pain. Daron just shrugged. The dude had come at him with enough force to dislocate his own jaw, naturally, he would pay him back in full.

"Number 25 wins the tournament."

Said the announcer after a few seconds of shock at the battle that took place. Up until now, everything was only child's play. However, this finale was a true battle in the truest sense of the word. Both parties were fighting with the intent to harm the opponent in order to win, and not a simple sparring match.

[Press here and pull here]

Following the instructions of Sirious, who had remained quite through the entire match, Daron fixed the brawny kid's knee, who gave an even louder yell, before quieting down.

"I've fixed it for now. A few weeks of rest and treatment should have it completely healed with no lasting effects."

After saying that, and walking for a few steps, he turned back as said softly.

"Good match. But you should not only focus on power, but also the other aspects of your body. And if you are only focusing on brute strength, then make sure to become undefeatable in that aspect. Enough that no matter how fast the enemy is, they can do nothing to you."

"I'm Daron by the way. And you are?"

The kid, around a single year older than Daron bowed his head slightly as he sniffled a little bit from the pain of his leg and of losing, before acknowledging his defeat and saying,

"I am Luke."

Daron nodded and turned around to face the crowd before giving a bow and proceeding to leave the stage.