Internal Energy

The next few days, followed the same monotonous pattern.

Wake up, stamina training, breakfast, break, muscles training, lunch, break, combat training, dinner, break, sleep.

And within since all of the breaks were only an hour, Daron would spend that time with Tom, Rachel, William and Fey. Naturally, there were times when Rachel and Tom were missing, and Daron had gotten used to it, the same as William and Fey.

Every day, after chatting with the gang for some time after dinner, Daron simply returned to his room instead of loitering around. There was a reason for this. He, even as Daron back on Earth was not a very social person, one could even say that he was introverted. Therefore, the extremely open lifestyle of a knight was rather stressing for him, and he needed time to recharge his social battery.

Another, more important reason was that he was trying to grasp the insanely fast and irritating Internal energy within his subconscious.

Today was the 29th night, which marked the end of a month of being in the castle, away from the church.

Just like always, he entered his subconscious in an instant, which had greatly increased in ease and speed from taking a lot of concentration and nearly a minute to complete, to what it was now.

Once inside, Daron extended 4 tentacles of [Force of Will], which had greatly increased form the previous single tentacles, and launched a flurry of attacks seemingly at random locations. However, to Daron, he was just barely missing the internal energy which seemed to have a life of its own as it moved swiftly through the darkness within his subconscious.

'Shit! I feel like shooting myself in the head form this.'

It was at that moment that all the 4 tentacles stopped moving as Daron's control over them instantly stopped. He suddenly had a eureka moment and thought.

'What if I had a gun?'

With that thought, the [Force of Will] formed a gun. Or, at least it tried, and failed since Daron did not know how each part of a gun looked like, not to mention how it worked.

Therefore, he decided to go with something simpler.

'A bow'

Whoosh, an arrow that was not propelled by his thoughts, but the reaction caused from the interaction of his thoughts; the bow and the string, and zoomed into the darkness around him almost 30 times faster that he was moving his [Force of Will], and reached its target before it could react.

Naturally, Daron was not stupid enough to send his arrow uncontrolled. The arrow itself was still part of his [Force of Will], and was attached to the rest of the now translucent bubble with an incredibly thin string made of the same material.

As soon as it was about to penetrate the target, Daron controlled it to encompass the target instead of going through it.

Just like that, Daron had the blue Internal Energy locked within his [Force of Will]. However, it was struggling greatly.

Pulling on the string, Daron tried to pull the Internal energy closer, however, he was faced with incredibly resistance. So much so that after putting his full strength of mind into the task, it only moved by about a centimetre. Given that the arrow had flown for around a second, it had already crossed over almost 300 meters.

'Well, Since I can't do it in one go, I will just pull it a hundred times each time I enter here. I don't think I will have the mental capacity to do anything more. But that will still take me almost a year to complete, and I won't have enough time to grasp control over it.'

Thinking that simply pulling the Internal Energy was not the correct method to control it, Daron began pondering.

[How about entering through the string into the small space that the Internal Energy exists in and then controlling it?]

'Yes! I'll just go ahead and beat it up until it submits. That is how many protagonists gain followers!'


Daron was already gone. Since there was a link made of [Force of Will], his travelling speed was instantaneous.


An incredibly shrill cry rang out in the small space, about 1 by 1 m. Since he was on his Soul form, he could adjust his size anyhow he wished, and completely fit into the box without any issue.

Daron stared at the strange blue mass of energy that was charging towards it.

However, he did not feel and ounce of fear at the tsunami of energy, all because the tsunami itself was only as big as the palm of his shrunk self. Without wasting any time, Daron slapped it away before following it and slapping it around a little more.

He continued this for almost 2 hours, and then left the box prison of his [Force of Will], leaving behind a shivering energy ball in one corner of the box.

After returning to his body, Daron went to bed, and woke up the next morning from the alarm Sirious had in place after Daron had instructed her to do so.

Today was the 30th day of the 10th month, October. The people of this world called it a different name, and although Daron knew what it was called, he was still a lot more comfortable thinking about it as October.

This day, was the rest day all knights in training received every month. They were allowed to go anywhere within the city. Furthermore, they were not allowed to divulge any information regarding the knight training they are undergoing.

Naturally, some people would be eager to give this information away to loved ones or for money. Naturally, Daron had got to know that Sir Zack had a reason for being so lax. He could very well force anyone wishing to be a knight in training to be his servant, and they would be obliged to listen to his every command no matter if it meant their own death.

However, he had no need to do so. The knights training for knights in training was nothing more than self-studying and experimentation. Only once they became a knight would secret official Knight training to begin. At that point, just like Knight Fals, you would need to sign a Servant contract, which will force them to follow most commands of the employer, while unlike the slave contract, would allow the servant to protect his life, body and personal possessions. Slave contracts were of two kinds; on that only affected non-humans, and one that affected all living things with sentience. The later was banned within the kingdom of Pierre, while the first type are allowed, since they do not affect humans.

After wearing his knight in training uniform and gear, Daron left the castle, headed straight towards the church.

However, on the way, he noticed that his 'Blaze: Food 1' was already operating and serving customers.