
'So quickly?'

Daron sat up and closed his eyes and entered his subconscious.

The point where the rope connected to the prison, there was a blue blinking light. Daron received it and inspected it, before ignoring the suggestion of further inspecting it and swallowed it into his soul, based on his instincts.

Most main characters followed their instincts in crucial moments like these, and that is what he did.

Swallowing it, he suddenly felt as though his soul was about to crack and burst apart. An intense pain flooded his entire being,


Daron groaned out in pain as his soul fell onto the bubble floor, continuously spasming as cracks appeared on his soul.


Since Daron had not closed off his connection to Sirious' two systems, she noticed everything that happened, and when she noticed Daron's condition worsening by the second, she took action.

Rushing into the bubble she quickly began to use energy stored up by the main system to heal Daron's cracking soul.

Time passed quickly, and 20 minutes were quickly gone. However, the energy collected by the main system was not unlimited, and soon it had run out. However, due to this energy, Daron's soul had grown to nearly double its previous size.

But the cracks were still spreading, and Daron's soul was crumbling away, one flake at a time.

Daron himself was in so much pain that he was slowly growing numb to it and his soul's struggling had grown faint as strength was leaving the soul, which was visibly shrinking by the second.

The wall created using the [Force of Will] to hold back the energy from the Bloodline Inheritance was vibrating almost as though a raging beast was thrashing against it, wantonly trying its best to open the gate.

At this moment, his hand unknowingly reached out to the right, and energy quickly rushed into his body.

The shocked Sirious looked over and saw that the soul of the child that was now dead, was willingly giving its energy to hold together Daron's soul. Since it too was a soul, this energy, unlike the energy absorbed by the main system, and sent over to Daron's soul previously, did not have any requirements of Daron's body, and just melded into his soul, and the embryo soul began to shrink.

Just before it completely vanished, Daron's soul suddenly shone with a bright light. It stopped disintegrating, and instead began sucking in al the energy nearby. This caused the walls he set up to hold Bloodline inheritance in as well as the prison to hold the internal energy to collapse and be sucked into his soul.

The embryo soul stopped giving energy and instead sent out a tiny string into Daron's soul and began sucking a miniscule portion of the energies being sucked into the soul.

At this point, the Bloodline Inheritance began to send over a deep black energy, which seemed just as powerful as the energy used by the main system, but it seemed to have originated from this world and so did not meet any resistance, but was in fact boosted in terms of effectiveness.

This energy rushed out of the connection to the Bloodline Inheritance nearly endlessly, flowing into Daron's soul like a tidal wave.

Daron's soul began to shrink. Due to the energy from the main system, it had doubles, and afterwards, although it was crumbling, it still remained the same size, with parts of it withering away into nothingness. Now, it had fully healed, however, it was now beginning to shrink. His soul was not weakening once more, but was becoming even stronger as the pure white colour of his soul began to change, along with the density of the soul.

Another few minutes later, Daron stopped struggling from pain, and finally stood back up in his bubble made of [Force of Will].

Looking over, he noticed that the Bloodline inheritance channel was wide open and rushed to close it up so that others would not notice his true appearance due to the powers held within his body.

The same familiar feeling of losing power overcame him once more and it took him a while to stop feeling restrained.

Next, he looked over that the embryo which had saved him at the most critical moment.

However, it was completely unharmed, and in fact, he could not sense it as though it was an extension of himself. Before, it was like an alien living in his head. But now, it was like having an extra hand.

Decided to investigate this later, he turned his gaze towards the internal energy that was the cause of everything.

Although the prison had vanished, it still remained outside the bubble, as though waiting for instructions.

'Wait Master! You were the one who tried to absorb it all in one go! I did not tell you to! You were supposed to keep this within that fortress of yours and slowly let it dissolve into the fortress before you slowly absorb it over the course of months!'

'Huh? You can speak?'

'Huh? Master? You can hear me?'

Both Daron and the Internal Energy were shocked for words at this point.

[Master Daron. It can be deduced that what the Internal Energy is saying is the truth. However, due to being unable to communicate with you, and the fact that you rush to follow your 'instincts' instead of proven facts and analysis, you swallowed it instead of slowly absorbing it into your soul]

[It can also be inferred that the process of sensing your Internal energy was catching and trapping it, while the true meaning of controlling it is not when it submits, but when you absorb the essence that makes up the very core of your Internal Energy and understand it to the fullest extent.]

[Also, you are already 10 minutes late for morning training. It would be best to return to your body and complete the routine for the day before returning to this place in the night.]