
As soon as he woke up, he was forced to enter his subconscious and reseal his Bloodline Inheritance, and return back.

[Main system initiated successfully]

'Good. Now I won't be restricted to 5m range either.'

It was already late at night, and Daron thought it was best to go to sleep now. The next morning, he was awoken and sent to the main castle by Fals. There, he was faced with an elderly lady who was wearing the clothes that seemed to be of the highest rank of servants.

'Possibly the head maid?' Daron mused.

"Novice Knight Daron. I suppose you know that you are to become the personal guard of Lady Zoey?"

"Yes." Daron replied casually.

"However, in order to do so, you must learn about the duties of a personal guard. You must also learn the etiquette that comes along with that status, and a lot of other etiquettes that you were not taught about before since you family is not a noble, nor does anyone you know work for a noble."


"We will also have to fix that uncouth speech of your."

"Alright then. We shall begin with the duties of a personal guard. Such a position is given to those who will protect the one they are assigned to even at the cost of their lives. You, and Knight Fals will be in charge of protecting Lady Zoey at all costs, but that will generally be limited to when she leaves the castle. Otherwise, unless the castle is in an emergency, you are not to take charge of Lady Zoey's protection, and leave that to the soldiers and knights within the castle."

"What would be considered an emergency?"

"God help us in case it does, but an example would be an enemy kingdom or other powerful force invading the city, Lord Zack being injured or unable to fight, or even in the worst case, killed. Many other possibilities exist, and many contingencies are already in place for when something like this happens. Over the course of the next month, I will be in charge of teaching you everything. Our class will be twice a day, before lunch and right after dinner. Make sure you are not a second late."

"Yes Ma'am." Daron said as he left the room, sighing.

'My life will become harder from now on, but that cannot do anything to affect me. I must, after all, become a mage and learn the secrets of magic.'

With that in mind, Daron went and completed his normal training of the day before completing the etiquette training and having lunch. After chilling for some time with Tom, Rachel, William and Fey, he went off to the Blacksmith Union.

Another 10 days passed and Daron had finally completed the full course on blacksmithing.

The old man teaching him was both shocked and sad. Shocked at the abnormal learning speed of Daron, and sad by the same thing. The course which would last for 20 days was actually a money-making scheme employed by the Blacksmith Union. New apprentices would normally quickly accept the 100 copper price since it was incredibly cheap, around 5 days of work. However, their instructors would speak incredibly fast, and if they wanted the instructors to repeat even a single sentence, they would need to pay 10 copper, and to explain something they did not know about or understand, the instructor would take another 100 copper.

By the end of the 20-day course, which would take normal people a month, their instructors would have gained an astronomical amount of 2000 copper, from just explaining blacksmithing to an apprentice.

However, this young kid in front of him had not requested anything of him from start to finish, forcing him back by 1900 copper of lost gains.

"I would like to apply for practice lessons"

"That will be another 100 copper, and you will have to pay for the materials used and spoiled alike, along with the fuels and other costs."


Daron happily handed the burly man at the counter another 100 copper just as he had done the previous time he was at the counter.

"Let's start now. I have a few hours to waste anyways."

With that, he was brought to a bloomery [1], by the same old man. Since this was an isolated city, there were very few blacksmiths within the city.

After spending a total of 4 hours learning the basics while watching the old man complete all the steps in front of his own eyes, before returning to the castle, where he began his etiquette training once more.

While having dinner, he found Tom, Fey, William and Rachel all seated at their usual table. However, they had tense expressions on their faces.

"What happened?"

"Uh hi Daron." Rachel was the first to react.

The rest also looked up and just nodded to Daron before their gazes turned distant once more.

"What's wrong guys?" Daron said impatiently. He was getting an ominous feeling about what was going to happen next.

"Lord Zack has announced that beasts have been increasing in the forest surrounding the city, which is putting merchants and travellers at risk, and may even attract things like magical beasts, which would require Official knights to kill. And magical beasts might attract magical beasts of Rank 2, which only Sir Zack himself could duel with to a draw."

"Therefore, he is organising a hunting expedition for all knights in training and city guards, along with the few mercenaries in the city to go out into the forest and kill the beasts. Magical beasts will be handled by the 3 Official Knight students of Sir Zack. Naturally, the mercenaries will be paid and will have a choice, while we have to go no matter what, and will not be paid a single copper extra."

"But aren't knights in training as weak as normal humans? And I am a 6-year-old child. How can I fight against beasts?"

Hearing this, Fey smiled bitterly as he spoke, "Anyone who is accepted as a knight in training is at the very least as strong as an adult male. I doubt you are as weak as you say you are. Especially after you defeated all the new recruits."

Daron froze in his rant. He had to admit, he was indeed stronger than the normal male adult. His 6-year-old body has the strength, speed, health, and everything of a normal human adult, but his Intelligence of 17, a soul of 2, his combat system, as well as a sealed form that gave him an additional +2 in every single stat unconditionally.

Daron just sighed as he sat down at the dinner table, and continued chatting with the gang.

"So, we have to form groups of 5?"

"Yes." Rachel responded

"Then the five of us?"

"Yes" Fey replied this time

"Then let us make a few plans." Daron said as he told everyone to finish eating and come over to his room for a team meeting.

[1] for those who do not know, this is an older, medieval Europe term for furnace powered by charcoal or coal.