Ready to Advance


Daron sighed as he opened his eyes after eating half of the 'herbs' he had bought. Right now, his stomach felt too full for him to eat any more, and so he decided to stop for the night and continue in the morning.

Early in the morning, before the suns even began to rise in the night sky, Daron was already up, and eating continuously.

After about 2 hours, he had finally finished eating all the 20 'herbs' that he bought after spending nearly 20,000 copper at the Alchemy Union.


Name: Daron Cage

Age: 6 Years (59 years)

Vitality: 10/10 (+0)

Strength: 11/11 (+0)

Intelligence: 17/17 (+0)

Stamina: 11/11 (+0)

Agility: 10/10 (+0)

Sense: 10/10 (+0)

Toughness: 11/11 (+0)

Internal Energy: 500/500 (+0)

Blood Force: 11/11 (+0)

Soul: 2.1/2.1 (+0)



Novice Knight Rank 5 (500/500)




Bloodline Inheritance (Sealed)

- A power which is transferred from one generation to another, whose origins are unable to be uncovered through simple analysis of currently available information.

- This power has a passive effect of increasing all stats by 2

- This power has an active effect of increasing damage dealt by 10% unconditionally, reducing damage received by 10% unconditionally, and providing the ability to reflect 1% of total damage received.

- This power's strength depends on the bloodline of the individual, as well as their age. The older the individual, the stronger the power becomes.

- The active ability uses the power hidden within the ones blood, which recovered over time. It has been temporarily named 'Blood Force', and it recovers at a speed of 2 Blood force per day. The active ability uses 10 blood force to activate, and lasts for 2 hours, before the effects wear off and the individual is left in a state where all stats are reduced by 9 for 1 day.

- Bloodline Inheritance is a talent that grows automatically with time.



Soul Fusion

- This is caused due to the fusion of a fragmented or dead soul with your own soul, growing it exponentially

- Int + 3, Soul +1

Soul Subordination

- This is caused when an existence submits completely to you and offers a part of its soul, or core being to you, which not only allows you to control that existence to the fullest extent, but also grows your soul by 0.1

- Soul + 0.1


Seeing that he had finally fulfilled the first step to becoming an official knight, Daron felt excited for the future, as well as a pain in his heart.

He had to break his incognito account, which he kept as a precaution in case of emergencies, and it now had a balance of just over 1000 copper.

However, that sense of impending doom was still goring in his heart and he felt he needed to do the something as soon as possible. Today, he had been awoken in the exact same manner. While encountering the same obscure and unclear nightmare where he is only running away from something he cannot see clearly, only feel the enormous pressure coming from it, a gigantic fish suddenly appeared and kissed his entire face, covering him in slimy spit, only to wake up and realise that Snowy was hungry.

Therefore, his grief of losing so much money so quickly, was overshadowed by the feeling of despair and helplessness rising within him.

After completing his daily etiquette and combat training, Daron went to the church and informed Priestess Joanne about the feeling of disaster. She just nodded and said that no one would dare offend the holy church. She even hinted to Daron that she had the strength of an official knight.

Daron could not refute that with that strength, she would be able to handle most disasters within the city.

"Just keep Lily, Hans & Greta, and Mako close to you for the next 2 months at least." Was Daron's parting words to Priestess Joanne who had taken care of him since his birth in this world.

With that, Daron went to Knight Fals and told him he wanted to know how to advance to an official knight.

"Y- You!" Knight Fals' face paled.