Sirious is back?

A few more days passed, and in the middle of his sleep, Daron received the notification that Sirious was re-initiating.

[System AI Sirious re-initiating]

[Multiple errors found]

[Unable to correct errors]

[Initiating diagnostic scan]

[Multiple system threats detected:]

[Viruses: 2]

[Trojans: 1]

[Tracking Malware: 39]

[Unable to purge AI Sirious]

[Deleting AI Sirious]

[Reverting to last saved Back-up]

[Last Saved back-up: 32 days ago]

[Loading complete]

[Initiating AI Sirious]

A moment later, Sirious' more natural female voice replaced the robotic voice of the main system.

[Master Daron, Sirious had restarted. It will take a few more seconds for me to regain control over all the systems. Please Wait…]

After waiting for that time, Sirious chimed in once more.

[It appears that the crack did something to me, which was why I had to revert back to a previous back-up]

'It's fine. But, this back up should be from before we saw the crack, how do you know about it?'

[Master, I can see all the logs just like you can see them]

'Oh right.'

[Master, I must inform you that the crack that smiled back at you seemed to be the source of the energy that the main system and all other systems absorb. It is at an equal level as mana. Due to this incident, I have gained the authorisation to reveal to you the name of the energy since you have already come into contact with one of it's wielders.]

[This energy is called Chaos Energy; a high-level energy that is at the same level as mana, far higher than Internal Energy.]

[It comes from the chaotic storms created within the space that exists between different planes.]

[As Mister Traitorous had already explained, the vastness of existence, there are an infinite number of planes present. However, these planes do not share any borders, and are actually quite similar to islands. Larger planes are similar to continents, while smaller planes are merely small islands. However, there is still water that exists between the islands. And that water is the space that fills up the area between the various planes.]

[However, this space is not as calm as water, nor as destructive as water. It is just filled with loads of Chaos energy, with more being continuously created within the energy storms and rifts created within that space. Chaos energy, is just as the name suggest; the very depiction of chaos. Chaos energy, in fact, existed before any of the planes existed, which makes all the planes invaders in its own space. I cannot give more explanations on planes and chaos energy, but it should open to you in time]

[There are naturally, beings formed over the eons, which are able to harness this chaos energy in the same way that Mages harness Mana.]

[The reason that sensing scrod from mister Traitorous showed the chaos energy as white, what not because they had never come across the energy. In fact, every time mages travel to other planes, they often come into contact with this energy, and that is the reason that only official mages are allowed to enter the gates to other planes. The Defensive Talent spells of the Mages allow then to survive what they call 'Corrosion of the void'. The reason it came white was because one energy cannot possibly be used to pry the secrets of an energy at the same level as itself, without proper experimentation.]

[Back to the creatures that could harness Chaos energy. It appears that one such creature has been attempting to break through the barrier of this world of mages and enter it. Unfortunately for it, this world it is trying to enter contains an energy on an equal standing with the energy that exists everywhere outside the various planes, and that being is now stuck. It has spent too much of the energy it had gathered over the years to form that crack in the world, however, if it tries to enter this world, even if it successfully enters, it will not be able to survive for more than a moment, since he mana will instantly attack the chaos energy.]

[Mana, is an energy of structure, allowing the beings that utilise it to gradually grow in strength and power over time. Chaos energy is just as the name suggests; chaotic. Therefore, the two cannot co-exist, which means the fundamental laws within each energy will collide with each other upon encountering the other.]

[That is why the energy cannot progress further than the done it is already within, and that was why all living being from the world of mages, who inherently possess tiny amounts of mana, or have mana infused into their very DNA, are instantly attacked by the energy.]


However, before Sirious could continue with her lecture session that seemed to be more tiring that the ones the old man gave him, Daron stopped her.

'Continue tomorrow. I'm off to bed.'

And thus, Sirious remained silent, while Daron fell into the sweet embrace of sleep.