
In the carriage, while Rachel was petting the sleeping white dog in her arms, she was actually thinking about something else.

'Out of all those beasts we met, 2 of them were definitely Rank 1 magical beasts.'

'Yet… Daron swiftly slayed the two, using only 3 moved for each beast!'

'That means, that he has already reached Rank 6!'

She turned her head slightly and looked over at the boy. The boy who had spent over a 1/8ths of his life with her, and her friends. A boy, who was now a Rank 6 knight!

"Daron?" after great hesitation, she finally spoke.

Stopping his reading, Daron turned away from the window and asked back to Rachel, "Yes?"

"Uhm… are you… an official knight?" She asked while twiddling her finger.

"Huh?" he was slightly surprised at the sudden question, but then remembered that he had killed two Rank 1 magical beasts in front of her, and so just nodded to her question seriously before returning back to reading the fire-ball spell.

In the awkward silence that remained within the carriage, the duo slowly made their way to Marcel, and used the teleportation gate to travel back to Ferdon using it.

This time, Daron prevented himself from falling unconscious, just like last time, however, he placed himself onto the floor and acted as though he was unconscious to prevent a situation like Lucius.

Thankfully, nothing like that happened again this time round, and a few hours later, Rachel also woke up in the Teleportation Sorting Centre.

"We are here?" Asked Rachel in a slightly shocked voice. Just like the first time Daron had come here, she also did not know anything. It was also the first time she had gone through a teleportation gate.

"Yes. Let's have some food and then we'll head over to the Old Man's house. Then, you can decide on what you want to do.'

Walking down the rather cleanly paved streets of Ferdon, the capital city of the Pierre kingdom, Rachel and Daron soon made their way to District 11 after having their fill of some food.

"Kid, who is the girl?" And old and raspy voice, belonging to Old Man Traitorous came from inside the house before Daron could even knock on the door.

"She is a friend." Daron just shrugged, and walked in instead of knocking since Traitorous already knew who she was.

"Hmph" The voice snorted, but did not stop the two from entering. If Daron had brought some random person before, the old man would have stopped him and the person from entering, instead sending them for another round of questioning.

Now however, Daron was his only disciple, and someone he brought would naturally be a guest to Traitorous unless proven otherwise.

With that logic, the old man did not do anything, and instead had an interested look in his eyes.

"You are still too young for anything of that sort kid" He said before stopping to transmit his voice from inside the house, going back to the research he was conducting.

Daron did not say anything even though he understood the meaning behind those words, while Rachel did not say anything because she did not understand anything.

However, after a few seconds, she finally understood what this meant and blushed slightly.

Daron turned to her with a strange look on his face.

'She is only 11. Who the hell taught her about stuff like this…'

[Master, you are not even 8 yet…]

'I'm already way past my youth in reality. And you know it too'

[But your body does not know that. Sooner or later, you will have to engage in sexual activities to calm your emotions. Especially due to the bloodline within your body. In fact, I estimate that you will go through puberty at the age of 9. However, this process is likely to continue till the age of 25 due to the bloodline properties. This means that during this period of time, your hormones will cause you to be highly aroused at the smallest of things.]


Daron was speechless at this. Was he going to become a h***ny pig for 16 years?

[Naturally, this can be suppressed to 50% of its effect by me, but that will further increase the duration of the period of puberty. If I fully suppress it at 50%, you will need to go through puberty for nearly 32 years, till you are 41 years old, master Daron. This effect will reduce the effect of hormones to only slightly above the effect they have on normal humans going through the same progress.]

'Damn it. Do it then, normal if fine. No matter how long it takes. It will be fine.' Daron gritted his teeth as he made the decision instantly.