Starting the process

'Alright Sirious, plan out everything based on the information from my previous try. This time, Let's do this.'

As he said that in his mind, he drank the silverish-green liquid in the test tube and placed it into the ground softly before immediately beginning the process of mana absorption.

Starting from the first step, he calmed his breathing rate and hear beats to the level required.

Then, he began the process of clearing his mind just like the last time, and just like that, he lost track of time.

After a period of time that he did not know how to describe, Daron had successfully cleared his entire mind.

Now, he was in a completely blank white space, seemingly the complete opposite to the utter blackness of his subconscious.

This seemed to be the core of his conscious mind, since anytime he thought of something it would appear in front or around him, which was a pain, since he continuously needed to clear out these thoughts from his mind and keep it completely empty.

After some more time, he had finally grown accustomed to the process of clearing his mind on a constant basis to prevent anything from appearing in the empty white space. [1]

After that, only a projection of himself with no clothes or accessories was left in the empty space, and Daron simply made his projection also sit down and close its eyes, waiting.

After waiting some more time, the projection opened its eyes as it looked around and finally saw what Daron had been waiting for. Around the projection in the white space, there were countless glowing dots, floating around aimlessly.

There were two colours that were closer to him that others, while another was being pushed away due to his very existence.

The ones that were moving closer were red and black, while the colour that was moving away from him was blue. The red was a light red, closer to an orange than crimson, however, it was the most abundant colour around him. Within the nearly 2000 dots that surrounded him, there were almost 500 red dots that were moving closer to him at a speed that was barely visible, slower than even a snail. There were around 500 black dots that were also slowly moving towards him. While the nearly 10 blue dots were seemingly trying to escape his sight, at a similar speed to the red and black glowing dots. Naturally, there were a lot of other coloured dots like green, purple, brown, transparent, metallic silver, and many indescribably bizarre colours.

'Elemental visualisation!' was the only thing that came in Daron's mind and instantly the memory of Traitorous telling him about elemental visualisation appeared in the white space, disturbing the glowing dots as they began vanishing.

Instantly, Daron did his best and cleared his mind once more, removing the memory from his conscious mind, allowing the elements to gather once more.

One he was done with that, he extended his right hand, as though trying to reach something, and tried to pull in some of the red coloured dots.

This process was actually a rather simple process based on one's imagination. Based on the imagination of the user, the elements would be absorbed in different ways. For example, the old man explained his method as simple fishing.

He would accurately throughout the line, hooking a dt, and reeling it in, resulting in a 100% success rate.

Naturally, Daron understood this and tried to do the same, but utterly failed. As the old man had said, this part could not be replicated, and once a mage had come up with the idea and used it for their mana absorption method, no other mage could use it until the creator's soul died.

Therefore, Daron had spent some time to think of a different method, and he had actually thought up of multiple methods.

Reaching out his hand once more, he tried imagining a vacuum cleaner in his palms, sucking in the red dots nearby.

Somehow, this actually worked. However, the force of the vacuum was so weak that the dots that were moving slower than snails, and now increased their speed of moving closer towards Daron to the exact speed of a snail.

This was too slow!

Daron thought up another idea, and while keeping the suction force on, he used his left hand and stretched it to exactly the opposite direction of his right hand; towards his back.

Then, he created a repulsion force pushing everything behind him away from him.

Naturally, nothing happened, but Daron persisted, thinking to himself that he would wait for some time and see. If nothing happened, then he would use his second option.

However, due to some good luck he must have accumulated somewhere, he noticed something.

The particles to his left and right, were all now moving towards his right hand.

'It worked!'

Daron's plan was simple. He made a bold assumption that his conscious mind was an enclosed space, instead of being an endless plane, it was more of a box.

He started the suction using his right hand to his front, and the repulsion to his back from his left hand. Thus, forming a flow within the space. Naturally, this would only work if it was enclosed.

However, from the experiences of the old man, who said that the particles in his conscious mind has run out, reaching the limits of his potential, Sirious made this assumption to have a 62.93% likelihood of being correct.

Therefore, Daron tried to create the flow within the box. This would be far more efficient that trying to use both his hands for suction, and most importantly, much faster.

As time passed, the speed of the flow slowly increased, and the particles began moving faster. His projection was stuck in its spot due to the limitations of the human mind, but the path of becoming a mage was filled with the concept of breaking limitations through knowledge.

The knowledge of attracting the particles instead of trying to chase them was one such knowledge that was passed onto human-kind by the high-elves, and Daron was making use of it now.

The particles, particularly the red and black ones began moving at a speed that Daron could call equivalent to the speed of ants.

Soon, the first particle reached his hand, being instantly sucked in, His entire projection glowed a brilliant red, before everything in the space stopped, and Daron was pushed out, opening the tightly shut eyes of his real body.