
While in deep sleep, suddenly, Daron's dream was twisted, with a cry for help from a child echoing in his mind.

It was so faint, yet still audible, but Daron could not do anything for that voice at the moment.

However, within a moment, he opened his eyes, finding himself on his bed, completely unharmed. However, that voice could still be heard, not from his years, but from within himself.

Following the direction from where it was coming, Daron turned his head right, only to see the extremely thin and fragile Doug holding onto Snowy, cuddling with it in the corner of the bed.

'This guy…' speechless, Daron moved closer to Doug, in an attempt to pull snowy out of its precarious situation of being used as a body pillow, even though it was only the size of his arm.

However, out of his expectations, there appeared to be some sort of liquid on the floor, causing Daron to slip, and fall into little snowy, whose pitying look instantly turned into one of horror.

At this moment, as if sensing the danger, Doug opened his eyes, only to see the big guy named Daron jumping towards him. His confused eyes flashed with something uncertain as his face become slightly red and he curled up even more with snowy being snuggled safely between his thin arms and legs.

While this was happening, the door suddenly swung open and Patrice walked in, while her squad of loyal 'bodyguards' waited outside. However, what Patrice witnessed in the brief moment she had entered was beyond words.

"I'm sorry!" With her face just as red as Doug's face, Patrice slammed the door behind her as she left the room in a hurry, however, there was no shame in her eyes, but a strange interest and curiosity.

Daron picked himself off Doug, and pulled the poor snowy out of his clutches, before sighing. He clearly knew what had happened, and what were the consequences, however, any attempt to explain himself to her would only result in further misunderstandings, and therefore, he simply got up and got dressed.

Due to the automatic temperature adjustments within the ship, the air that was supposed to be cool, was actually relatively hot to even the summers in Pierre, and due to that, Daron felt more at ease sleeping without a shirt.

This, in fact, had further added to the misunderstanding. However, he still felt the need to explain it to Doug, who seemed to be affected by it.

"I was just trying to get snowy here, but I slipped on that water, and then this happened" Daron summarised the entire incident as shortly as possible to Doug, whose face suddenly froze. From being red, it turned even redder from the misunderstanding.

Nodding at the fact that Doug understood everything, Daron let go of snowy, who quickly started barking and jumping around like a normal dog would. Through the mental connection, Daron heard,

"Let's Go! Food!"

'This guy… I should have named you greed or glutton…' Daron thought to himself as he left the room with snowy, leaving Doug to his own instruments.

While moving towards the kitchen to make a breakfast for himself and to teach those kids how to make breakfast, Daron suddenly wondered for a brief moment,

'Why was he only wearing a shirt but no pants?' However, that thought was quickly buried under the other thought of what food to make today.

Back in the room, Doug had finally calmed down, and then he changed into his clothes before also leaving the room.

He too, did not understand why he was this flustered. However, he only felt like it was something to be ashamed of, that he might have actually liked that moment of brief contact.

'Do I like wrestling?' he thought to himself.


Ahem, dear readers, do not fear, this will not be a romance novel. Perhaps children, but not too much romance, and definitely not too much of this.