Rank 2 beast (2)

Something was definitely wrong. The Rank 2 beast he had seen Zack Bard fighting with was definitely much stronger than this flying beast, who are supposed to be as strong as a normal Rank 3 magical beast!

But what was this? This one was so weak for a Rank 2 flying beast, that even if he was not there, this group of useless children could have launched all their attacks at it, and at the very least scared it off, thus saving themselves.

With this in mind, Daron waited for it to die, and when it finally stopped moving, he slowly walked towards its head, and stabbed it with his sword.

However, the sword went through its skull incredibly easily, almost as though he was cutting though flesh instead of bones.


[This does not seem to be something that is alive. Its body seems to be held together with mana, which means some high-level spell had been used to keep this together, that I cannot analyse at all.]

'Helpful' Daron remarked sarcastically to the statement of Sirious. At this moment, while all this children were slightly shocked at the sudden turn of events, Snowy barked from behind them, and came charging towards Daron.

Then, it stopped in front of Daron, before looking towards the corpse, before looking at Daron again, with its tongue out and panting heavily. Continuously switching its view from Daron to the corpse, even an idiot would understand what it wanted.

Sighing, Daron nodded before turning around and heading for the water storage, leaving behind footsteps of blue blood, saliva, and green mucus from inside the beast's throat.

Everyone looked at Daron leaving, and suddenly realised, that he had effectively singlehandedly killed a Rank 2 monster.

"Take care of Rudolf, and quickly recover your stamina and mana. Don't forget to eat breakfast." Daron said just before he disappeared from view down the stairs.

Doug, Patrice and the squad of ducklings nodded. The knights in training went to Rudolf to help him up, while the mage apprentices headed down to the lower decks to recover their mana through meditation.

All meditation method not only possessed the ability to permanently increase your mana, but if you only followed the first few steps and just entered the meditative state, the speed of mana recovery would greatly increase.

Back in the water storage, Daron removed his clothes and used a bucket of water to wash himself and his clothes, before putting them aside to dry, picking up a long piece of cloth which was this world's equivalent of a towel, and left the water storage, heading to his room to change into a new pair of clothes.

At this moment, Sirious spoke in warning.


'… Go on! Don't just stop at warning!'

[Master Daron, your legs are bleeding! You were cut by the teeth inside the beast, but its blood had effectively healed all the wounds, therefore I did not report it.]

'So, the blood of rank 2 beasts can heal me?'

[Not exactly. There were large amounts of mana injected into the blood of the beast, which was keeping it together. That mana sealed up most of your wounds]

'Then why the hell am I bleeding!!' Daron exclaimed as he noticed the trail of blood he was leaving behind from both his legs.

[It appears the effect that particular blood had on you only lasted for a few minutes.]
