Food and Water

While Daron was 'procuring' food for everyone, the rest of the 7 people were just wasting away time, a gloomy atmosphere hanging over them.

Taking in a deep breath, Rudolf stood up, and looked at the 4 remaining knights in training that had come along with him.

"Everyone…" He started, before a long break to get the attention of all of them, "I know you guys are feeling incredibly sad at the loss of your friends and teammates. I know you guys are feeling frustrated at the fact that their deaths were in vein. I know that you guys are feeling a sense of hopelessness for losing the only way to our goal just like that."

Hearing this, 2 of the knights in training, whose close friends had died, had their eyes red. While the other two were just sent here from their families, without knowing anyone, and therefore only felt a little sad at their group becoming smaller, and losing some new acquaintances they had made over the past 2 months.

"But, now is not the time to grieve, we must prepare for combat, and get ready to take back our ship."

Just as Rudolf was saying this, Daron returned with a bucket of food, and interrupted him.

"No. Now we do absolutely nothing. If you guys wish to grieve, then go ahead. We have two weeks of doing nothing, just remaining here and eating, exercising, sleeping, resting up, and then preparing for combat on the last day. So, rest up. We will build graves for those we have lost here."

However, everyone here except Rudolf, even in this world, were considered children no matter how mature they tried to act. While Rudolf could be considered an adult, he was still barely across the borderline. Therefore, Daron would naturally not make them battle right now and suppress their emotions. Instead, it would be much better to give them some time to let go of their emotions and vent freely.

Also, it would be a simple waste of time and energy, as well as possibly life, if they went to try and take back the ship any time soon. The best time would be at the end of the rest period.

"Anyway, I've got food. However, I do not have any water…" Daron said truthfully, before looking at Doug, who was the only one with a Water-ball spell.

"I, I… I can only follow the procedure to launch the spell. It is not possible for me to control my power…"

Daron looked at him, before nodding.

"That is fine, for now, temporarily, you can throw the water-ball at me. I'll manage the rest."

Daron did not make Doug teach him how to use water-ball, since not only was that a taboo among mages, but also for the fact that water particles generally ran away from him, therefore, even if he figured out the step of building the spell matrix, he would not be able to complete the easiest step which was to fill it with mana, since his mana leaned towards fire, space, nature, poison, earth, and metal. Wind, and some other particles neither rejecting him nor accepted him, while water was the one thing that outright rejected his very being, always moving away from him.

After preparing a bucket, Daron was ready, but it took Doug another few minutes to prepare himself to attack his friend and one who saved his life a few times, and finally launch the attack.

Using the combat system, and Sirious' instructions, Daron ran backwards while facing the water ball that was approaching him at a slightly faster speed. With no change in expression, he extended his hands towards the water ball, and when it was inside and he felt some pressure from it, he pulled his hands back at a reducing speed. Within just 30 steps, he had stopped, with the water in his bucket, just a little spilling out.

Naturally, he had not used his Internal energy, just relying on his sturdy body to move that fast, absorb the force of the ball.

Daron had not asked Doug to launch it into the air, since it was basically going to be like a beacon to any enemies nearby that there was a group of survivors present right here.

With that, the group had solved the problem of food and water for the moment.