Dark Forest Academy (1)

"Welcome, all of you younglings, to the Land of Mages."

Although it was supposed to be a welcome of grandeur, the lazy method in which the middle-ages man said it made the atmosphere incredibly awkward, with no one having any particular reaction to it.

"I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions. Unfortunately for you, I am not here to answer any of them. If you wish for answers, you should head to the library. You guys only need to know that you are now students of the Dark Forest Academy. We use magic stones to exchange for items within the academy, between students and professors. You can earn magic stones by completing tasks from the mission area, tasks given by professors, or trading with others in the trading centre. The Academy is divided into many area; the dormitories where you apprentices will be living for the forceable future, classrooms, laboratories, the trading area, the mission area, this administration area, the entrance you guys just came in through, and certain restricted places."

"For now, file up and we will begin registration, after which we will commence professor selection"

The middle-aged man stood up.

"From now on, let me tell you guys the basic rules. All apprentices of a higher rank than you, no matter their age, are to be treated as your seniors. All official mages are to be treated as your kings. Later, you will select your professors, who will be your mentors through your stay at the academy, whether you graduate or drop-out. You will address all mages from the Dark Forest Academy as instructors other than your professors, and those from outside the academy will be referred to as respected mage. Got it?"

Daron just nodded, and everyone else also nodded along, since they had clearly seen the fate of that poor Novice knight who had come along with the group of 6 who originally had occupied the ship. Now, they had become a group of 5 apprentices.

"Alright then, come follow me"

The middle-aged instructor said as he took the lead, while the hooded man simply walked away in a different direction.

Daron and the others followed, but while moving he secretly whispered to Doug, Patrice and Charles. He also made sure his voice was just loud enough for the 5 apprentices from the ship to also hear, as he intently looked towards their direction.

"I don't think this place is one for normal mages like our original destination. It is unlikely to be a black-mage academy, but we cannot rule out the possibility. So, for the safety of every, let us stick together"

Doug and Patrice immediately nodded, and so did those 2 apprentices who had come along with Daron the entire way. Charles hesitated for merely a moment before nodding as well, and those following him also nodded. They all looked towards the group of 5 apprentices while walking, waiting for their reaction.

It was clear to everyone what Daron was trying to do, he was trying to take authority of this new batch of students entering this unknown academy.

In reality however, he only wanted everyone to stick together, that way, there was lesser of a chance for something wrong to happen to him, since he would have more cannon-fodder. Especially those 5 apprentices.

The 5 in question had weird expressions on their faces, before one of them finally decided to muster the courage and whispered back to Daron.

"This is not a black magic organisation, but a Dark mage organisation. I think you should know the difference since you mentioned it. And we intended to come here from the beginning."

"However?" Daron asked, knowing the kid wanted to continue.

"However, this place is as dangerous as you assume it to be, and so, we would also like to join this union of yours."

As they walked the middle-aged man pushed open a door and revealed a rather large room, capable of holding at least 100 children of their age. Every single apprentice here was below the age of 15, in fact, every apprentice who had participated for the journey selection fell within that range, the only difference being that the knights protecting them were not.

"Alright. Take a piece of paper and write down your name, age, affinity, talent, and current apprentice level."

Daron followed the instructions and wrote the things down. Naturally, he did not put all his information properly. Back when he had his affinity tested by the old man, it had caused a lot of commotion, and it would be more likely to get him directly killed here.

Suddenly, Daron remembered about talent. This was something that was meant to be tested by the old man, but their conversation had ended with affinity, and he had never paid too much attention to it.

This was something he did not know.

'Sirious… what is my talent level?'

[No idea master. Traitorous never bothered to tell us]

'Shit, will I need to request to be tested here?'