Dark Forest Academy (3)

'Remove all those whose requirements involve me participating in the experiment, or being the subject of the experiment.'

[Match found: 1]

[Professor Luke]

[Specialisations: Fire, Poison, Alchemy]

[Remuneration: 1 magic stone and 1 lesson per month, plus, the opportunity to witness experiments.]

[Note: You will not have the right to redo the experiment and call it your own, or reveal information about the experiment unless I give you express permission to do so.]

[Requirement: Must assist in preparing experimental material, herbs, and other products for the experiments, as well as clean the experiment after completion.]

[Note: Do not worry, you will not be harmed, unlike the other instructors.]

'I guess I have no choice…' Daron sighed. There was only one option remaining, and after reading the note at the end, Daron felt a shiver run up his spine as he looked over at those who had already picked their professors, and definitely could not change it. Instead of ruining their mood and making them fear something for no reason, Daron just sighed and decided not to talk about it.

"Instructor, I would like to choose Professor Luke as my professor."

"Luke? Alright. But remember before that madman pulls you into learning alchemy under him as well; Alchemy is a profession that absorbs a terrifying amount of resources. Without an established mage family backing you, I doubt you will be able to go that far."

"But so many people have become masters in alchemy"

"That is the mainland's alchemy. Something for ordinary people to use. A Mage's alchemy is completely different. Anyway, I'm only giving you this information out of caution. The choice is yours."

The middle-aged instructor did not seem to have much of a reaction towards Daron after that and simply said.


Within 5 minutes, everyone had chosen their professors and were all registered with the academy.

The middle-aged Instructor pointed at a pile of cloth and said,

"Congratulations, from this moment forwards, you guys are officially students of the Dark Forest Academy. Take a robe for each of you and a beginner apprentice badge. You should know that the grey robe signifies that you guys are all apprentices. You will only receive a black robe when and if you become an official Rank 1 mage."

"Also, each of you takes one of each of these books. Compliments from the academy for successfully enrolling."

Daron went up and collected his items. While putting on the beginner apprentice badge and robe, he also read the covers of the books he had been handed.

[Basic Mana Accumulation Technique]

[Basic Mana Shield]

[Basic Mana Bullet]

Daron looked up at the Instructor and said, "Can I exchange the Mana accumulation technique with something else?"

The instructor, finally showed interest towards this student and pulled out his information from the pile in his hand. However, after reading Talent Level 1, his eyes lost interest and he said,

"No. Furthermore, the Mana accumulation technique is something that is mandatory in order to reach Intermediate apprentice rank."


Daron did not argue with the man, instead, allowing things to flow as they should. The uninterested look on the instructor's face clearly dissuaded Daron from continuing the conversation.