
Soon, a ring had been formed around professor Luke and Daron.

"I, Luke Barns,"

"I, Luke Barns- Ahem. I, Daron Cage,"

Professor Luke simply glanced once more at Daron with a questioning glance. For a mage apprentice to get confused about his own name… was he truly worth teaching?

"Summon thee, oh blind one, the foreshadowing of justice,"

"Summon thee, oh blind one, the foreshadowing of justice,"

"Tarkus, to bear witness"

"Tarkus, to bear witness"

As soon as Daron finished, Luke injected mana into the air, which almost as though following the words of Daron and himself, formed into a spell as it rose into the room before a pair of golden eyes came out from the spell, hovering in the air as each eye stared at Daron and Luke.

"Daron my boy, do not resist its power or else the contract will fail."

As soon as Daron felt something trying to enter his mind, he was about to block it, but Luke's reminder prevented him from doing so.

"According to the contract, you will not reveal any information I provide to you without my permission. You also cannot copy any of my experiments without my permission, but you are allowed to gain inspiration from them…"

Professor Luke continued to list off at least 24 more conditions before his nonchalant attitude finally grew serious.

"Finally, you will always peruse the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. To prove that something is the truth, you must not dis-prove all other possibilities but instead prove that yours is truly correct"

'This guy is getting more and more philosophical'

"Do you agree to this?"

'Any issues Sirious?' By this point in time, Daron was almost asleep from boredom, and had instead set up Sirious to listen to and analyse the contract.

[Not quite, but sacrificing 10 years of your life towards remaining within the Academy, and if you happen to advance to an official Mage in that time, another 10 years being sacrificed to the Academy is a little too much right?]

'What is my lifespan currently?' Daron knew that his bloodline and Chaos, Mana, and Internal energies had had certain effects on his body, lifespan and soul, but he was not sure what they were, and had not bothered to ask Sirious about it yet.

[Around 230 years. If you advance to Advanced knight, it should become 250 years. I can't estimate Blade Masters yet since there is not enough information. Through the apprentice ranks, there should not be much of a change in your lifespan, but once you reach Rank 1 Mage, it should in theory increase by another 50 years.]


Daron was completely speechless at this response and was left standing in a daze for a few seconds before yelling in his mind.

'THEN WHAT IS THE BLOODY PROBLEM IF I SPEND 20 YEARS HERE? I would be getting 50 years in exchange for those 20 years, a 30-year benefit!'

[I see no point in gaining 30 years when you should be able to get the full 50 years by staying with Traitorous]

'There would definitely be some sort of benefit of coming to an organisation that the old man could not give me. Why else would he have sent me away? Besides, the old man specialised in wind magic, but Luke here specialises in fire and poison, both of which are pretty compatible with me.'

'Oh, and I'm curious, what is the lifespan of the normal beginner apprentices like Doug and Patrice.'

[Normal beginner apprentices had a lifespan very similar to that of normal humans, around 50-60 years. Some people like Patrice have used some unknown methods to increase their talent might face side-effects in the form of shortened lifespans, while those like Doug might live on till that age of 100 years since his talent is all natural]

'… That sounds…. Incredibly… You know what, never mind. All in all, I'm agreeing to this contract'

[I still disagree, but sure]

Seeing that Sirious had taken a step back, he decided to take the swing before she could convince him otherwise.

"I, Daron Cage, agree to this contract"

At this moment, the eye that was facing him closed shut for a moment, before opening once more, as though it had taken a picture of Daron. The same repeated with the eye facing Luke, before the two eyes simply vanished.

Professor Luke, seeing the questioning gaze of his newly appointed apprentice, took the initiative and explained.

"Tarkus is a creature from another realm."

Daron was shocked, then taken aback, then more question marks seemed to form on his face.

"Haha, do not worry. This creature is not a normal creature like us, but rather, a being formed through the laws of a particular world. It is restricted to existing only within that particular world; a realm guardian. However, with time, it found another method to grow its power. It sacrificed its own eyes and scattered them across the void. These eyes were intangible by the chaos energy and chaos creatures living within the void, and even natives like us."

"Ah, I digress. No point in scaring away a new apprentice. Basically, these eyes can be called forth and used as third-party witnesses. Upon the breaking of the contract, the eyes which have invaded your soul will simply crush your soul and absorb it. Oh, but don't worry as long as the contract is not broken, it cannot interfere with, or spy on, or gain any information on the people involved in the contract."

Daron was speechless. It appeared that Professor Luke was truly insane.