The Prize

Night Shadow looked at the prize with widened eyes. It was...

A blueprint for a normal gun that has metal bullets. Not a high-tech gun but a normal gun, for a transformer. Night Shadow sighed. He thought he was quite lucky after adding the points but that clearly wasn't the case. Well, there went the 1 ticket he had for the wheel.

'At least I know how it works'

Night Shadow was helpless and could focus on tasks ahead. Night Shadow asked...

'Hey, system, do you have a map or something to tell me where the other pieces of the Allspark are kept?'

[Yes, host]

Night Shadow finally smiled in happiness.

'But why didn't you tell me earlier?'

[The host never asked]

Night Shadow became dumbfounded at the answer but continued smiling, nonetheless. But there was another thing nagging him.

'System, what exactly are you? I mean, it is definitely not a common thing to know where each piece of the Allspark, that many races are trying to find, is located. And, how did you know about the war that happened centuries ago', Night Shadow asked.

The system became silent. Night Shadow would have thought the system had disappeared if it had not replied.

[The host's level is too less to know the answer...Encouraging the host to level up more quickly and become stronger...]

Well, that was unexpected. Night Shadow was surprised at the system's answer and even more surprised at the last sentence. It sounded...almost human-like.

'System, who created you?'

This question had been lingering in Night Shadow's mind(aka the core). This time the system went silent. It did not speak or encourage like last time but went completely silent. Night Shadow "felt" something bigger, something more mysterious behind the system but, he was weak. This time, Night Shadow truly understand that he was weak and promised himself...

'I shall become stronger. Stronger than anyone else in the multiverse'

Well, keeping that aside, he had reached the place where the hounds were waiting for him. Night Shadow thought they looked cool the way they were standing in front of him in an obedient manner. Night Shadow looked at each and every one of them and put them in his storage before hearing sounds from one side. Night Shadow used his radar and looked at the multiple hostiles coming towards him.

Night Shadow sent the map of the places where the pieces are located and said, "Athena, lock on one of the easy places where the pieces are and get ready for warp drive"

"Yes, master"

Night Shadow stretched and mumbled, "Now then, how can I let free XP leave my hands?"

He converted his hands to Void Disintegrator Guns, put the Fallen Phoenix in his storage, and got ready. Minutes later, he saw at least 100 people coming from all sides and surrounding. Night Shadow saw that some were the guards from the Shan clan whereas the others were random strangers.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from one of the guards of the clan, "Stranger, you have done a serious crime. Now, you have two options to choose from. Either surrender yourself to the Shan clan and go to jail for your lifetime or suffer something worse than death"

Night Shadow ignored the guard and asked in a bored voice, "Why are there so many people here? Have I finally become famous?"

After saying this, Night Shadow started acting like a girl, winked and smiled at the guard, and gave a flying kiss. The guard's face turned black when he heard some snickers around him.

The guard said, "Anyone who brings him dead or alive to the Shan clan shall be rewarded handsomely!!"

Everyone gripped their weapons and ran towards Night Shadow. Night Shadow only smiled as he kept shooting the bullets.






Now that Night Shadow had unlimited energion, he kept shooting the bullets without a care in the world. Wherever the bullets passed, the people would either vanish or be sucked into the void. This kept on going until no one was left behind. Night Shadow looked at his radar and saw that no one was left and transformed his guns back into arms.

"Well, that was nice", Night Shadow said as he saw he became level 65(38,040/110,300).

Suddenly, Night Shadow got an idea and went towards one of the trees and punched.


Because Night Shadow used his full power, the tree broke and...

[Ding! congratulations to the host for killing a living being. Gained 750 XP]

Night Shadow smiled. Trees could be classified into living beings after all, and destroying them would be killing them. So, XP gained. Night Shadow got another idea and took a rock from the ground and crushed it.

Nothing happened. No message came. Night Shadow started understanding that there were some qualities that were needed to classify things into living or non-living beings according to the system.

"Well, now that the problem has been taken care of, let's go"

Night Shadow removed the Fallen Phoenix from the storage and went inside it. He told Athena to display the map and the map appeared in front of him. Night Shadow looked at the located place and nodded.

The planet he locked was Aerilia, the planet of the air-beings.

What are air-beings? They are beings/creatures that have only wings to move. On planet Aerilia, there is no ground. Everything there is either floating or flying. How does Night Shadow know about Aerilia? Because this is one of the planets that have a very good relationship with Cybertron. In the past, when Cybertronians found a damaged planet, they ventured in there to see if anything can be scavaged. What they found there were the creatures of the planet, Aerilians. The Aerilians were in a bad shape and Cybertronians could have taken over but the Cybertronians let them live and helped them build their planet. This history had helped the planets have a very good relationship with each other. Although Night Shadow did not know why the Cybertronians helped them, he was grateful that Cybertronians had helped.

Right now, Night Shadow did not want any trouble and just wanted to ask them peacefully.

Night Shadow had been a human from a planet where technology was lacking in his previous life. Now that he has more advanced technology, he will use it to visit different planets and expand his view of the multiverse.

"Let's get out of this planet and start heading towards the targetted location", Night Shadow seriously said.

"Yes, master", Athena replied.

The engines of the Fallen Phoenix roared and the spaceship started moving upwards at high speed. It took them 10 minutes to reach space and suddenly, the space in front of the Fallen Phoenix warped and became into a long tunnel. Night Shadow's eyes never left the process and looked at the tunnel with awe. It was long and the tunnel was made of a myriad of swirling colors. It was a beautiful sight.

Suddenly, Athena's voice rang out, "Master, shall I start warp travel?"

Night Shadow looked at the solar system and said, "Start"

The Fallen Phoenix went inside the tunnel and the tunnel closed. Inside the Fallen Phoenix, Night Shadow had a lot of time and he decided he will make more Robo-hounds and other killing machines. Night Shadow had a plan but it would take a long time so he could only keep thinking about the day he would achieve the dream.

Night Shadow removed all the materials he needed and started building.


30 hours later...


In the outskirts of a solar system, space rippled and warped. A tunnel formed and out came a black and purple spaceship. Inside the spaceship, a voice asked...

"Athena, have we reached?"

"Yes, master"

"How much energy is remaining?"


The person was none other than Night Shadow. It had taken him 30 hours to reach this place. Night Shadow looked at the solar system and froze in shock.

The sun was reddish-orange in color but that was not the thing that shocked Night Shadow. Around the sun were 3 rings revolving around the sun. Those three rings were planets. The rings were extremely huge. The rings revolved around the sun and at the same time, they rotated in a circle. Night Shadow was shocked because this defies physics. Reading was one experience but seeing it was entirely different.

"What the hell?!!! Doesn't this defy physics?!! I am not dreaming right?!!!"

[Nope, the host is not in a dream]

Night Shadow wanted to change the view of the multiverse but after seeing this, he started doubting his own existence. But that was not all. There were 5 planets still revolving around the sun.

"Bu-but I don't understand how is this possible", Night Shadow tried claiming himself down. This solar system looked like an atom with 5 dots(planets) revolving around it. All these planets belonged to the Aerilian race and the ring planets were, undoubtedly, the main planets(Like headquarters). It was really a beautiful and amazing view but it did not last for long.

Suddenly, on Fallen Phoenix's radar, a few things were approaching Night Shadow. When they came, they weaponized themselves and got ready. Night Shadow saw them and knew they were Aerilians. They had weird and different bodies. Some were human-like, some were insect-like.

One of the Aerilians came forward and asked, "Who are you, which race are you from, and what is your business do you have with Aerilia?"

Night Shadow switched on the communicator in the spaceship and replied, "Hello, my name is Night Shadow. I am a Cybertronian and I would like to visit your planet for sightseeing and looking for an object that belongs to Cybertron"

Night Shadow lied in the last sentence, well half of it. Night Shadow was really interested to see Aerilia. The guards let down their guard a bit but still were alert for any suspicious movement. The Aerilian who spoke before again asked...

"Could you prove it?"

"Yes", Night Shadow replied as he started transforming back into a transformer. Night Shadow started moving towards the exit of the spaceship, opened it, and jumped out. The moment Night Shadow jumped outside, ice started forming on his body. Night Shadow knew this was going to happen and started circulating the heat in his body and released it towards the places where the ice was forming. When the ice came in contact with the heat, it started melting.

Where did this heat come from? The heat is generated in Night Shadow's body as one of the byproducts. As space has no molecules or atoms to contain the heat that passes through it, the temperature in space is very cold.

The Aerilian who spoke saw Night Shadow and took out an object. The object was a cube in jet black color, which was shining due to the reflection of the sun on it. There was an aura of coldness around it. Night Shadow looked at it with interest. The Aerilian looked at Night Shadow and smiled.

"Please, place your hand on the cube", the Aerilian said.

Night Shadow did not want trouble and placed his hand on the cube. A few seconds later, a few words were projected. Night Shadow looked at it and did not understand the language but guessed it was the language of the Aerilians. The Aerilian looked at the words and all doubt vanished from his face.

The Aerilian bowed and said with respect, "Please forgive us for our behavior from before, Night Shadow. My name is Darrin. Welcome to Aerilia"

Night Shadow also smiled and said, "Please, lift your head. There is no need to apologize. You were in the right to doubt me"

Darrin nodded and looked up and struggled to say but he said it, "I am sorry Night Shadow but if you wish to visit Aerilia..."

Night Shadow looked at Darrin with confusion and said, "Please continue"

Darrin continued, "Y-you need t-to have a winged creature to fly. I am sorry but the excess products of spaceships pollute our environment"

After saying this, Darrin started bowing and kept apologizing. Night Shadow understood the problem. The reason why Aerilians did not allow spaceships to dock inside planets was that the byproducts of the spaceship pollute their environment. As they were winged creatures from birth, the polluted air would make it harder for them to fly. Night Shadow nodded in understanding.

"Please stop apologizing. I understand your problem and I have a solution to that", Night Shadow quickly replied.

Darrin stopped bowing and looked at Night Shadow with an embarrassed and said, "Thank you"

Night Shadow nodded and asked, "Should I get the winged creature out now?"

Darrin nodded with embarrassment. Night Shadow only smiled as he said...

'System, transform me into the dragon'

[Yes, host]

Instantly, Night Shadow felt his whole body start changing. The gears inside his body moved, the hydraulics hissed, his hands turned into claws, his body changed, his face became long and sharp, two wings sprouted from his back, a long pointy tail extended from his back, his neck elongated and sharp teeth sprouted in his mouth.

During the whole time, the Aerilians looked at the transformation with awe and widened eyes and mouth. It was the first time they had seen something so amazing. The transformation took a minute or two and Night Shadow had transformed into a dragon.


The black dragon roared a majestic roar. The Aerilians had to cover their ears to block out the sound but only blocked a small part. But how did sound travel in space? That's because the space of this solar system was different than others. The black dragon looked at the Aerilians and smiled.

"Shall we?", the black dragon asked.