
Wrongsome and Learn.

Name's Danilla Nicholson. Twenty. Female. And family status, complicated. You see, I was always below others in term of ranks. That's why I trained my brain so hard. Just to be accepted. Just to have some power. I actually believed in the saying, 'Knowledge Is Power'. I thought that knowledge would change my life. The only thing it changed is my arrogance. At least, I'm outgoing now. I never knew my parents, or maybe I just forgot them. I don't know. They aren't important anyway. In this wicked world where Money dominates everything, parents are useless. Following that conclusion, some were born with a golden spoon in their mouths and some, none. And I was part of the 'None'.



On the phone...

"(Prof. Danilla)..[Hello.. I forgot my bra in your apartment. Can I come get them in the evening ?]"

"(Unknown)..[You don't wear bra, Dan. Stop doing that. I don't want to be just a scapegoat for your life. I told you that it was the end last time we did it. So, you can stop. I have a life too.]"

"(Prof. Danilla)..[Don't freaking force me to do that. I will come later whether you want it or not. Clean the place and see you. Bye.]"



But of course, dealing with frivolous life of mind wasn't easy. I didn't even manage to, to be honest. So, I took it out, all that frustrations and stress, and poured it onto somebody else. A childhood friend of mine who accepted my one time request because of a debt he owed me. But now, its become a routine. And I guess I ruined his life by doing that. He's a nothing like me and had a future in being a Teacher too. But had to let go of that dream as he lost interest. And completely went astray. And like the Rich is using me, I am doing the same thing to him. That is my complicated love story. As I am stuck between letting him go and suffering on my own or keeping him close and ruining his life even more. What do I do ???

"(Prof. Danilla)...Okay. Listen well, students of University of Harxard. I will be in charge of teaching you what you don't know from now on. Name's Professor Danilla Nicholson. Any question ?"

