
Spread to the South.

'Judge not a book by its cover, but by its content.'

"(Leolio)..You must be joking. You nearly killed her.. I told to have fun at that concert. To meet new people. To hobnob...How is that hobnobbing ?! Listen well. The WBT is coming soon. After we wrap up the first-term exams, I'll be absent for a few days. And there will be only a few months left till the WBT. And so, I want you to use that little time left to hobnob with our physician. You two haven't talk at all since the school started..."

"(The boy)...She is just a tool, like me. Why should I frequent her ?"

"(Leolio)....You must have forgotten something. I am your master to you both. You obey me. She obeys me. Don't forget that..boy !"

"(The boy)...Right.."




Forced to talk. It sucks. I hate socializing as much as I hate boxing. But I'm dong it all for Leolio.

"(The boy)...Hey ! Dan !! You are free this afternoon, right ? Care to come with me eat a lunch ? I want to talk."

"(Prof. Danilla)..I don't remember going out with you. But sure, after all, we are tools linked by one person."

"(The boy)....Your words are like spears strucked in my heart. Well, I like it. At least, you are honest. Let's talk ! We have a lot to share..."

"(Prof. Danilla)...(Is he saying our intellectual are the same ?...He sure is weird. Never once in my life did I think that my intelligence was on the same level as any other. I am the smartest person since Einstein Period.)..Share what exactly..?"

"(The boy)....[Smirk]...A lot to be honest. Since we will be stuck together for a very long time, right ?"

"(Prof. Danilla)...Right. Then, lead the way..I'm quite sure we have a lot to talk about.."

