Spine-Chilling Smile

"Exactly, also I was so jealous that Danger-Ace got this opportunity and I didn't" Chance recollected how upset he was when he thought she was trained by his idol.

"Oh yeah, you even wondered how the hell Danger-Ace managed to get a golden opportunity like this whereas you didn't"

"Hmm, but I think I got my answer on this trip"

"And that is?" David was curious.

"Danger-Ace is The Exterminator's daughter" Chance revealed the truth to David who was surprised and it took him few seconds to process it.

"Chance, are you really sure about it? I mean they are all your theories, right?"

"Did my theory ever go wrong?"

"Man, this is crazy" David was still surprised.

"Yeah, but they are not biologically related, he mostly adopted her, as only that is what makes sense as Samantha really lost her birth parents at a very young age"


"There is more to her than what we know" Chance seriously declared.