I Am Already Judging You

He didn't say anything and let her continue, "Even worse, you were about to ask me for marriage. Like, that was the limit, who does that? Do you realize how weird it is when a guy I just met, would ask me for marriage?" Samantha scolded Chance for his actions and continued.

"Then you start troubling me, you tease me and then what were you expecting me to do? Hug you back and accept your feelings? That would have been so weird. Obviously, I was an asshole to you. You deserved it" Samantha took a long sigh, as she was done.

Chance stroked the back of her head, "I am so sorry for freaking you out like that. It was not my intention. I just felt so strongly about you, I knew this was it, I just didn't intend to waste my time and years in taking the final step. But I understand, what you must have went through. I am really sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." He sincerely said as he better understood things when he heard from her perspective.