Blue Like The Blue Roses

Blue roses, one of my favourite flowers If not, my favourite.Ever since i was young, I loved them, I loved they're vibrant blue colour but most of all the thing I admired about them the most was what they symbolized, fantasy, wonder and illusion.

I cannot explain how contempt and blissful I was when I saw myself sitting in a lush bed of blue roses.Not just the simple patch, but I looked around to see a huge garden filled with blue roses only.I wanted to bask in this feeling forever but unfortunately , I was disturbed as i felt someone tap me shoulder from behind

"Excuse me miss, but do you mind getting out of the way?" He asked

I turned my head around and respond "No no, I don't mind at all ." I tilt my head as I push my bangs out of my face to reveal my red eye.

After that, I only heard shrieks and horrified screams. The man behind me was standing with an army of 100 soldiers but they all ran away simultaneously in utter disgust and shock after I had exposed my red eye which left an empty feeling in my heart.

Suddenly , I started to weep and several tears had started to fall down my face as my emotional barrier that I had kept sealed shut for many years had broken open letting out flowing tears.I wept and wept until I had no more tears left and finally stopped,I noticed that my blue coloured eye was hurting so I quickly stopped crying and got up on my feet.

I walked through the endless garden of blue roses , the more I walked the more it seemed to get longer and wider making me feel lost and in despair.I wasn't ready to give up but I was exhausted because of two hours of walking and just wanted to go back home and return to my mistress as strange as it sounds.

I eventually sat down and thought about how to escape from this never ending garden. After consoling myself a bit, I got up and picked a rose just out of curiosity , strangely, it had disintegrated right in my hand before I could pick it up and embrace the aroma.I picked them up for the second, third, forth and fifth time but I got the same result.The blue roses were not allowing me to touch them and I was extremely confused.

I didn't know what to do, I was lost , I didn't know where I was .I still decided to not give up hope and continue walking through the garden hoping and wishing for some sort of exit.

Another hour had went by and still no luck.My body was collapsing and it felt like all hope was lost until...

Until I noticed something peculiar shining through the blue roses, I pushed them aside and tried to find the source , luckily I found an elegant , subtle white rose which immediately reminded me of the winged boy I saw earlier.

I felt the same angelic , pure presence I had felt when I saw him as I held the flower and decided to keep it.I held the flower close to my chest and asked for help.

"If it's really you, please come out. Please show me your glowing face and help me through this hurdle I've encountered. I beg you, my only wish is to see you once again." I plead .

There was a long awkward pause and nothing had really seemed to change. The only thing that changed was my desperate expression that turned into disappointment .I tied the white rose onto a long vine and hung it around my neck so I wouldn't lose it.

Even though it was just a mere rose I still felt a special connection with it and I felt like I needed to keep it with me at all times .