Yellow and Blue

"Why aren't they stopping anywhere?"I sigh to myself in frustration as I'm still hiding behind an oak tree following them.

I thought that maybe by going after them, they would lead me to someplace I could find help.I throw my head back in annoyance and let out an exasperated sigh.

All of a sudden however, a firm hand grasps on to my wrist and pulls me away from the people.

In front of me I see a girl who's wearing the same sky blue cloak and has the same vibrant yellow eyes like the others.I jump up in surprise and open my mouth to speak when she swiftly covers it muffling my voice.

"there's no time for explanations , if you need help, come with me"She mutters as she darts her eyes left and right making sure we're alone.

I don't know why but I feel like I should trust her and so I obediently nod and she quickly drags me with her away from the tree.We cross the Ferris wheel and she takes another route to this dense forest.

A dense forest covered with millions of oak trees that are dotted with fireflies.Alluring and eye catching fireflies that perfectly compliment her yellow eyes and her ash blue hair flowing flawlessly and gracefully behind her as she runs with me through the forest.

We finally stop at this huge treehouse towering over us lined with deep green and thorny vines.

"hurry, get in." She rushes as she waves her hands towards the stairs and urges me to go up them.

We both hurriedly climb up the stairs and once we're in, we throw ourselves onto the floor trying to catch our breath.I spread out my arms and place a hand on my chest steadying my pulse.During this, I abruptly and unconsciously let out a giggle of excitement.Maybe it's because the feeling of running free felt exhilarating and rejuvenating and it gave me a huge rush of serotonin.

Eventually, reality hits me and I hastily hop up on my feet,

"Now that we're here, you've got some explaining to do.Let's start of by telling me who the hell you are and where you've taken me."I demand as I put my hands on my hips and tilt my head anticipating for an answer.

With that she sits up with one knee off the floor and pushes her hair back while giving me a smug grin.It makes me blush a little and she chuckles at that.But I pull myself together and squint my eyes while simultaneously shaking my head still waiting for an answer.She lets out a sigh and then cockily speaks up,

"I'm your last hope, and this is where I've been secretly living for a while.Yeah, sure it's a bit dusty but I still call it home."

"Secretly?Why secretly?"

"You really are dumb aren't you?" She mockingly replies with an evil grin on her face.

"Excuse me, we've just met.I can leave anytime. Besides your the one who dragged me here in the first place."I reply while rolling my eyes.

"Relax…I'm just trying to tell you that you'll never survive out here with that kind of attitude, life isn't all wonder and curiosity sweetheart."She pauses for a bit and then continues"look, we're all the same here if you didn't notice and the rulers of this world don't like difference amongst their people.It's because they like to stand out and want everyone else to be equal.I guess that explains why everyone got nervous around your different eye colours."She then nods in affirmation confirming what she just told me.

"Eye colours have a role to play in this?"I ask while sitting down beside her.We both lean against the oak wood interior and rest our heads while looking at each other.

"of course they do.They're the one thing that determine our future, lifestyle and everything.The four eye colours in this world are yellow, blue, purple and green.They all have a different social status and stuff."She says quietly.

"What about red?Also, what's up with the social statuses?"

With that, she suddenly stands up and makes her way out of the treehouse.

"Wait!Where are you going? I'm still talking you know? I need answers you can't just leave me like that."I yell while I make my way after her.

She plugs her ears and reassures me "pipe down, you're gonna let the whole town know we're here.I have a place that I go to that's far from here so I'll tell you everything you want to know once we arrive, okay? Jeez."She sighs in annoyance and tells me to follow her.

We venture into the deep, dense woods not seeing anything other than trees galore.She takes me a bit further after walking for what felt like years and there's a small pond surrounded by one bench.A crooked bench made out of broken twigs and pieces of wood barely tied together by a few vines and honestly the disarray is kind of pretty.

"don't judge I made it myself." She orders while she tells me to sit down.

It makes me laugh a little but I shut up knowing that she's my only chance to get help.I sit on the bench while I wait for her to finish collecting pebbles on the ground.She finally sits down beside me and her presence seems weirdly comfortable considering I met her only a few minutes ago.We throw some pebbles into the water in silence.And not the eerie uneasy silence, the peaceful and comforting silence accompanied by little splashes of water.

"So when are you gonna tell me about everything else?" I abruptly speak up ruining the peace in between us.

"shh, I'll tell you." She whispers while putting her finger to her mouth.