Walking On Eggshells

My face turns crimson red from holding my breath as I make myself as small as possible while hiding in between the clothes.I wonder if Luna even knows he's looking for the clothes, and if he sees me I'll be dead.

His hands slowly inch nearer to where I'm standing until he flips the cloak right in front of me.

I'm doomed.

My eyes enlarge as they meet with the dark skinned , yellow eyed male with blue curly hair standing right in front of me staring in shock.

I start waving my hands in panic as Luna rushes from behind and puts a hand in front of his mouth holding him from behind preventing him from moving.

"I-l promise it's not what it seems like.If you stop squirming I'll explain."Luna sputters in a panic while she walks him to a bench.

Luna looks at him hopefully and tells him about me and why I'm here.

"Aiden,can I trust that you won't tell anyone?" She asks while looking at him in desperate need of trust.

"Sure sis, but you owe me one."He replies as he quickly daggers his eyes from me towards the floor anxiously.

Sis? He must be related to her which explains the resemblance in their appearance.I'm in hot water now since more than one person knows that I'm in this world.If this information reaches the rulers, I don't know what they'll do.

I pull Luna towards the other corner of the room away from her brother."Hey, how do you know we can really trust him?"I whisper while having cold feet.

She reassures me that nothing bad will happen and to trust her.

Trust is like glass.When broken, it can cut and hurt you.I'm putting my life at risk trusting this woman I've just met in a world that doesn't make sense.I can only hope that I'm making the right choice.

After Aiden hands me a new cloak to cover my self with, Luna and I head out.

"So what's the plan?"I ask while stopping in the middle of us walking.

The sun's about to set and the sky is a swirl of pink and white clouds, the weather is pretty pleasant and I'm glad it isn't raining today.

"The river of youth flows at the end of the forest we just came from.We need to cross the entire forest to reach it, it won't be easy but we'll help each other along the way."She explains while eyes wander around the forest.

From there we head into the dense forest and start treading through the thick bushes and foliage.

Embarrassingly, my oversized cloak gets caught in some twigs and I fall over face straight into the ground.

Luna starts hysterically laughing while pointing at me and placing a hand on her chest almost as if she can't breath.

"Not funny."I complain while pouting and furrowing my brows as my cheeks flush cherry red and brownish red leaves decorate my head.

"You're so dumb I love it."She says between chuckles and laughs.

She reaches out a hand helping me up and I latch onto it while standing up on my feet dusting the dust off my knees.She brushes the leaves off my head and tells me tie the bottom of my cloak so I don't trip again.

I do as she says making sure that the rest of my body and face is covered by the cloak hood.

We continue walking through the woods casually until something tragic happens slowing us down.

I don't clearly remember what happened but I can definitely confirm that right now ,Luna and I are on opposite sides of each other tied up in white strings hanging in trees.