Episode 54 - Making Things Right

Content Warning: NSFW, sexual content

Yangyang laid the boy down and kissed him. Lips and tongue traveled along his neck, running over his chest, and Amari explored the man's back with his fingers. It was broad, strong, and in this position, the muscles were taut, keeping the large frame balanced above him.

There was hesitation as Yangyang shifted lower, so he reached for his own belt, undoing it, then his jeans. He slowly moved his legs outward, coaxing the man to continue. A fingertip clung to his open zipper, then he felt a hand grip at his belt, pulling his pants to just above his knees.

Amari couldn't hide how long he had waited for this. Spreading the slit of his boxers open, he was easily exposed, and after briefly taunting him, Yangyang swallowed everything deep into his mouth and throat. Amari's hips raised slightly, startled at the sudden motion, and he grabbed at the man's long hair.

In the quiet of the apartment, only Yangyang's short breaths echoed in his ears. Every inch of him was delicate, just like the first time they had been together. Every movement felt new, and every brush of Yangyang's fingers across his body sent waves of pleasure through him.

::Fuck... Too soon...::

He couldn't hold it, sending everything into the man and shaking as a blissful emptiness washed over him. There was a pause in the breaths and he could just make out the sound of Yangyang licking his lips, then large hands reached behind him. With a swift tug, both pants and boxers were gone. Yangyang removed his own, tossing everything off the side of the bed and returning quickly to lift Amari onto his lap.

With one hand placed behind the boy for support, the other took his wrist, moving it down until his fingers found their way between the man's legs, wrapping slowly around him. Yangyang was wide and firm, like the rest of him, and Amari teased with light touches, giggling silently in his head at the small, high-pitched moans coming from such a large man. Bringing him closer, Yangyang pressed their hips together, and he could feel thighs and waist tremble as his finger playfully grazed the tip and skimmed under the rim. Stretching to cover as much of the soft skin as he could, his grip tightened.

Listening to the man's uncontrolled sounds, smelling his hot breath and sweat, Amari grew eager again and leaned backward, not releasing his grasp as he dragged Yangyang down onto the mattress. They brushed together and the man tensed to catch himself, then his tongue was in Amari's mouth, some of that tension turning to aggression. The boy smiled as they attacked each other, each starved for the other's taste after so much time apart. He had missed this secret personality – the one only he knew and only he was allowed to see. In the outside world, Yangyang was kind, gentle, and anxious, but here with him he could be strong and confident. Amari wanted that confident man back.

Guiding Yangyang's hand to his own, he let go only a moment to wet the man's fingers, then returned his grip and directed him down until he felt a fingertip rest low between his legs.

"No." Yangyang's voice was shaky, and Amari raised himself off the mattress. When their lips touched, he gave him a deep kiss, passionate but sweet.

"It's okay. I want this. You don't have to worry."

Yangyang took a breath to steady himself, then kissed Amari on the cheek before slowly pushing inside. This time, Amari welcomed the warmth and the pressure, and his fingers dug into Yangyang's shoulder at the sensation, making the man pause.

"Keep going."

As strong as his desire was, this was more for Yangyang than himself. He needed to show the man that whatever terrible things had happened in the past, he trusted him. He had promised to be entirely his, and now he wanted to prove it.

Yangyang continued to open him, searching deeper. One finger fully in, he forced a second up against it, then a third, and Amari gasped at the mix of pleasure and pain.

After a few staggered breaths, Yangyang hung his head lower. "I can't..."

As he choked the words out, his fingers stopped circling, curling further to press at the small knot under them. The reply was instant and uncontrollable, and Amari convulsed from waist to chest. Yangyang followed only seconds later, groaning loudly, then shifting to lay at his side.

Amari sank into the bed. His entire body tingled and quivered, and his breathing was scattered as he shook, but inside he felt as light as air. Beside him, Yangyang was breathing slow but heavy, his body radiating heat and the sweet smell of sweat.

"Hah..." The man let out an audible breath and kissed Amari's shoulder, then nuzzled his head against an arm until the boy moved, pulling him in close. The cute, kind Yangyang was back, and they laid still for a long while, letting their breathing return to normal, until Amari finally broke the silence.

"I really need to take a shower," he said, knowing he was a complete mess but still reluctant, wishing he could just lay there forever instead.

"I'll come with you." The man chuckled when his body tensed. "Not for that. I need to wash up too."

Yangyang sat up first, then Amari, the liquid covering him already drying. They crept to the door, finding the hallway and living area dark and empty, so the man rummaged around on the floor until he found his underwear. Moments later, Amari felt a tap to let him know the coast was clear. Rushing naked down the hall to the bathroom, the two laughed quietly as they shut the door behind them.

Yangyang let out a short breath. "This is ridiculous. I feel like a teenager trying not to get caught by my parents."

"Oh? Speaking from experience?"

"Yeah, I wish." Yangyang reached out and pulled the boy to him, leaning up against his back. "I wish I hadn't waited so many years to do this."

Even in his sweet tone, it was one of the saddest things Amari had heard, and he smiled softly. They both had their own traumas and reservations, each moving step by step forward. Every little, wonderful experience replaced a bad one, and this slow pace made it feel new for him too.

Bringing Yangyang's head closer, he whispered, "But I like being the first."

He felt the man flinch and push him forward, keeping him at arm's length. "Get in the shower. I still need to go to work in the morning."

Giggling as he turned the water on, Amari grabbed a towel and tossed it behind him, then took one for himself. He stepped into the steam and a few moments later, the curtain pulled back, a head peeking in.

"You're even sexier when you're wet." Finding the man's face with his hand, Amari forced him back. "Alright, alright. I'll go wait in the bedroom."

There was a dramatic sigh, the childish sound making Amari grin, and Yangyang left the bathroom. After a quick rinse, towel wrapped around his waist, Amari stepped into the hallway.

"Awfully late for a shower, hein?"

He turned to face the voice, unable to see the figure in the dark.

"Not really," he said with a smirk. "Since you just got home, I don't think you've got the right to say anything."

"Fair enough." Ziggy chuckled. "I'm glad to see your night is going well."

Middle finger raised, he headed back into the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him. Only a few steps in, two strong arms lifted him up and placed him gently onto the bed.

"Wait, I've gotta find my-" Before he could finish, a pair of boxer-briefs was in his hand.

"I also threw the blanket in the corner since it... needs to be washed." Yangyang coughed and crawled up next to Amari.

"Listen to you being shy." He giggled when the man punched him in the shoulder, then slipped his underwear on, shifting up the mattress until his head hit a pillow.

Yangyang laid down next to him, sliding an arm under his neck and pulling him into his chest. After a few seconds of quiet, he felt a light kiss on his forehead. "Thank you."

"For what?"

Yangyang wrapped his arms a little tighter.

"Everything," the man said in a sweet voice. "For not leaving me, even after I left you. For being there when I was scared. And for accepting my son without any hesitation."

"You didn't leave me. You just needed time." Amari kissed the soft skin under him. "And I'm the one who scared you, so don't thank me for that, or I'll just feel guiltier." He followed the lines of Yangyang's chest and side with a finger. "And your son is beautiful... Sorry, for laughing at your secret."

"What? Why?" Yangyang pulled back and Amari guessed he was trying to see his expression.

"When I told Cate how I reacted, she explained it to me." He knew it was dark and Yangyang couldn't see him blush, but he buried his face a little anyway. "I didn't think it was a big deal, having a child, so I didn't understand why you were so anxious. I don't care what other people think of me and I don't worry about the future. I've always lived that way."

Amari shifted so his next words would be less muffled.

"But, I didn't think about how you must feel. To raise a son on your own, then bring someone like me into your life... It must've been terrifying." He felt a few of Yangyang's fears become his own as he spoke. "We don't have an open relationship right now. What happens if your mother doesn't approve? What happens to your son if he's caught in the middle? What happens if we split up?"

Yangyang kissed him on the forehead again, always patiently listening.

"I didn't understand how frightening that must be, to trust someone enough to take that risk." He felt for Yangyang's face and traced a cheek with his thumb, feeling it raise up in a smile. "But, unless you get sick of me and throw me away, I'll be here. I promise, even if I panic, nothing you do's gonna hurt me."

Amari felt like a hypocrite, telling Yangyang not to be scared as he tried his best to suppress his own insecurities, but the man only pulled him further into his arms, rubbing his back.

"I'm not going to throw you away. I can't stop being anxious. That's just who I am. But now I have stronger things to lean on, so you don't need to worry about that either."

"Okay." Amari curled himself up against Yangyang's warm body and closed his eyes. Breathing in his scent and feeling his chest rise and fall beside him, the hidden exhaustion from the past few weeks hit, and he quickly fell asleep.