Episode 73 - Indescribably Wonderful

Content Warning: Sexual content


Amari pulled Yangyang's guitar case over to hide the hand running up his inner thigh.

"Yang ge," he whispered. "Can't you wait until we're outta the cab?" He didn't know if the driver could see them, but his face had never been so hot. Even his ears burned.

Yangyang leaned over, kissing him on the neck. "No, I can't."

Amari took in a breath as the hand reached his waist, traveling under the hem of his sweater. Fingers skimmed the edge of his belt, then slipped under, and he coughed.

"You tortured me for three months," Yangyang grumbled, but there was something mischievous within that deep voice. "Now it's my turn."

Amari released a tiny moan, then slapped a hand to his mouth, trying his best not to react to the light touch gliding over either side of his zipper. It had been forever for him as well, and he quickly felt his jeans grow snug.

The breaking of a car had never been more welcome, and Amari flung the door open, pulling Yangyang and his guitar out onto the sidewalk. Music drifted from The Basement. At least the apartment would be empty. Amari dashed as fast as he could, but Yangyang overpowered him and he spun, his small frame pinned to the brick.

"Yang ge," he pleaded, Yangyang's tongue moving from ear to shoulder. "We can do this inside. Anything you want. Let's just-"

His words were cut off, his mouth full, and he could only mumble incoherently. Yangyang was ravenous after being left alone for so long.

::This's your punishment, Amari. Death by sex... I guess there're worse ways to go.::

Yangyang's hand slipped under his sweater, his fingers pressing hard into the tender skin and muscle. His heavy body pushed further against Amari, and it was obvious he was feeling just as constrained.

Amari grabbed Yangyang's jaw, twisting away. "I'm uncomfortable. Let's go inside, okay?"

Yangyang growled but picked him up, and Amari wrapped himself around shoulders and waist, guitar case still hanging from his hand. Holding him with one arm, Yangyang swiftly punched in the building code and threw the metal door open with the other. He only carried him to the second floor landing before forcing him up against the wall.

"Yang ge, this's worse!" Amari cried frantically. "We're right outside Cate's door!"

Another growl and the case was pulled from his hand, dropped into the corner, then he was carried up another flight of stairs. Searching along the wall, Amari's fingers scrambled to find the lock, then stretched to insert the key, turn the handle, and fling the door open.

Yangyang backed into the apartment, kicking the door shut. Finally able to let his tension out, Amari grabbed Yangyang's jaw again, this time shoving his tongue into his mouth and biting at his lip. Yangyang's breathing was heavy and hot on his cheek, and he reluctantly leaned back just long enough to pull off his own sweater and undershirt. His fingers entangled in the man's soft hair, and he inhaled his familiar and intoxicating scent.

"Fuck, you smell so good..."

He exhaled the words, barely audible. Yangyang kicked off his shoes and he frantically followed, then tugged at the shirt in front of him, releasing it from the grip of his legs. Lifting the fabric high to Yangyang's shoulders, his lips covered the exposed skin. With a low growl, Yangyang carried him toward the bedroom. Suddenly, halfway down the hall, there was a moment of hesitation, and Amari shifted away enough to smirk.

"I took care of that before I left."

The arms under him tensed and the chest pressed to his shuddered.

"I love you so much."

Hesitation gone, Yangyang continued down the hall, slamming the bedroom door behind him. In only seconds, he covered Amari, shirt gone, arms and legs trapping him. Crawling back, the body above him followed, and Amari reached out to undo Yangyang's belt, then pants. He pulled down until his waist and thighs were free, then did the same to himself, letting out a loud, trembling sigh as the pressure disappeared. Yangyang grabbed at the loose jeans, sweeping them off in one, swift motion, then Amari felt long hair brush between his thighs. Fingers moved under him and drew down the elastic of his briefs, tossing those to the floor as well.

Everything was done with urgency and Amari's heart raced, his mind clouded by desire. How did he ever live without this? Without these fingertips caressing him, without this smell engulfing him, without the heat from this body and the sounds of these breaths... Any solitary existence was over, and he was certain he could never survive on his own again.

Amari gasped softly and arched his hips. "Yang ge, what're you doing..."

Yangyang had moved low between his legs, gently prodding with his tongue, and his whole body shook as he switched to his fingers.

"You're too tense." His voice was low, deeper than usual, laced with that same sense of urgency. Amari wasn't the only one who had longed for this.

Flipping him onto his hands and knees, Yangyang reached around his waist and gripped him with one large, strong hand. From behind, Amari felt warm, soft skin rub lightly against him, then the fingers returned, widening the now wet opening.

As a third finger went in, the hand tightened its grip, and Amari choked on his breath. "Yang ge..."

He could barely speak, feeling his entire body becoming stiff. His senses were overwhelmed, his mind hazy, and in that moment he was almost glad he couldn't see. He couldn't take any more.

"I can't... last...," he stammered, and his face collapsed into the mattress.

Without a reply, Yangyang removed his fingers, and as Amari breathed into the sheets, slowly refilling his lungs, he heard the squeak of the mattress, the shuffling of feet along the floor, then the sliding of the end table drawer.

A second later, he was engulfed in warmth, Yangyang's body hot and hovering over him, his lips lightly kissing down his back, and his touch gently traveling down his side. Amongst their shallow breathing, he heard the familiar tear of a plastic wrapping. The next moment, the cool feeling of liquid silicone slipped into him, followed by an intense pressure.

"Hah, Yang ge..." Amari took a sharp breath in at the stretching. "It's too much..."

He said that, and part of him believed it, but at the same time he didn't want him to stop. In the past, this sensation had always been accompanied by fear and self-loathing, always there lingering in the back of his mind. That was gone now, replaced with something indescribably wonderful - something almost euphoric.

Yangyang hesitated and leaned close. "Are you okay?"

"Don't stop," Amari choked out, reaching behind him as if Yangyang needed encouragement.

He did not, and as Yangyang pushed further, in a little deeper, Amari bit the sheet, groaning loudly. The body behind him shook at the sound, and with a single, hard thrust, hands firmly grasping his waist, he took everything inside. Amari let out a loud cry. The room around him fell away, and his senses were consumed by fingertips pressed into his skin, hips beating rhythmically against him, and Yangyang's heat filling him completely.

"Ah, shit," he heard Yangyang growl through the haze. "You're so tight..."

He desperately forced himself into Amari, their thighs firmly pressed together, then shuddered as he slumped over his back. His hands fell to the mattress to keep himself upright. After a few heavy breaths, he slowly pulled out and turned Amari over, taking him gently into his arms.

Amari shivered as Yangyang kissed him, bringing him close. He took Amari's legs and wrapped them around his waist, then paused as they brushed together.

"Really? Already?"

Amari laughed, a sound that left him as more of a coughed-out, barely audible breath, and he found Yangyang's face, tracing a thumb across his high cheekbone.

"Maybe slower this time?" It was both teasing and a genuine request.

Yangyang stood, Amari still in his arms, and shook his pants to the floor. "Sorry. I... couldn't wait." His voice was timid, the aggressive Yangyang gone. "Was it painful?"

"Maybe a little," he admitted, now that the ecstasy was fading, but he continued to smile. "It wasn't only painful."

Yangyang laid him down, crawling up onto the bed with him, tongue back in his mouth.


Amari curled, his back sore and stomach throbbing as Yangyang wiped him off with a damp towel. "How can someone have such split personalities?"

Moving the dirty blanket and sheet away, Yangyang crawled up behind him, carefully slipping an arm under his head and nuzzling the back of his neck.

With a groan, Amari tried to find a more comfortable position. "I'm glad I don't need to go to work, because I think I'm dying."

He felt the head hang lower against his neck. Turning, he pulled Yangyang's arm around him, and searched for his face.

"Shit, is that a tear?" he asked, startled as he rubbed a thumb across a cheek. He kissed him softly. "Sorry. I was being dramatic." He wasn't, but a tearful Yangyang made him feel so much worse. "It's my fault, for letting you get like this."

Yangyang shook his head and tightened his grip, but quickly released when Amari flinched, a small groan escaping.

"Sorry." He buried his head against Amari's chest. "Ah, I don't know... I see you and I just go crazy."

"And I like that about you." Amari took in a small breath. "Hey, Yang ge." His fingers ran through sweaty hair, and with surprisingly few nerves, he said, "Tell me I'm beautiful."

Yangyang drew back a little. "Are you sure?"

He nodded and kissed his forehead.

"You're beautiful, A Li," he replied quietly. "The most beautiful person I've ever seen."

Amari smiled, pushing a strand of hair away from Yangyang's face. "What about me's beautiful?"

A finger slid down his cheek to his chin. "Your soft, coffee-colored skin." A thumb moved along his cheekbone. "The tiny, faded freckles that highlight your eyes." Yangyang kissed him lightly on the corner of his eyelid. "The way the brown and green changes in the light, and how it shines when you're happy." His tone grew sweeter as he spoke. "And when you smile wide, you have the tiniest dimple on your left cheek."

"Really?" Amari giggled, never seeing such a thing on his face. "I don't think I had a dimple before..." He trailed off and sighed. "No. I guess I just never used to smile."

"You're beautiful when you're grumpy and frowning, but you're stunning when you smile."

He felt his cheeks flush. "Okay, enough."

Yangyang chuckled and tightened his hold a little, Amari no longer flinching at the touch.

"You're more beautiful, though." He poked Yangyang in the chest. "Here." His entire face grew hot and Yangyang laughed.

"I do have great pecks."

Amari punched him in the same spot and frowned. "Fuck off," he grumbled. "I'm never saying anything cheesy again."

There was another, softer laugh, and Yangyang pulled him in tighter. Amari groaned loudly, still sore, hitting him again. The only response was a kiss to the forehead, and they laid quietly, both exhausted but neither wanting to sleep.

"Hey, Yang ge? You've got Monday off, right? And Taitai doesn't have school?" There was a low grunt to confirm. "Let's go to that art museum. Once school starts, it'll be difficult."


Yangyang sounded sleepy, his voice faint, and Amari gently stroked his hair until he heard that soft snoring. He closed his eyes and drifted off, comforted by the familiar scent and radiating warmth, wondering how he ever managed to live without it.