Episode 88 - Make It Alright

"A Li? Why didn't you answer before?" Yangyang spoke quickly, worried, and he only received silence in reply. "A Li? Are you there? What's wrong?"

"Yang ge..." He could barely choke out the words, his throat closing and tears streaming down his face. Taking in short, heaving breaths, he collapsed forward.

It was all he needed to say. "I'm coming. Don't hang up."

Amari set the phone down and sobbed. He could smell blood everywhere - on the wooden floor, on his fingers, on his clothes, on his phone. He cried until he was exhausted and his tears dried up, then he sat in a daze, staring blankly into the dark apartment.

He didn't know how long it was before he heard footsteps racing up the stairs. The apartment door was still wide open and Yangyang came rushing through, throwing himself over his hunched back. Hot breath was at his neck and the smell of sweat filled his nose, drowning out the rusty metal.

After catching his breath, Yangyang grabbed Amari's shoulders and turned him around to look in his face. "What happened?" An empty stare was his only response. "A Li, the blood..."

The panic in his voice shocked Amari back to reality. "It's not mine." It came out cold and distant. He had cried for a long time, but he didn't feel sad. He wasn't sure what he felt. Maybe nothing.

"Ziggy?" It was the best guess Yangyang could make, since it was clear Amari wouldn't be offering him any information. "Did something happen to Ziggy?"

Amari barely nodded and Yangyang hugged him tight again, rubbing his back, his face pressed against a warm chest. "Did they take him somewhere? The hospital?"

Amari nodded again. Like that, Yangyang managed to pry out the name of the hospital, Ziggy's condition, and that Cate had gone ahead with him. He kept one arm around Amari as he called for a cab, then turned, pulling him up onto his back. He stuck the bloody phone into the pocket of his jeans and grabbed a coat and keys, locking the door before carrying him down the stairs.

When they reached the sidewalk, Yangyang crouched down, gently setting Amari on his feet. He covered him with his coat, pulling his arms through the sleeves.

"Everything's going to be alright," he assured him, wrapping his arms around Amari's chest to warm him and keep him steady. "Everything will be alright."

The deep voice echoed in Amari's ears and it calmed him, even if he didn't believe the words.


"Sorry." Amari was curled up on a bench in the hospital waiting room, his head on Yangyang's lap. He sighed, burying his face further into the man's stomach as a large hand gently rubbed his back. "I panicked, and then I just... lost it."

Yangyang chuckled and Amari tensed. "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the situation, because there's nothing else to do. You don't need to apologize to me for that, and I'm sure those ER nurses have heard worse." He used his free hand to pull Amari closer, trying to keep him from falling to the floor.

"Excuse me?" A light, high-pitched voice called from above and Amari turned his head to look up. "Are you friends of Sidney Boucher?"

"Uh, yeah. That's us." Amari sat up and straightened his coat nervously.

"You're allowed to visit now. You can follow me."

The nurse led them down the hall and up an elevator, then down another long hallway into a room. It was a single-patient room and Amari could just make out a figure sitting next to the bed, rising as they entered.

"Ah, mon chou, mon chéri."

Cate had obviously been crying, her voice low and raspy, but she sounded better than when they spoke earlier. Rushing over, she covered Amari in a soft hug for almost a full minute before letting go. She did the same to Yangyang, then led them over to the bed, gesturing for them to pull up some chairs.

Amari pulled himself close and took Ziggy's hand, leaning over to rest his cheek on the stiff mattress. "What'd they say?"

"He has a concussion, but he woke up briefly, so he should be fine. He's on some heavy pain meds and sleeping now." Cate's voice trembled a little as she explained. Amari felt the urge to stop her, but he also wanted to know exactly what happened. "Otherwise, a small head wound, a couple of broken ribs, bruises, and a fractured ankle. It probably didn't help that he is older and so thin, tsé?"

Shifting a little on the bed, Amari strengthened his grip on his friend's hand, his vague emotions from earlier turning into irritation.

"Do they think the person used a weapon?" He was stronger than Ziggy, but even after being beaten for a while, he never ended up in this state with just a boot and some fists.

"C'est possible."

He didn't want to continue asking, feeling his face get hot and his anger boiling inside. That didn't stop him, though. He had to know.

"Did he say anything when he woke up?" Yangyang began rubbing his back. He was struggling to hold back the emotion in his tone, so he imagined his expression was more obvious.

"Pas vraiment non, cher. He was only scared and confused. Whatever happened, he didn't expect it."

One last question, even though he already had an idea of the answer. "Did you see anyone? Hear anyone? Do you know who did this?"

Cate sighed and hesitated. It seemed like she didn't want to say, either because she didn't want to admit it was possible or she didn't want Amari to know. "Je sais pas sûr... But, I heard arguing earlier. From the stairwell, then the apartment. I didn't see, but it sounded like Nicky."

She was more sure than she said, Amari could hear it in her voice, and he felt his anger turn to rage, the heat spreading from his face up to his ears, then down to his neck and chest. His whole body tensed.

Yangyang grabbed his arm and leaned closer. "Are you alright?" When he didn't get a response, he shifted next to him and pulled him up to look at his face. "It's going to be alright."

Amari nodded and felt the heat dissipate. It would be easy for him to make it alright, so he pushed the rage down and let go of Ziggy, giving Yangyang a quick hug.

"Yeah, you're right." The large body relaxed in his arms. "Did you call Minwoo?"

"He's going to stay the night. I told him he could invite his girlfriend over, since we ruined his date." Yangyang chuckled and released him, taking his hand. "That kid was excited to introduce her to Taitai. He's a strange one."

Amari nodded, flashing him a tiny smile. "That's good." Letting go of Yangyang's hand, he stood, pulling his phone from his pocket, blood now washed away. "I'm gonna make a couple phone calls. Stay here with Cate, okay?"

"Who are you calling?" Of course Yangyang was suspicious, since he knew everyone Amari knew, but Amari just smiled a bit wider to reassure him.

"I've gotta let Joe know, and call in to work." He squeezed Yangyang's shoulder. "And I need some air. Just a few minutes, okay?"

Yangyang hesitantly agreed and Amari headed out of the room, asking at the desk for a place where he could make a private call. He didn't know this hospital, but all hospitals were the same. Every corridor, every bank of elevators, every patient wing – they were the same everywhere. He followed the directions to a smoking balcony, empty this close to shift change, and dialed.


"Hyung? Why are you calling me? Gwaenchan-a? Did something else happen?"

"No, everything's okay. Ziggy's sleeping."

"Oh, good."

Amari paused, the slightest hesitation forming in his mind, but he quickly pushed it away.

"Minwoo, I need Seungwoo hyung's number. Text it to me."

There was silence, then Minwoo cleared his throat.

"A-ni hyung, I know what you're thinking. You don't want to do that."

"Just text me his number. You said he's gone straight, right? I know what I'm doing."

More silence, then a sigh.



He hung up without saying goodbye. A few moments later, there was a notification on his phone, and he dialed the number in the message.

"Ne, yeoboseyo?"

"Seungwoo hyung? It's Amari."

There was a long pause but surprisingly, the man didn't hang up.

"Damn Minwoo... What are you calling me for?"

"We're even now, right? I'll make whatever deal you want, but I need a favor."

A small huff came through the speaker.

"A favor? Yaaa... michyeoss-eo... Are you insane? We have no relationship anymore, kieokhae?"

"I remember, but... Chebal, hyung... I'm desperate."

A second huff was followed by a long sigh.

"You must be desperate. No matter what you went through before, you've never begged me."

There was a pause and Amari felt his entire body stiffen nervously, his breath trapped in his chest.

"Fine. My apartment. Tomorrow night. Six. Good?"

"Yeah. Kamsahamnida hyung."

"Ne, ne, whatever. You better have a good reason for this favor."