Episode 113 - A Symphony (End)

Amari bowed a little at the applause and turned to cough, his vocal chords feeling the strain. There was a light tap at his waist, then a bottle of water was in his hand. He smiled and ruffled Taitai's hair as the crowd let out a long "aww."

"Thank you," he quietly told his son, who only gave him a cheerful "En!" in return. Twisting the cap back onto the bottle, he looked out across the audience.

"Our last song's Symphony, by Clean Bandit. It's one of my favorites, but I've always been afraid to sing it because I'm definitely not a soprano." Amari chuckled along with the crowd. "I've also been singing for a while, but today we've got an almost full orchestra, so I'm gonna take a chance."

He scratched nervously at his head again. "The music video for this song's so depressing, right? I never knew until Yang ge told me. The song really speaks to me though, because I live my life in music. Everything I've got now's because of music. When you can't see, sound becomes your sight. So, I'm gonna do something my husband's really good at, and be a little sentimental for a second."

He cleared his throat again and took another sip of water, then took a quick breath to calm himself.

"I was really messed up before I met my husband. I was in a better place, but not a good place. Before knowing anything about him, I heard his voice. It's deep, and kind, and gives you this instant feeling of comfort. It's beautiful, and that sound saved me. So, I wanted to sing this last song to celebrate a life that's now filled with music every day because of him. I hope everyone here can find someone like that. Someone who makes you feel safe and who loves you for the person you are."

Amari wiped away a tear and swore under his breath. "Sorry," he said, clearing his throat one last time. There were cheers across the lawn and he smiled. "I'm better with singing."

He raised his hand again and Yangyang began playing the piano, starting the song with only his notes and Amari's voice. It was just the two on the large stage, their duet loud through the speakers, echoing in the wide open space, and Amari thought of how quiet his life was before.

He'd been surrounded by music for years, but had never listened. That sound wasn't for him, and even his own voice and the notes from his guitar were without any real meaning.

Now, everything in his life was a song. His husband's comforting voice, and his son's innocent giggles. Ziggy and Joe's playful bickering, and Cate's light, sweet humming. Yinyi's high-pitched call, and Minwoo's exaggerated slang. His ma's stubborn lectures, and Zhang āyí's stories. Children's excited questions, and the shaky notes from their guitars.

From that single, deep sound came a flood of music, washing away years of empty silence, and Amari knew his life would never be quiet again.

The last chord faded away and there was shouting and applause, then heavy vibrations on the stage near him, large footsteps pounding on the wood as they raced toward him. A pair of strong hands grabbed his thighs and he was hoisted into the air. Instinct took over and his legs wrapped around Yangyang's waist as he punched him in the chest.

"What're you doing?" he exclaimed, but was cut off from saying anything else with a hard kiss. Amari instantly stopped caring about the crowd, circling his arms around Yangyang's neck with a smile, kissing him back.

He heard a second set of footsteps, less energetic, then a sigh as Ziggy grabbed the mic next to them.

"Ah, franchement... These two..." His friend sighed again into the mic, pushing against Amari's back to move the couple out of his way. "Sorry. You really can't take them anywhere."

There was faded noise from the crowd but Amari wasn't really paying enough attention to process it. Ziggy chuckled. "Antèka, thank you, everyone, for listening! We had a great time playing, and I do hope you'll go check out the album. It's for a great cause, hein? And apparently I'm also donating, so I'm interested to see how much your support will cost me." As people scrambled on stage, packing up instruments and turning off amps, Ziggy cleared his throat. "We have about forty-five minutes until the next set, so I will see mes beaux amis back here then!"

With Amari still in Yangyang's arms, he moved the couple to the side of the stage, Amari giggling as his friend grumbled at their display.

"Couldn't wait five minutes, could you?" Ziggy scolded, but Yangyang gave him a light chuckle in response.

"Ah, come on, Zig... You stuck me on this big stage, so far away, and A Li was up there singing love songs and saying sappy things... It was killing me! You're lucky I waited until the set was over."

Ziggy huffed, but Amari could tell he wasn't really upset by it. "Ch'te dis, from someone else, I would think this was just a honeymoon phase, but with you... qui sait."

Yangyang chuckled again and gave Amari a long kiss. "I'm going to do this until the day I die."

"Yeah, right," Amari scoffed, flashing him a playful smirk. "Someday you'll be Lao Yang, one of those wrinkly, old Chinese men, who's shrunk at least 6 inches and can't straighten his back. These muscles of yours won't be able to lift shit."

Yangyang put his face close to Amari's, their foreheads almost touching. "Just watch me," he dared him, and Amari blushed, punching him in the shoulder.

"Uh, whatever..." He turned his head away, the pink moving from his cheeks to his ears. After a moment, he tapped Yangyang's shoulder with a groan. "If you're gonna carry me around like this, at least lemme take this stupid tutu off. It's uncomfortable."

Yangyang set him down with a laugh, but Ziggy stopped him before he could slip the frilly skirt down. "You're leaving that on until you leave." He sounded abnormally stern and Amari snorted out a laugh. "What? It's Pride, so show some pride."

"Zig." Amari folded his arms across his chest. "What's wearing a tutu got to do with being proud? I just sang a bunch of love songs, then made out with my husband on stage in front of who knows how many people. I'm proud enough."

He reached down and slid the tutu off, handing it over to his friend. "I'm not one to flaunt my sexuality. Some people are into women, some people are into men, some people are between or like all of the above and more, and some aren't attracted to anyone. Whatever. I get the history and purpose of the celebration, and I'm grateful to everyone who came before me, but I just can't make myself get that worked up over it."

Ziggy chuckled and gave Amari a hard kiss on the cheek. "Ah, you're really so naïve," he said sweetly. "But that's what makes you so loveable, tsé?"

Amari rolled his eyes and Yangyang hung himself over his shoulders, kissing him on the neck. There was a jingle from across the stage, growing louder until it was at his feet, and he swallowed his smile.

"And where've you been?" he asked, pretending to be displeased.

Taitai stepped up closer and took his hand, lightly swinging it. "Uncle Joe was showing me and Minwoo his mixer, but Minwoo had to go home."

"You'll see Minwoo next week." Amari pulled Taitai in front of him, resting his hands on his shoulders. "Taitai, how tall're you now? How can your head come all the way up to my chest?"

"I'm four foot," he boasted proudly and Amari groaned.

"When I met you, your head only reached my stomach." He ruffled his long hair, now grown well past his father's. "You've gotta stop growing. Soon, I'll be the shortest person in this family."

"Of course I'm taller," Taitai said, as if he shouldn't be surprised with his growth. "I'll be seven in two weeks, tsé!"

Amari groaned again. "Yeah, I know," he replied with exaggerated depression. "So, if you'll be seven, and I'm twenty-three, then that means when you were born, I was..."

He trailed off to do the math and Yangyang sighed. "Sixteen," he answered for him, huffing out a breath. "You're never going to pass your test. I think we need to study when we get home."

"Seriously?" Amari pouted and looked up at his husband.

There was no response and he frowned, staring back out across the stage. People still bustled around, cleaning up to leave or preparing for the next set.

"Huh... I'm twenty-three. When'd that happen?"

Yangyang huffed again and moved his arms. "Well, I'll be twenty-eight, so let's not talk about it, yeah?"

Amari giggled, Taitai copying him, and he turned to wrap his arms around his husband's waist.

"Aww, don't be sad old man," he teased, making Yangyang groan. Suddenly, the body in his arms twisted and Amari was lifted onto Yangyang's back, legs forced to circle around his waist.

"What're you doing?" Amari hit him in the chest, but Yangyang wouldn't put him down.

"I wanted to carry you, and you won't like it the other way." His tone was nonchalant, as if this was the logical thing for him to do. Taitai giggled behind him.

Amari frowned but slumped forward anyway, arms hanging around Yangyang's neck. "I can walk myself."

"I'm sure you can, but I don't really care." Yangyang's voice was playful now and he started heading to the far side of the stage. "Come on, Taitai. I bet your Li ba is starving. Let's go find something to eat."

"Okay!" he exclaimed, jingling beside them.

Amari felt his stomach rumble at the mention of food and sighed. He was too obvious to ever win these fights. As they walked off the stage and into the crowded field, he wrapped his arms tighter and kissed Yangyang on the neck. He focused on the smell of his hair, the light ringing of Taitai's bells, and the murmur of their conversation. With a bright smile, all he could think was, Perfect.