Angel with a Devil's Tail - Valentine's Special

Content Warning: NSFW, sexual content


::I'm taking a shower then going to bed.::

It was the last text Yangyang had received that night and he'd been too busy to read it until now.

::What a long night,:: he thought, letting out a sigh as he locked the final outer door to The Basement and pocketed the keys. ::Or morning...::

He had been to the club multiple times for their Valentine's Day open mic, but never was it actually ON Valentine's Day and never had he been the one managing the whole thing. Ziggy's "assistant" position was a bit more than just assistance. He should have known better when he signed that contract.

Still, it was going on a year and he was at least getting the hang of everything. Switching his major had been helpful and though he spent a good amount of his time sleep deprived, it was worth it. For this life, living here with his husband and son, seeing them together every morning and every night – anything was worth that.

Well, almost every night. He wondered what tone he was supposed to read that text in. When Amari didn't send a voice message, he either assumed Yangyang was too busy or he himself was too busy, or, more likely, he was upset about something and didn't want to give it away in his voice.

With a second sigh, Yangyang punched in the code and pulled the metal door open at the buzzer. Trudging up the stairs, he hoped it wasn't anger. They had agreed not to do anything for Valentine's Day since the club was so hectic and their anniversary was soon. But the last two were kind of a mess, so maybe he should have done something anyway. He wasn't sure. He was never sure about any of those things, and Amari wasn't exactly an expert in romance.

Pushing the apartment door in, a breath caught in Yangyang's throat, then came out as a snort through his nose. It was dark except for a few candles on their little kitchen table. The flames were just enough to light up a scribbled note.

::Don't go in the bedroom til you shower.::

::Love you.::

He wondered how long it had taken Amari to write that. It was such a mess, letters crossing over other letters, tilted and running crooked across the page. He was pretty sure it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Even cuter than when Taitai was learning to write.

Blowing out the candles, he dropped his bag and keys and shuffled into the bathroom. He actually wanted to pass out, struggling just to keep his eyes open, but he couldn't bear to disappoint Amari.

After a quick shower and the best towel dry of his hair he could do, he took a long inhale and slowly cracked the bedroom door open. Like the kitchen, it was dark except for a handful of candles on both bedside tables and a few on top of the dresser. They reflected in the mirror and it was just enough light to see Amari.

He may as well have been naked, laying on his side on the comforter, propped up on an elbow, and wearing something he surely didn't purchase himself. Another laugh crept its way up Yangyang's throat but he swallowed it.

"Yang ge?" Amari asked, his eyes uselessly searching the space around the bedroom door. Even in the dim light, it was easy to see the flush in his light coffee skin, spreading from neck to ears.

Yangyang knew the silence made him nervous and he hated it more than anything, but how was he supposed to respond to this? It was so far beyond his expectation, he was speechless.

"You..." he managed to choke out, but then wasn't sure what to say afterward.

Amari was on his feet in an instant. "It looks ridiculous, right? I just thought, since the last two Valentine's Days were ruined by other things, I should do something. But... this was stupid. I'll take it off."

His hands moved quickly to his waist but Yangyang was faster, grabbing at his fingers. "Stop, don't take it off." He swallowed a different, tight feeling moving up his throat and stepped closer. "I was just surprised, but it's not stupid." His finger traced the lacey white fabric of the thong and Amari flinched, twitching under it. "It's fucking hot, actually."

"...Really?" Amari's nerves turned to an eager anticipation and the smallest smile lifted the corners of his mouth. "Taitai is sleeping at Cate's tonight..."

Never in his life had Yangyang wanted, or even thought about men in lingerie. It wasn't a turn on for him. Or it didn't used to be, but seeing his husband like this was unexpectedly sexy.

Then Amari cleared his throat and his eyes drifted to the floor. "Stop staring," he mumbled, his hands automatically moving to his waist again.

Yangyang chuckled and moved the hands away, then backed up to take in the full view. "Don't cover it. Isn't that why you wore it? For me to stare?"

"I didn't want you to stare, I just-"

Yangyang cut him off with a kiss. "You went through the trouble, you should let me look."

Amari didn't argue and Yangyang examined the entirety of his sparse outfit. A white leather dog collar and matching white leather harness over his chest. Little white-feathered wings were attached at the back and stuck out from behind his shoulders. Then the white lace thong, tight and stretched in Amari's excitement. It all contrasted against his darker skin, which only made it more beautiful. It was always true, but he really was amazingly beautiful.

As Yangyang traced the outline over the lace, Amari cleared his throat again. "It's backless..."

That made Yangyang's cheeks flush and he tilted enough to look around Amari's thin body. Just a strap low along the waist and two running down each side, like they were outlining a target. Amari was no longer the only one excited and Yangyang exhaled a short breath.

Then he noticed something else in the dim light and reached around to grab it. A tail. He slid it through his fingers until it ended in a little triangular point. Following the line back up, he found it wasn't part of any lingerie. And it had a tiny switch.

"Ah!" Amari cried out when he flicked it.

There was the faintest, muffled buzzing, and Yangyang immediately clicked the switch back to off.

"Seriously?" he asked. He didn't think he could get more surprised tonight, but this... Really? His husband was barely wearing an angel costume and had a vibrating devil tail inside him? As a Valentine's Day gift? There was no way Amari wanted to do this on his own. He was pretty sure he knew most of his kinks by now and sexy outfits he couldn't see wasn't one of them.

"Yeah, well..." Amari cleared his throat yet again and scratched at the side of his head. "Ziggy said I couldn't dress up and not have a tail. But angels don't have tails. So..."

"You talked to Ziggy about this?" A massive grin was growing on Yangyang's face and it took everything in him not to give that away in his voice. It was obvious this was Zig's idea, but he just couldn't pass up this opportunity to tease him.

"Well who was I s'posed to talk to?" Amari spit back at him. "It's not something you can casually talk about with anyone. And who else do I know that can give me advice on how to surprise my gay husband for gay sex on Valentine's Day?"

Yangyang pulled him to his chest before he could get angry, holding him tight enough to force out a groan. "I love it," he said, giving Amari's ear a quick bite. "I love you."

"Yeah, I love you too," Amari muttered through his embarrassment.

"So..." Yangyang whispered from over his shoulder. His hand traveled down his side, under his wings, and a fingertip tapped at the tail's switch. "What is my gay angel going to do for me?"

Amari sighed, most likely regretting the entire thing, but it was too late for that now. He skimmed his fingers through Yangyang's slightly damp hair, around to find his jaw, and he pulled him in for a kiss. Using a palm to press their bodies together, Yangyang entered his mouth with his tongue, then gently walked him to the bed.

Pulling away, Amari stopped him. "Wait," he said, taking Yangyang's wrists. "Lay down."

He obeyed, laying on his back, and Amari's hands reached out to him. They skimmed along his chest and sides, making their way to his waist and thighs, searching out his form. Then he crawled over him.

"Open your legs," he ordered, positioning himself between his knees when he complied. His fingertips slipped along him, examining every inch of his hot skin, prodding at the tip to test him and traveling down each side to measure his size.

Yangyang blew out a heavy breath, watching him in the dark, tingling and quivering at every tiny touch. It took effort to push himself off the mattress and he reached behind his husband to that little switch on his devil tail.

With a heavy grunt, followed by a moan, Amari's fingers halted and tensed and his head dropped. "What're you doing?"

"It would be a shame to wear it and not use it, right?" Yangyang leaned in close, brushing lips against lips but not allowing a kiss. "How does it feel?"

Amari breathed out a soft "Fuck..." as his only answer and Yangyang chuckled. Gathering his composure, Amari pushed at his heavy shoulders, forcing him down onto his back. "It feels fucking great," he admitted, returning to Yangyang's waist and giving him a quick flick with his tongue. "But this's a gift for you."

"And I'm enjoying all of it," Yangyang replied with another light chuckle.

He was silenced as Amari took him between his lips. Wet and hot, sliding just inside his mouth, his tongue playfully pressing and curling around him. Then he went deeper, until he could feel himself slipping against the walls of his throat and his lips sucking tight against him.

Every worry and stress from the day melted away. Every little problem with audio and diva musicians and irate customers was instantly gone. He sank into the bed and nothing existed except his husband in this moment. The feeling consumed him and in what seemed like no time, he was groaning and shuddering and empty. Then everything went black.


Amari swallowed, his face burning and his entire body trembling as the vibration sent wave after wave down through his thighs and up into his stomach. Though it felt incredible, all he could think of was replacing it was something longer and wider. But his husband was tired. It would take some extra effort on his part to get him ready again. Effort he was ready to give all morning long.

Yangyang didn't move under him. He crawled slowly up his chest, his hands feeling tight abs and gliding along smooth sides. Muscles, ribs, inhuman pecks – gently grazing his nipples made him quiver – then up further to his collarbone and neck. Still, Yangyang didn't shift or say anything.

"Yang ge?" he asked, moving his fingers up to his jaw.

The only response was a familiar, faint snore through his nose and Amari snorted out a loud laugh.

"What the fuck... Did you seriously just come in my mouth and fall asleep?"

He was so hot and horny right now, but his husband was sleeping peacefully beneath him. He wanted to be angry. Instead, he let out a long sigh, slumped back onto his knees, his weight barely resting on Yangyang, and started to giggle. His hand unconsciously drifted to his own waist, but a quick, louder snore interrupted him.

"Shit." He giggled again and crept back up until he hung over Yangyang's face. "It would be wrong, right? To jerk off over a sleeping person?" He hummed, answering his own question, and searched out Yangyang's lips, giving him a lingering kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day, Yang ge."

Lifting his body up, he shuddered from the vibrations and accompanying longing, then shifted off the bed. ::Maybe Valentine's Day just isn't our holiday,:: he thought, as he wandered carefully to the bathroom to take care of himself.