Chapter 8: Honeymoon Gone Wrong

Alexus Point Of View :

"Are you sure with this Alexus?"

"Yes, why, is there a problem?" I asked angrily back to Felix. I notice that lately he doesn't seem to agree with my decision about Sofia and me.

"She's here," I stood up and adjusted myself because Sofia was already here.

"Thanks bro!" I thank Dylan.

"Where's Clyde?"

"I'm here! Am I the one who will be lost in your marriage? Alas, that is not possible!" He's crazy again.

You read correctly, Sofia and I are getting married right here in my office. Me, Felix, Dylan, Clyde and Sofia are the only ones here. They were the only three who would witness that we were married.

"What is this?" Sofia asks immediately.

"We're getting married." I smiled in response as her eyes widened.

"Why you always wanted surprises, Alexus? Look, I'm not ready. Mommy isn't here either!"

"This is me Sofia. So that's all right, okay?"


"Who will marry us here?"

"Me, why is there a problem?"

"As in you?" I almost laugh at the way she looks now. How could she seemed to have seen a ghost. Rodolf is a dwarf, and I know that's what surprised her. As Rodolf speaks my mind flies everywhere. I wonder if Nicole knows this, will she be able to forgive me? Probably not. I don't want to lose her to me, I love her so much.

"You may now kiss the bride." It was only then that I came to my senses after Rodolf raised his voice by saying, 'You may now kiss your bride' and I didn't even know if I did 'I do'.

I first stared Sofia in her eyes. I can see the nervousness she feels. As I stared at her I couldn't help but think of Nicole. I feel guilty for what I'm doing now but I have no choice e.

I smiled at Sofia then I kissed her on the cheek. I know my friends were surprised by what I did but I couldn't afford to kiss her. I promised Nicole that she was the only woman I would kiss and dedicate my heart to.


Sofia's Point Of View :

After Alexus and I got married suddenly, we went straight to his condo. I couldn't even let Mommy know in person that I couldn't go home now. Maybe tomorrow I'll explain to mommy.

What happened at our wedding? According to him, I found out that it was just a fake wedding. Why fake? Because there is an expiration. The contract only lasted one year, then our marriage was void. This is hell, but it's my destiny. Instead of yelling, why can't I just agree? After all, I also benefited from the money, and I was already paid so what can I do?

When we arrived at his condo there was a table ready near his bed and ... wait, what is this? Why is there a variety of wines here?

"I'll take a shower first, then after you." Hell, why is his voice so sexy? Shower? Eh, I just took a bath earlier, right? Is it really like that when you are rich, you have to take a shower in the morning and evening?

While Alexus was inside the bathroom I couldn't help but be nervous. Gosh, is that it? Am I really going to give up my body? Oh my God! I'm not ready yet, I don't want to yet!

"Hey, maybe you forgot that you're paid? You have no right to act there Sofia!"

"But even so, I'm nervous. I'm scared,"

"That's your decision so stand up!"

"You can preach to me, are you my mother? Are you my mother?"

"No, but I'm part of your mind!"

"Ugh! What so fuckin' ever!"

I feel like I'm mad at it while arguing on the other side of my mind.

"I'm done."

"Oh baby!" I grabbed my chest in shock here at Alexus.

"You know, that's really annoying! You always surprise me!"

I gave him my frightening looks, because the madman just laughs at me.

"What is this?"

"Towel. Take a bath."

"Why else? I took a shower this morning. Besides, I don't stink,"

"As long as you take a bath, you're also warming up the body we'll do later."

"Hey you bastard!"

"Oh, what did I do?"

"The hot one—"

"It's normal to feel hot because we'll drink wine, hmm—what you think so?"


Before I was completely embarrassed, I hurried into the bathroom to take a shower. Why am I always embarrassed when it comes to that crazy Alexus?

While I was enjoying the shower, I forgot that Alexus and I were in the condo. This is the medicine that serves my body, my mind, and the problems I bring, water is my medicine.

Water is my way of scaping from those horrible happenings in my life. Water is my way to forget everything that bothers me, for awhile. I soaked in water for more than half an hour to forget for a moment the situation I was in now. I felt so relaxed after. I smiled because I feel so light now.

I was shocked after I saw Alexus who was already drunk.

"What took you so long?" He complained when he saw me. The intoxication was also obvious in his voice.

"C'mon, drink this." I quickly reached for the glass he was giving me and I quickly drank it. That's how Alexus and I had a system, he would put wine in the glass and I would drink it, until I could feel a strange heat in my body.

"I'm so drunk," I complained to him. I didn't even take the glass he handed me.

"S-sofia .." I looked at him after he called me.


"I really love Nicole."

"I'm not asking," I replied irritably. No one even asks, right? Why is he suddenly telling a story?

"You know, you're annoying."


"While it lasts—"



"Okay. That's enough drinking, let's go to sleep Alexus."

"I don't want to, we still have work to do."




"We're going to make a baby,"

"You know, you're drunk Alexus, you should stop. Let's do it some other time."

"This is my plan. For Nicole not to be the pure flesh of my mind, let's have a baby." God for saints! Suddenly my chest throbbed faster after I felt Alexus getting too close to me.

"I-I don't know how..."

"I'll teach you how," God! Why is his voice really sexy now? F*ck! It's like music to my ears.

"Alexus, I'm warning you okay? One more approach, and I'll really kill you!"

"Come quickly, just wait for me, I need to go to comfort room first." I breathed a sigh of relief after he left his seat and headed for the comfort room. I quickly lay down on his bed and pretended to be asleep.

"C'mon Sofia, I know you're still awake." This crazy man, if he really approached me, I would hit him. He tries to wake me up but of course, it's hard to wake me up so he'll take care of it!

"Sofia," I blinked because I could feel his closeness to me, based on his voice and I could really feel him.

"God!" It was as if I saw a ghost after I confirmed that he was too close to me. He didn't speak anymore, he just brought his face close to mine. Fortunately, I was able to avoid him quickly, so he didn't kiss me.

I don't want a drunk to just get my first kiss, that's not possible, I can't allow that!

"Ugh! C'mon let's make it to end this as soon as possible." Did you see that? If he speaks he doesn't seem really drunk. He's just fooling me. For sure, he planned to pretend to be drunk again so that I could give him what he wanted? No way!

"Alexus, can we not do it now? I'm not ready yet..." I said nervously.

"No! Why do we have to stay longer? Besides, I don't want to be with you any longer or my plan will be ruined," Did you see that? Even though he was drunk he was very brutal the way he spoke!

Maybe, I have to accept that this is really my destiny. Before I could hear any hurtful words from him, I agreed to his wishes.

Yes, we made love. How? Nevermind! I don't want to tell stories anymore, he doesn't love me remember? So it's better that we all just bury the pain we made in secret. After all drowsiness also visited me immediately. So of course, I went to sleep. You guys, go to sleep too, okay? Good night!