The Meaning

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha." Barbatus carried on laughing until around 1 hour, "my apologies my dear boy but I could not help but to laugh at your comedic routine ... when I was told about you ... they never told me about you being this funny but I am serious... I am here to further train you to becoming an Assassin ... but there's something you must do in order to be prepared... here take this drink." Hayase was hesitant on drinking it.

But Barbatus insisted on him doing so, so he had no choice but to drink but as he did so, he started to vanish and when he awoke, he was in some where in the Arctic and Hayase thought to himself, "I knew I shouldn't have trusted that Demon!!" But there was nothing that Hayase could do now but just to find shelter, a couple of hours had passed and he was already given but he then saw a building and tried to look for a way in but he then saw stairs that weren't properly .... fixed.

Hayase was afraid of things like this, no not the stairs but how high it was, it looked around 3 feet tall and it made Hayase cower before him but remembering where he was, he had no choice but to climb it, the first steps were nice and easy but when he got to the top, he saw that there wasn't any floor boards but only cracks on the wood I'm which was connected to the building. He tried it for the first time ever and saw that it was more difficult that it may seem.

But when it came to halfway, that was when it became harder as he stepped on the ledge, he was unable to even move anywhere and his hand slip causing him to fall into the snow, as he got up, he could hear something that was telling him to do it again but Hayase was like, "what's the point when you can't even face your fears of heights!!" the thing began to laugh in his ears and said, "Maybe try it again... you won't be more braver if you can't do it ... or if you'll be telling me that you were mistaken as the Assassin."

It carried on repeating it until Hayase had enough and just went on the stupid stairs again in which he ... failed .... every ... time ... he was... there... it is now his 80th try... how painful but at the same time funny. "THATS IT!!!!" Hayase then screamed and jumped to where there was a chance of grabbing a hold on the handle that was meant for the feet.... he succeeded but he then caught a sneak on what was next to the building and saw that there was a bridge and jumped with all of his might to jump to there.

He almost lost his finger but thankfully was able to grab a hold but it was even harder for him to even get up as his hands were already brutally hurting from the courses, then he felt his hand lighter and looked up to see a woman who helped him up, "Looks like strong little man was able to pass the training course... do come in traveller... I am Bork ... and this is Vikana ... beautiful is it not?" Hayase was in great pain by how Bork was clenching his hands so hard... he felt like he was able to lose his whole arm.

"Oh my Bad.... hey its not time to sleep!!! Its time to train young little man..." Hayase got up and demanded to know why Barbatus sent him to Vikana, "Barbatus? You speak of the Legend himself? ..." As she said that, the villagers looked at Hayase and he replied, "I just met him ... he told me about training me of becoming an assassin but he then gave me a drink that sent me here... and now I have no clue of what the hell I'm doing here." As Bork was about to say something ... "BORK YOU NUTTON BILLOCK... SURRENDER YOU HOME AND NO ONE GET HURT!!!!" Bork and the villagers all screamed and when Hayase turned to see who it was... "Woah... now that's a fat buffalo!" Hayase was then grabbed. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING BUFFALU .... BUGBULU?!!! WHo are you? And what are you doing here?"

Hayase wanted to get off the Buffalos greasy arms but it was no use... he looked more like the Minotaur except more fatter and hideous. "I am Hayase... who is you... HOMIE?!!!" He then laughed at the tone of Hayases voice and replied, "I am Minzor... and you belong to me ... understand ugly pig?" He did not want to spend his lifetime as Minzors Property.