Synchronisation Time

Edward: What are we going to be doing now Hayase? It's not like there's other places that haven't been corrupted by other people, I'll tell you this... Korton was more important than all of the others and since you killed him and that meant that they were getting weaker at the hundreds.

Hayase: One thing is for sure though and that is to plan on the next attack that he shall attempt at noon... since many of the gang members wont be able to use sight into their advantage, it will already be an incredible advantage since we.. SH

Hayase and Edward then took cover as they saw a set of gang members who were harassing a women, Hayase was about to go in and save her but she along with a few other women killed the gang members in an instant, they then saw Edward and Hayase and they both ran for their lives.

"Just who are they?" asked Hayase and Edward replied, "I believe they are the Forty Elephants, known to be the most notorious female gangs ever..." the Forty Elephants were still chasing after Hayase and Edward when an enemy gang member saw the Forty Elephants, he lashed out some sort of metal like whip and when he swung the metal whip.... it instantly killed 3 of the 4 Forty Elephants and the last one was about to be killed when Hayase saved her recklessly, "So then... you want some too... fine by me." He swung the whip again but then the remaining Forty Elephants member used a smoke bomb and she with Hayase and Edward escaped to the trains, the gang member chased after them but stopped when they were already gone. "Run while you can... because you'll never survive tomorrow."

"Thanks for the inconvenient rescue... I didn't realise that I had found a man who was willing to save a woman.... Bessy Parker... at your service... wait a second... you're Henry Erxol ... the man that killed WD Korton, I must say that you did a pretty fine job I must say and who might this be."

"Uhm Edward Ma'am... Edward Smith, Hayase Erxol... I mean Erzols right hand man... pleasure to meet you." Hayase then interrupted the talk and asked about the gang member that tried to kill her, "That man is Alex Carter... man is wanted for 1000 things but the police ignore it... he along with his 'BOYFRIEND' Maxwell Dollar.

They have been terrorising this area for a good 10 years... and the matter at hands is that he is responsible that many of the Forty Elephants were killed by his blade... he calls it the 'Whip of Titan'.

If you're asking me that should be used to whip his boyfriend everytime they get busy in bed... oh .. here's my stop... catch ya'll on the flip side." They then watched as Parker was leaving them by themselves into what they have to do, "I suggest that we get rid of Carter first, he seems to be Dollars wavepoint."

Hayase thought something else as Carter was already danger by himself... he knew that he had to get a hold of Carters gaunlets as they were attached to his spider whips (I called it the spider whips... oh you'll find out sooner or later.)

"I'd say we... focus on killing our original target, if Carter is stupid enough to arrive there and see the damage, we can be able to kill him or somewhat obtain his gauntlets... he doesn't carry any other weapons except for those.... spider whips." Edward was sceptical but was willing to try.

They went to the location of their target, "Edward... I need you as lookout... notify me when Carter or anyone comes to the location understand?" Edward understood and he went as Lookout while Hayase was to bring the target back alive to a random business man... he knew that he couldn't trust the note but it did take about a huge amount of money being rewarded. Hayase was lucky to find his target but what made it unlucky was that Edward caught and was sent for execution so Hayase had to choose to save Edward or bring the Target in.

Hayase found it difficult to decide but was about to save Edward when Bessy returned and she had a rifle and few explosives that killed most of the gang members except for Edwsrd and the target, "Is this the sod you're after?" Hayase replied with a nod of yes and she also set Edward free.

She then escorted them to the location where a man named Bernard Bucklewhich would be Hayases big resource in the city of London. "I'd knew it was you Hayase... after seeing you kill Korton, I must say Bravo!! I might need you again soon."