Spider Whip Man

"Why would you help me?" but before he could even ask that question, the so called 'Jack the Killer' was gone leaving Hayase to be cautious in using it since he didn't know what they were scheming, it could have been a trap or... "Ah you've found it!" Bernard made his appearance behind Hayase.

"Do forgive me my good man but you have already walked in that man's trap, see? He's rigged that when you use it, it will inject a deadly poison meaning you'll be dead and most of London will still be in corruption, allow me to take them and modify it.... if I have the manuscripts.


"Hayase wait!!! I thought you might like this.... it some kind of instruction manual for a certain item, I dont recognize the picture myself but all I know is that it needs to be in the hands of someone that can be trustworthy."

Hayase took the Manuel and both him and Edward were leaving Batus to his business to be booming, "What do you think it could be?" asked Edward, "Have no clue but it'll come in handy sooner or later, we just need to know when and where."

End of Flashback

Hayase then presented the instructions Manual and when examining it, they both looked the same to Hayase's hidden blade, "May I have permission to use your hidden blade, its just that these are important for that you are wearing, I'll make some modifications and do meet me at my shop, the factory, many of the workers are being taken care of properly, of you must know."

Hayase didn't understand what he was implying and this was the moment where he found out about the cruelty of London, Hayase went to rendezvous with Edward as to plan on what to do next.

When he got to the rendezvous point, a letter was sent by the Mohawks that read, "We've got your little pet Edward and a very sassy lady, come by Thames if you want to see them alive and don't plan on doing anything... rational, I have my spies watching over you."

With no Hidden Blade nor anything to fight with except his pistol, Hayase was sure as dead, "I have to get rid of the spies first... but where could they be?" Hayase knew if he drew attention then it was the end for Edward and Bessy so he had to be cautious.

Hayase decided to walk to Thames but he had problems in finding Thames so he had to check out his luck, Hayase then saw Bernard's factory, how he knew that you might ask? Because he saw him walking into his own factory and he had a big B on the middle meaning that it was his.

Hayase ran inside as quick as he could before any of the spies could see him, as he went inside... he saw that many of the workers were children and they were in some sort of Labour, he asked every children in why they were working and they all replied, "We need to make money for our families!!"

"This was what Bernard was implying and it couldn't have been his factory.... could it? Could it? Hayase then heard Bernard's voice as he was infuriated, "How can you be willing to take my factory and make my workers work for you.... this is one thing that I have despised about you people, you think it's okay to take over anything that you think is your property so I'll give you a hint and tell you leave my good sir!!!"

"Theres that problem, you care about others and not yourself... it's no wonder why you never have control of Thames... I have control of it because of how much the people trust me and my client, John Lewis so I'm afraid that we will have to..." Hayase then appeared behind and choked him to death.

"Oh my dead... it's you again... why are you here? Do you have anything else to do?" Hayase explained his situation, "Ah I see... well good news... I have fixed the hidden blade and even reshaped this ... titanam? Into a hidden blade itself, watch." Bernard demonstrated as he opened the blade and the next thing it turned into a whip, "As you see... I was able to transform the blade into something that can not be destroyed and is useful to move around London with it." Hayase was confused by what he was implying, Bernard decided to let Hayase use his new blade on his own, "Oh and here's your hidden blade, I have combined the blade with the same metal that was used to make this weapon meaning you'll be able to withstand any pain since you can use it many ways, neat right?"